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I feel your arms around me as you whisper songs in my ear. You lightly touch my hands and smell my hair as I sit next to you.

It was a short ride but it felt forever. I feel like hours passed by while we talk and laugh inside the cab. This is our everyday routine and it makes me wonder how I can travel without you by my side.

I always wish we can be more than we could think of, but the reality still holds me back.

Maybe you are my TOTGA or my biggest what ifs but I think this is not good.

I like your kisses and the way you hug me; the way you treat me and the way to set me as your priority, but I know to myself that someone out there is waiting for you to come home. Someone out there is waiting for their turn to be kissed and hugged.

We only know each other for a month now and everyday you step out of the line that I kept on adjusting. I want to tell you that this is something that I want and I don't like. My head is still confuse by the thought that you can be a harm to me or something that will always be my secret.

I don't want to hurt her but everytime I travel alone, I kept on looking at places we met like I was taking a glimpse of the past hoping that it can be replayed.

This is not the usual me, I know myself for years now and I know that I am completely contented with my significant other but you arrived and made me taste a new flavor of joy.

You are not my love, I don't like you either, but I love how you treat me. I think that is the new flavor I've been longing for. Someone who will set me as their precious gem.

I am not writing this to be misunderstood. I am writing this because I can't contain myself, I can't control how my heart skips a beat as you kiss me gently a while ago. I can't even say that I crave it even more and I would like it to be like that.

We should stop right here and continue our own path far from each other. We should say our goodbyes or we can be caught by the eyes of people around us.

This joy must not grow or it will turn into love. I don't know if I'll ever ride a taxi cab after this.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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