11. Mission 1 - My Lady (6)

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A/N: Once again, there is some ship terminology. I don't redefine words I already covered before. If I do, it was by accident. Lemme no l know if you actually want repeated a/ns about them.

Chapter Title: It Was A Dark And Shitty Night

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The Concorde was Captain Furrow's personally owned vessel. He knew everything about it, especially its strengths and weaknesses. That was invaluable in times of a crisis, but there he was...not steering the ship...in a crisis.

Do you know why or how he got like this? Tanzu stood up, clutching the table when another wave rocked the ship.

[I'm sorry, I don't.] 909 does not have an omniscient view of everything that happens all the time. He only expands his 'sight' whenever its host specifically asks a question that requires it to, and even that had its physical limits.

Emma's prodding reminded Tanzu that she hadn't spoken yet.

"He's not dead, just unconscious." She answered distractedly.

I thought he rung the bell.

[He did.]

Tanzu didn't know what to make of this. She patted his clothes at random; they were definitely wet. Then why did he come back? Was it to steal a drink, or did he already smell like a barrel of rum when he issued out the orders? If he came back for for something else, was it so important that he had to leave in the middle of the storm? And most importantly, is he wasted or injured right now?

Tanzu was about to bend down again to inspect Captain Furrow more closely when she heard Emma's footsteps rapidly thing towards the door.

"Emma! Where are you going?" Tanzu felt exasperated.

"I must tell Paul!" Was all Tanzu heard before Emma's figure disappeared from the room.

Who the heck is Paul? Tanzu almost asked out loud.

She was examining Captain Furrow's head for any possible trauma. He had a thick bed of dark hair, but felt no blood or bumps around the back of his head.

[He's the man from the hatchway.] 909 heard Emma call him that when they were arguing earlier.

Tanzu was debating whether to turn him to the side to inspect further whend909's answer made her freeze.

Is Paul still by the hatchway?



Tanzu hissed when she accidentally rammed the back of her head into the underside of the table in her haste to get out. She staggered onto her feet and ran after Emma.

Update me on her movements.

Tanzu was sure the Plotline was going to help her get above deck through that character. The Concorde was hit with yet another harsh wave. Her reflexes barely had time to protect her head from crashing into the side of the corridor.

[Host, she has gotten out!]

She tried not to think about whether that wave had anything to do with Emma's sudden success, for it would remind her that she could be the next unfortunate soul to be thrown off the ship. When she came across the wooden stairway, the ship's bow dipped down, sending her skidding past them and into the wall right ahead of her. (a/n: forward part of the hull of a boat/ ship)

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