Part 46
Leo had kissed u to stut u up and said I would never do that to u princes niether will Charlie I will stick by you side all of the time princess let's go back to sleep don't want to be tired in the morning do we now time started ticking you slept and slept kept waking up in a middle of the dream it kept continuing though out the night you couldn't sleep at all so u woke up had a warm nutella drink and went up stairs to the toilet and went to sleep in your room you didn't want to sleep down stairs because it felt like leo was making you have the dream by him hugging you ,you where scared so u went back down stairs and snuggled up to leo and charlie but hugging leo and you kept waking up u with thing of the the bed resonsd why leo should become famous you weren't thinking positive u where thinking about leo leaving you and things like that you couldn't go to sleep u sat up crying quickly trying to not wake any one up u where crying for hours you felkt horrible so u tried going to sleep cuddling up to Charlie and you finily slept though out the night and never got up until 4 in the after noon you woke up and ........................ Next part is coming up soon please vote my first bam story please it would mean so much thank you so much your the best xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx