Chapter 1- The Hottie

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Mia's P.O.V

Beep! Beep! Beep! I slam my hand down on my alarm as my dog runs in my bedroom and jumps on my bed. He crawls on top of me and licks my face.

"Max down!" I say laughing.

He wags his tail and jumps off my bed and runs out. I smile as I slip in the shower.


I slip out and dry off. I walk into my room and grab my gray sweatpants and blue tank top and slip it on. I dig through my closet and grab my running shoes and put them on. I put my hair in a sloppy pony tail.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a granola bar. I eat my granola bar and grab my phone, I hook it up to my strap on my arm. I stick my headphones in my ears and turn on my favorite song. I live in a beach house so I am literally right on the beach. I do this routine every morning and jog up the beach and back.

I walk toward the door and there is Max, his leash in his mouth.

"Hey boy!" I say enthusiastically as I hook up the leash and start to jog.

We pass the diner on the beach and Max all of the sudden rips the leash out of my hand, making it burn. I start to sprint after him, but my hair whips to my eyes. I close my eyes so they don't burn. I reach up to pull the hair from my face and hit a solid force.

"Oph!" I gasp as I tumble to the ground.

A strong hand grasps mine and pulls me up. "I am so sorry, my dog ran away and I was following him. I wasn't paying attention," says the man that the hand belongs to.

"Woah," slips from my lips as I look at how handsome he is.


"Oh, nothing. The same thing just happened to me," I say as he smirks. Ahhhhh! I try to contain myself seeing his adorable dimples.

"Well, see you around."

"Yeah, I guess," I say as I keep my eyes on him. I bend down to pick up my phone, I feel around, feel my phone, and pick it up. I turn around smiling. I run home and sit on my bed thinking of what to text my best friend in the whole world, Kara, about the hottie and Max of course. She would know exactly what to do. I grab my phone and look at it. It wasn't my phone......

We just did the classic flip-flop of phones. Ughhhh, just great! Maybe I could get his password. I click the home button and slide my pointer finger across the screen.

First, I try 2..2..2..2, that's a popular password right now.

Try again.

Drat's! Ummm....

Oh! I type in 1..2..3..4, the screen opens up and show all his apps.

"YES!!!" I shout as I jump up. I brush off my shoulders proud. I open up messages. I type in my phone number, ready to send.

In the message box I type in,

To my phone:

Hi, I think we swapped phones. My password to my phone is, 9473. Call me so we can get this phone thing worked out! Oh and you might want to change your password, it's easy to guess.

My phone....sorry, his phone buzzes in my lap. I pick it up, I got a text.

From my phone:

Okay, meet me at the diner at 6:30? We can swap back phones, and maybe eat dinner if you like? And thanks for the advice.

To my phone:

I would love to.

I am about to click send when I hear a knock at the door. I walk to the door and open it.

"Look at who I found," says Kara holding Max's leash. I walk around her and saw Max sitting there hiding from me. I smile, he is feeling ashamed of what he did. It's so cute.

"You naughty little boy," I scold him, patting his furry head. He is a large golden retriever, and an adorable one at that. "Come on in," I offer Kara as she follows me into my kitchen with Max trailing behind her.

"So, what happened?" Kara ask as she sits in the stool next to me.

"Well, we were jogging, like normal, when he ran off. I started running after him when crashed into this really cute guy. He said that he was running after his dog too. He had the cutest dimples! Anyways, when he walked away I couldn't help but stare at him. I picked up my phone and by the time he was gone I realized I had his phone," I explain to her.

"Give it to me," she demands.

"What?" I frown questioning her.

"Give me his phone," she repeats.

"Why?" I continue to question her, but I can tell she is getting frustrated.

"Just give it to me!"

"Fine," I say as I walk to my room to grab it. I bring it out to her and she snatches it from me.

"What's the password?"

"1, 2, 3, 4," I say, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to find out if he has a girlfriend," she answers and smirks at me.

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