Should I Leave ? (Tyga)

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Dedicated To Lyric Babes!!


I met the love of Tyga 5 years ago. He was sweet, caring, and a loving man. All that sweet side of him ended until I moved in and got pregnant with our daughter Lailah. He wanted me to move in and I did. Thinking we could be a perfect family but I thought wrong. I felt like getting pregnant by him was hurting our relationship but it wasn't me.

He got arrested from selling shit on the streets and I didn't bail him out. I didn't know he was locked up. So whenever he is mad or pissed he would take it out on me instead. 

Flashback #1

"STOP TY" I screamed for him to stop hitting me with his belt. "SHUT UP BITCH" He screamed continually beating me. I don't even know why I was getting abuse. I was sound as sleep. I made sure the house was clean and he was fed.

After he was done beating me, I ran in the bathroom, and jump right in a warm bath to calm the stings down. I was crying so hard and I was going to break it off with him. Take Lailah and go back to my mother's in New York.

End Of Flashback

I started feeling my tears lightly coming down my face as I tell my personal counselor what's been going on in my relationship with a drug dealer. "You have more stories to tell in order for me to help me." She said

Flashback #2

Ty came home and he looked upset. I was in the kitchen cooking his favorite dinner. As I was almost done cooking, he turned off the everything and looked me in my eyes. I thought I was going to get a kiss and a hug but I was wrong. He slapped the mess outta my face.

I fell to the ground holding my face looking at him and I saw nothing but pure anger. All I could think of is what did I do wrong. "Whats wrong baby?" I asked lowly. He paced back and forth thinking about what he going to say or do to me.

He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me closer to his face " Are you fucking Chris?" he asked me. I looked at him like he was crazy but I was still scared. "No I am not fucking him, what make you ask me that" I asked. He was quite for a minute.

"He said y'all been fucking for a while and that Sania might not be mine.'' he said to me. "Why would you even believe that? You know Sania is your child." I told him. He looked at me like he did wanna believe me.

He pushed me and slapped me harder. "YOU'RE A LYING ASS BITCH" he screamed while he was pulling up my skirt and ripping my panties off. He rammed right in me and started moving his pace faster inside of me. I couldn't take the pain he was causing me.

"Stop Ty, you're hurting me" I screamed out. He grabbed my neck and went in deeper and it was really hurting me. All of sudden he let his load of sperm inside of me and slide right out to fix himself.

"Clean this shit up and feed me and my daughters." He said walking away to check on the girls. I sat on the floor and cry until I found the strength to get up and clean.

I found out I was pregnant with our third kid within a month from that incident. I gave birth to Makai.

Flashback End

I just stared at the counselor while she was writing down the information I was giving her. "Well did you cheat on Ty with Chris,?" She asked.

"No I did not. I do not know why Chris would even lie like that. Hes the reason why Ty and I are in this relationship. Chris is the one that created us." I said crying into my arms. I really cannot believe the man that I love is really hurting me like this.

"You are more than welcome to tell me another one if you are comfortable and have the strength to." my counselor said. I took a deep breathe and took off my jacket and my long sleeve shirt and showed my counselor my bruises that I had for days.

Flashback #3

I laid in my bed and Ty was knocked out from the drop he had did. I got up out the bed and went to the bathroom to use the toilet. It was kinda painful trying to use it because that night Ty wanted to have rough and painful sex because he didn't make the amount of money he wanted to make.

I sat on the toilet crying lightly so I grabbed my cell phone and called my brother and his wife. I told his wife what was going on and they said they would come and pick me up, I went into our room and pack two weeks of clothes and went into the kids room and packed their clothes.

I took each kid downstairs one by one and I think that's how Ty found out I wasn't in the bed. I wrote Ty a note and was about to open the door for my sister but he came out the closet and grabbed me by my hair. He told me to put Makai down and I did.

He threw me across the room and started punching me and kicking me. When I heard the door bell ring I knew who it was and Lailah saw her father beating me. She tried to get him off of me but he pushed her and she fell right to the ground,

He continue to punch me until he felt like he was satisfied. He then said, if you wanna leave get the fuck out and stay out. I had a choice and I didn't wanna stay and continue to get hurt. So my brother and his wife came and helped us out the house.

Flashback ends

I looked at the counselor and she looked like she is at lost of words. "Yes my love, you should leave him. I know it going to hurt you and your kids to leave him alone and let him get it together. Maybe in the future y'all can get back together and start all over. You need to get some rest and start fresh" she recommended.

Two Years Later . . . . . . .

Ty and I never got back together. I took my counselor's advice and took a big change in my life. I found myself not going back to the same path trying to get him to change his ways. When I went back into the house 3 months later after my last session, Ty was there and he kept apologizing and he wanted me to stay.

I looked at him for the last time and saw sorrow in his eyes. I wished I could have saw them months ago but hey it's life right?. I'm finally a fashion designer for women and children and I am also an advocate for young women and girls who are in a abusive relationship. I met my husband Alan through my boss, and I was currently carrying my 4th & 5th kids. I was pregnant with twins, a boy and girl.

I am loving my life.


Lyric Bae, I hope you enjoyed your story. Thanks for requesting.

-Janiece O.

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