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I sat in my bedroom pacing and waiting for Jacob to get back. Ever since I saw that text I've been really worried about our relationship. Me and Jacob both wanted different things, and that's normal. But do most relationships want different people too..? Finally I heard the front door open and I ran towards it. "Someone's excited to see me." He said chuckling. I gulped and he gave me a small hug. "We need to talk.." I said I'm a low shaky voice. "What's wrong..?" I sighed and we both walked towards the living room and sat down. "What is it?" He asked. I bit my lip and put a hand on his. "Who is Iris Apatow?" He gulped and opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out "Millie.. I can .. I can explain.." I stood up and said "What? What can you explain? Who is she and why are you texting her?" He stood up as well and tried to reach out for me but I pulled away. "No.you don't get to touch me. You've already touched enough girls and I won't be another." He furrowed his eye brows and yelled "what's that supposed to mean?!"

I looked at him in the eyes and said "Your a man Whore and your cheating on me with some Instagram slut!" He gulped and said "First I am not a man whore! And second Iris is not an Instagram slut!" I rolled my eyes and said "Well then mr. man whore, first yes yes you are! And Iris is an Instagram slut! Have you seen her comments?! She practically sleeps with everyone there!" He put his hands in the air as if to surrender and backed up. "Look Millie If your going to be like that-" I looked at him confused and said "be like what?! Someone who doesn't tolerate being cheated on?!" He rolled his eyes and said "it's not cheating! It's sexting!" I scoffed and said "It is cheating! You probably slept with her in OUR bed!"

He scoffed and said "It's not like we've slept together in that bed millie, you haven't let me touch you in weeks!" I scoffed as well and said "I said no 3 times because I was busy!" He rolled his eyes and said "well at least she's better at it then you!" I slapped him right across the face and said "it's not like I cared enough to show you how I really am." With that I picked up my bag and coat with my phone and charger and stormed out towards the car. I slammed the door but be followed me out and said "Hey that's my car!" I turned to face him and said "No! It's mine,you bought it from MY money!" He rolled his eyes and said "what's yours is mine!" I gasped and said "well in this case, what belongs to me, IS MINE!" With that I got into the car and sped off out of the drive way.

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