The Birth

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16 year old Casper Blue lay on the delivery table preparing herself for what is to come as her unborn baby girl gets ready to come into the world.

You can do this Casper. She told herself repeatedly, she was the only one who could tell herself this as her parents had immediately disowned their daughter after finding out she was pregnant by a mystery man, of whom she did not know.

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her lower half and she screamed from the shock alerting the doctor (doctor Cullen) that she was ready to push.Carlisle (doctor Cullen) felt sorry for the young child, she was not ready for this and on top of her young age had no partner or mother or father to help her get through the painful hours of labour. Carlisle was cut of of his thoughts what a scream of agony priced the air, it's time.

After 8 hours of excruciating pain Casper held her beautiful daughter in her arms proudly staring down into her forest green eyes love welling in her identical eyes. Carlisle was quite shocked when he delivered this child as she was far more beautiful than any other he had seen before with Golden hair a little more on the blonde side, wide green eyes with a thick row of long lashes protecting them, eyes filled with innocence and mischief (even at her young age) the same her mothers had once carried. Casper herself was quite shocked by her daughters beauty as she had never seen an infant quite as beautiful and well behaved before, but she just blamed it on the motherly instinct.

"Hope" Casper whispered to the bloodless man beside her "her name shall be Hope" Carlisle smiled softly seeing the true meaning behind the woman's words, "her name shall be Hope because she gave me Hope even in my darkest hours" that confirmed it for Carlisle and he admired the human for her beautiful choice of words and name.

The small child's green eyes fluttered open and she looked at a beautiful blonde man and a woman who she instantly recognised as her mother, the mother smiled giving her daughter the reassurance to drift of back to sleep.

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