Chapter Three

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Sherlock closed the door behind him, sighing. he held the key in one hand and read the inscription on the end. "Library huh? Well- I enjoy a good book" He said, then took off. Heading down the stairs and to the right hallway. Near the kitchen. The key fit in the lock and the door opened. Sherlock made sure to stuff the key in his pocket before he went in.

He entered, and a good yard of wall still left between the open space and the door. He took a few steps. A thick pillar across from him near the end of the hall. He went farther into the room. thick shelves had a good yard between them. Having only 2 rows and one father from the wall. But both were covered in books on both sides. Books on all kinds. A table was littered with papers and a map.

Sherlock noticed something on the table and went to look at it. A perfectly (and professionally) made scone was sitting there. Steaming. "A- A scone?" Sherock asked. He pressed on it lightly. It wasn't charred or emitting evil from it. "It's not made by Hetalia at any rate. Shouldn't be that bad.." He said. Almost suddenly- he found a backpack. No- a satchel. No one was using it- it even had his name on it. How strange. He put the key and the scone *after wrapping it in a handkerchief* in the bag and closed it.

As soon as the bag had closed, Sherlock was thrown into the wall. Around his neck- enclosed a large grey hand. Sherlock looked up and saw the grey beast. It's large, black eyes resembled that of a stereotypical alien's, narrowed and the hand closed tighter around the fandom's neck. Slowly cutting off Sherlock's air supply.

Sherlock reached for his gun. Finding it, he pulled it out and undid the safety. Without looking away from the monster. Sherlock held the gun up- hand shaking as he lost air. He pointed it at the beast and fired. It shrieked and fell back. Sherlock gasped for breath, and stood. Leaning on the wall as air circulated through his body. And with it- adrenaline. He checked the bullets- and made sure he had the ammo needed. But that was already supplied within the confines of the satchel.

The beast ran to Sherlock. Who made a run for the door. Being faster than it. The door was locked. Sherlock dug for the key- but it was gone. He turned the other way and dashed. Running quickly to the bookshelves. He ran to the corner where two walls met. Suspicion and then conclusion of where hsi lost key could be. He dodged the monster who tried to corner him by jumping over the bookshelves with skill.

"YoU.... wOn'T.... Esc...ApE" The monster groaned in a deep and dark voice. Sherlock turned after jumping to the top of another bookshelf. The last row until the table. "DiE" The Monster roared. Staring at Sherlock over the shelves it couldn't jump over. "No" Sherlock said, monotone. He jumped to the table, then dashed to the door. He unlocked it as the monster was nearing and slammed the door shut after walking through. He immediantly felt the threat gone. So he opened the door to check... he saw-

Nothing. The room was empty. "What... What on earth was that thing" Sherlock breathed. He went upstairs- deciding to leave Supernatural alone- he walked up the next flight of stairs. The 3rd floor. the hallway was shaped like a C. Another flight of stairs going up, and 2 rooms. But with 3 doors total. Sherlock took a right- to the first room. But it was locked. He then went forward and took a left. In the center of the right wall was another door. So he tried to open the door to the second room. It was also locked.

He went to the stairs- a random pot was there- but he dismissed it. Then he went up the final staircase. He hung a left. That being the only direction to go. And found another door on the right wall. This was also locked. He went to the end of the hall after going left again. This room at the end- was also locked. "Why is everything locked up here" Sherlock muttered to himself as he trudged all the way back down to the first floor.

He went back into the library. Again- it was empty. He was determined to find the others- as Supernatural wasn't fit for the job at the moment. In the center of the room- was a key. Sherlock picked up up. "A key? Maybe- the monster dropped it while running" He said, stuffing it in a different part of the bag. He left the library after checking around for anything more. They key read "4th floor". Though nothing was specific. So- Sherlock went to the 4th floor.

He went to the last door on the 4th floor. It opened with the key. He entered, finding a bookshelf in the far left corner, the lower left corner had a decorative curtain that was tattered and worn down with age.  A table had a single chair and a red book laying open on it's surface. The table was pushed against the wall. Another stool was carelessly left on the lower right side of the room. Infront of a pure white carpet.

In the middle of the left wall was a large chair. More like a throne- it served no real purpose. Sherlock inspected the book. It was a script for one of the episodes in his fandom. Mortiary's entrance as a full-blown threat. Something no one ever really expected. He set the book down and left the page where it was. The end. Anyone who would read it would probally ask for more. But the next script wasn't included.

Sherlock went to the bookshelf. It seemed alittle out of place- so he pushed it back. A yowl came from the other side- making Sherlock move the bookshelf immediantly. A white cat with tan spots was stuck in a rather small hole, just around it's midriff and very close to the floor. It couldn't move it's paws or stand- so escape was impossible for the creature.

"Oh. It's just a cat. Are you stuck?" Sherlock asked, holding it's hand out for the cat to sniff. It licked his hand as a sign of 'you are acceptable in my book', then looked up at the Fandom. It's expression read- "Help me, Bitch". Sherlock tried to get the the cat out. But stopped which his efforts proved useless.

"I can't get you out, not like this.." Sherlock said, letting the cat go. "Hmmm... Maybe Supernatural can get you out. I wonder if he would come here for such a reason" Sherlock said, sitting back on his heels as he had to kneel down to reach the cat's level. "Then again- I'll probally have to be the one to get him out...." Sherlock admitted. The cat sighed silently. Then gave Sherlock a look like "Really? Get me the fuck out of this wall". "Alright. I'll have to ask him" Sherlock said, then left to drag Supernatural back here.

He reached the room and stared at the place the curtain once was. Instead of the ratted and old curtain- it was a iron door. You read it correctly- and Iron. Door. "This... wasn't here before" Sherlock said, tapping his knuckles on the surface. "Supernatural. Do you have a minute? I'd like to talk to you" Sherlock said, knocking again. The echoing sound of his hand colliding with iron was the only sound for a moment.

"Sherlock? Is that you? What is the matter?" Supernatural's voice carried through the thick iron. And drew nearer as it spoke. As if Supernatural was farther away. "You see- there is a cat stuck in a wall. Up on the fourth floor. I was wondering if you could try and get it out" Sherlock said. Silence was for a moment. "Alright- I'll go get it. But I have a favor to ask" Supernatural said. "If it is something I'm able to do" Sherlock replied.

"When I was running- I dropped my gun. Could you go look for it?" Supernatural said. "Coincidence is upon us. I happen to have your gun right here" Sherlock said. "oh..." Supernatural said, in his tone was a bit of... disappointment. "I'll pass it to you" Sherlock said, pushing the gun under the door- which was off the ground alittle bit. "It was lying on the bed next door" Sherlock added. "I see... thanks" Supernatural said. "No problem. I found it by chance, after all. Now let's hurry to the fourth fl-" "Actually... I'm sorry but-- could you find me something to eat aswell?" Supernatural said.

Sherlock thought for a moment. 'It is my scone- besides he doesn't like British foods' He thought. "Ah- I didn't bring anything with me... I don't have any ingredients either..." Sherlock admitted. "I see... if it not too much trouble- could you go find something? I really don't have any energy" Supernatural said.

"W-What!? How can I possibly find food in this place!?" Sherlock said, surprised. 'It is still my scone' he added in his mind. "Please- I have no strength. Anything is fine just... something, okay?" Supernatural said. Sherlock crossed his arms and glared daggers into the door. "Fine. I'll try and find something. I have to find Mlp and Homestuck anyways" He added, turning on his heel and leaving. "Wait!" Supernatural called. Sherlock went back to the door, "what is it?" He asked.

"Take this with you" Supernatural said, slipping a can of something under the door. Sherlock picked it up. 'Beer!? Why does he have Beer!? He knows I don't drink!' Sherlock thought, stashing the drink away. "Thank you. I'm leaving now" Sherlock said. He left and closed the door behind him.

'Why did we come here in the first place?' Sherlock thought grumpily, going downstairs.


Another chapter~~~!!!!

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