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"Mikael cannot know." Esther tells her long time friend, Ayanna. Ayanna gives a short nod as she takes the child from Esther's arms.

"This is for her, when she is old enough to understand." Esther mutters as she hands over a hand-carven box engrave with an M at the top.

"Esther, please rethink this spell. It will only give Mikael more control over you and the children." Ayanna pleaded with Esther.

"You don't understand, Mikael wants our children safe. He says its the only way. but if the spell goes wrong I still want a Mikaelson to survive," Esther replies back before she turned around and stalks off, tears steaming down her face.

The bundle in Ayanna's arms began to cry.

"Hush, little Erikah, I will keep you safe," Ayanna mummered as she turns around to walk back in the house.


Nine years later

Erikah is playing with the other children of the village in the town's square. Erikah and the other children are playing a game that we now call tag. Some of the village people were watching the children play while others were doing chores. A hush fell among the people as a group of ragged men came riding into the village. The men were dirty and some even had blood on their hands.

Erikah clutches the hand of her best friend as she felt her friend shakes. The group of men came to a stop in front of the children. The village people start rushing to grab their children before any of them could be snatched up. Fredrick, a boy of the age of 12, was not so lucky to leave before one of the men grabbed him.

"Boy, you looking to join us?" The men asked. It didn't sound like much of a question as the boy shivered in fear. These men were men of war. They look to pillage and steal from other villages.

Erikah was starting to get mad. How dare he treat the boy like that. Angry Erikah marched over and lunged at the man, cutting with sword she made out of some things she found around her house.

"What do you think you are doing, sir?" She questioned the man as he threw her off of him grunting in pain.

"Whatever I please, lass." He stated before he threw the boy on the ground. Erikah flicked her wrist and he staggered backwards.

"Alright, lass, you asked for it," the angry man jumped amd went to make a grab for Erikah, but someone else was standing there.

"Who are you?" The man asked.

"Niklaus Mikaelson and this is Elijah, Kol, Finn, and Rebekah, my siblings." The man who stood in front of Erikah said.

"May you excused me, Niklaus. I am trying to teach this lass a lesson." The angry man stated.

"I don't think so," He said before he grabbed the guy and threw him a few feet back. Niklaus turned around and bent over.

"Are you okay, lass?" he asked as his eyes grew wider. Erikah nodded.

"You know, you remind me of someone. Someone I loved dearly, but she has parted from this world. Now, what is your name, lass?" He asked as Elijah and Finn walked over to Niklaus.

"Erikah" The girl said proudly.

"Erikah, the protector," Elijah murmured as he bent over and gave Erikah a flower. Erikah smiled and blushed.

"Good day, Erikah," Niklaus murmured as he walked towards town. His siblings followed him.

Erikah made sure the other children were all right before she dashed home to Ayanna, excited to tell her about her day.

Erikah stopped as she round the corner to house and saw Elijah standing there. Erikah looked confused at him before continuing to her home. When Erikah arrive to the back of the house she could hear Ayanna and the man from earlier, Niklaus, arguing.

"I want her body, WITCH!" The words from him came out rough.

"You leave her alone, you already did enough," I heard Ayanna reply back.

"You can keep trying to do you witchy spells but they aren't going to work. I have a witch on my side as well," Niklaus told her. Erikah had enough of this, she decided to push her way in to the house.

"What are you doing to my mother?" Erikah asked Niklaus. Niklaus looked startled as this little girl spoke.

"She has something that belongs to me. I want it BACK! Give me ESTHER!" Niklaus shouted.

"You mean Esther, the witch buried in the cave?" Erikah spoke to him. Niklaus's head snapped towards her.

"Which cave, protector?" Niklaus asked.

"As long as you leave us alone, I'll will tell you," Erikah responses.

"Well, lass, you have yourself a deal," NIklaus told her.

10 years later, Erikah is now 19.

"There is no going back, Erikah. Once you perform this spell, that's it." Ayanna stated to her daughter.

"I have too, I need to protect the ones who can't be protect. They are hundreds dying at the hands of my family. " Erikah pleaded

"As long as you know what you are doing," Ayanna finally gave up. After weeks of fighting with Erikah, she let her win.

Erikah smiled at her mother before she ran and got the salt and brought it back to Ayanna. Ayanna drew the circle around Erikah.

Erikah then read from her Esther's grimoire and performed the ritual to turn her immortal. Ayanna then took out the iron dagger from the box, stabbing Erikah in the heart. Erikah then came back to life and dranked blood from Ayanna. Erikah was finally a vampire. One of the originals.

The Other Mikaelson: An Erikah Mikaelson NovelWhere stories live. Discover now