The overheard conversation

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Indian public and media is probably the worst in the whole world, and apparently, the more successful you get, the more it judges you.

Sometimes the strain of it all got to Virat. How people kept throwing comments without knowing the entire story. How every move of his--specially as captain--was constantly under the radar.

Whenever captaincy issues came up, Virat felt that he couldn't discuss it with Rohit. He just couldn't, because so often the debates brought Rohit in as well.

So, when he was feeling rather down one day during the WI tour in 2019, Virat went to Bhuvi's room.

Bhuvi looked up as Virat entered and he smiled warmly. "You look worn out, Virat."

"I know I shouldn't mind all this nonsense, but I keep feeling I haven't quite done a good job as captain, Bhuvi."

"What? Why?"

"Just like that. I always feel that way. The 2019 World Cup...2017 Champions Trophy...and all those IPLs..."

"Don't bring IPL into this," said Bhuvi at once.

"Ok," agreed Virat. "But even in the international scene--"

"Virat," sighed Bhuvi. "Every person in this team thinks you're a great captain. Every single one. Why do outsiders even matter?"

Virat and Bhuvi didn't know that Jassi had been passing the room just then and had overhead everything.

Virat bhaiya actually doubts that he's a great captain? Is he mad?

Just then Kuldeep and Hardik came thundering down the corridor, Hardik annoying Kuldeep as usual.

"What's up with you, Jass?" asked Hardik, stopping short.

Jassi pulled the two of them away from Bhuvi's room and asked directly, "Isn't Virat bhaiya a wonderful captain?"

The two of them stared at him, shocked.

"Of course he is. Who doubted that?" asked Hardik.

"He doubts it himself," said Jassi, shaking his head.

"How can he!"

"I have no idea. Listen... Teachers' Day is coming, isn't it? Let's do something for him."

"To show how much we love him as our captain?" said Kuldeep, his face lighting up.

"Why Teacher's Day?" asked Hardik, irritating as always.

"Because a captain is a teacher first and foremost," retorted Jassi; Hardik was the only one he ever spoke to in that tone, maybe because they had practically grown up together in the last few years.

"I think it's a great idea," said Kuldeep. "You're a terrible spoilsport, Harry."

"I'm not, I'm not!" yelled Hardik.

"Don't shout!" said Jassi. "So you're up for it?"

Hardik shook hands solemnly with his two partners.

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