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Your eyes are drunken and dazed
upon sight of me.
I know you feel it babe,
Your kisses say that much
And I feel it in my gut; 
That the look you gave me briefly is something no one else has seen,
That your parted lips and heavy breath meant so much more than lust.
Too much more, maybe.
But for that split second,
You were paralyzed in awe
And I got to see how you feel for the only goddamn time.
I noticed,
And kissed you softly again,
And again.
One, two, gentle little pecks,
Wrapped in the midst of euphoria.
Then you came back
And the walls that had crumbled before me
Built themselves back up,
Brick by brick.
But that look is something I will never forget,
It will burn within me for an eternity.

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