the Protectors guild pt. 1

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Please don't hate me for not working on other stories, my mind just does what it wants and I don't control it. I hope you enjoy. And also 'This' (not the bold or the word but the ' because I can't remember what it's called will be thoughts.

Bryan's POV

I'm trying so hard not to eat too fast to make sure I don't choke on my food, but not too slow so that I'm not late. I case you're wondering what's got me so excited, I'm going to be joining the Protectors guild today. My brothers through adoption, are already in guilds, and now it's my turn. One of my brothers, Mario, is in Divinus Magia. And yes he did use to be a criminal, but he's trying to make up for the things he did, and that's all that matters. My other brother, Mitch, is a part of Grimshade, he used to be a part of the Wandering Coins but left for some reason that he didn't want to mention. I do want to know but I'm not going to push it as it's most likely personal.

When I finished my breakfast, I made my way to the front door and went outside where I saw Firework, my abnormally large wolf friend with grey fur and black tiger stripe markings on his fur. The 2 of us have a strange bond where we can communicate to each other through thoughts.

'Will you hurry up and get on so we can go' I nodded but I guess he was getting impatient because he used his teeth too grab me and toss me onto his back. He smirked at me.

'You on?' I nodded at his question and gripped onto his dark blue collar as tightly as I could. It was smart of me to do so because he almost instantly started running and if I wasn't holding on I would probably be on the ground in pain. It didn't take long but we made it to the protectors guildhall. Once I got off, he let me put a leash on the collar to hopefully cause anyone that would panic to calm down. When we walked in I saw a girl with white hair, a girl with pink hair who I believe is the guild leader, a boy with blue hair, an adorable animal who's species was unknown to me, and a cat. When they saw me and Firework I almost giggled at their faces. I decided to speak.

"Don't worry about Firework here, he doesn't attack unless provoked." They seemed to calm down but the cat still looked wary of him. After the look of wariness disappeared, he than seemed ready to speak.

''Hello everyone, I'm glad to have you all come here today. The Protectors guild is glad to have you. Now you must all see if you're worthy of joining this great establishment.'' I looked around as he said ''great establishment'' and admired it quickly as he continued and I didn't want to miss anything because that would be rude.

''May I introduce you too, your queen Bri'' he was pointing towards the pink haired girl I saw when I entered. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the cat continued.

''Leader of the Protectors guild, and the queen of dragons.'' Before I could communicate with Firework, he beat me to it.

'Queen of dragons... maybe she knows something about the dragon that trained you' I responded to him with a simple 'maybe' and ignored him since Bri started talking.

''Hi guys umm... as he said, I am the dragon queen and also the leader of the Protectors, you guys have gathered here today and with all of the applications Lo Pho and I have posted around the town, as you've heard we're looking for more members of the Protectors.''

We all sat in silence for a few seconds before Bri broke it.
''You guys are a very quiet bunch.''

I was kind of shy but spoke anyways.

''W-well I don't k-know about th-these guys, but I wasn't talking because I was worried I would interrupt someone.'' I mentally slapped myself for stuttering. The others gave their own responses but it was hard to hear what people were saying.

''Um ok than... do you guys want to begin with introducing yourselves?''

The cat who I now know as Lo Pho spoke.
''Yes, who would like to step forw-'' he was cut off by a voice belonging to a female.

''I'm here!!! I'm sorry!!!'' After everyone turned towards the voice and saw a girl running in Bri voiced her opinion.

''Ahh. Tardiness at its finest.'' The girl denied it.

''No, you see there was a skunk, and let's just say you wouldn't want to have been there.'' Everyone except for me had some sort of look on their faces.

''Don't step too close.'' As Bri was saying that, the girl stepped closer and Firework dragged me by the sleeve a bit farther from the girl than I originally was. The girl seemed to panic a bit and spoke again.

''N-no no n-no it-it's fine, I don't think I smell too bad.'' Firework let go of me at that but was still ready to drag me away.

''Um h-hi, did I miss something? You all are very intimidating, especially the wolf, wow. Um.. what did I miss?''
Bri spoke to answer the girl's question.

''Nothing really, we're just about to start introducing ourselves.'' The girl seemed relieved.

''Okay great, oh yeah I'll just be over here.'' She just backed up towards the same side as me but across from the white haired girl. Lo Pho and Bri started speaking at the same time but she stopped to let him speak.

''Who would like to step forward first?'' The girl that interrupted us spoke first.

''I can go! Um if that's okay with you guys.'' We all gave our own form of yes but everyone except for me was shocked when Firework spoke.

'D-did that wolf ju-'' I cut Bri off.

'Yes. Yes he did. This is normal so don't panic if you hear him speaking.'' They all nodded before the girl introduced herself and apologized to Bri for whatever reason since I was too distracted to hear what was said.

''M-my apologies your highness. My name is Kay and it's a pleasure to meet you and make your aqaintince.''
Bri smiled politely.

''It's  nice to meet you Kay, can you tell me some things you like to do?''

''Oh! Um... um.. uh.. I'm all about nature. Y-you know, I love the forest stuff, running through the forest. You know that sort of thing, hunting. Just being out in the wilderness.''

''That's-that's nice to hear. Who wants to go next?'' No one stepped forward and I heard Firework sigh.

''We'll go.'' Before I could say anything he started pushing me towards the center of the room.

He gave me a strong push and I would have fallen face first on the ground if Firework didn't grab me. He tossed me up onto his back which made it obvious that I wasn't getting down unless I did what he said. The others were either giggling or chuckling at our behaviour.

I let out a sigh before did what Firework forced me to do.

''My name is Bryan Divil and this big guy here is Firework. Also I introduced myself so can I get down now?'' He pretended to think before a smirk appeared on his face.

''Sorry but nope.'' I groaned and buried my face into his warm fur. I heard laughs from the others which made me feel better.

That's all for now, I would make it a longer chapter but I wanted to get this out as soon as possible so there's going to be a part 2. Rember to always try and have a good day/night. Bye wolf pups.

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