~Chapter 7~

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"We'll stop here." Sesshomaru said calmly after noticing Rin and Shippō had fallen asleep.

"Cool." Raiden said before stretching with a strained groan, then she relaxed letting out a deep sigh.

"Finally, I really need a nap." Kagome said before sitting down and slumping back against a tree stump.

"Oh come on, we haven't walked that much.~" Raiden teased her cousin with a slight laugh making Kagome laugh.

"Oh shut it." Kagome said making Raiden snicker. Everyone soon got settled in getting comfortable to get some rest, Raiden, however, decided to have a little more fun before heading in for the night. She saw Sesshomaru leaning back on his puff thingy, growing curious, she quietly made her way next to him. She reached out a hand and gently petted it making the demon flinch out of his thoughtful state and glare up at her.

"Don't touch me." He said sternly gaining everyone's attention.

"I'm not, I'm touching this thing." She said as she continued her actions.

"You imbecile, that's his Mokomoko-san, it's a part of him!" Jaken snapped angrily.

"Oh. Wait, is this like a tail or something?" Raiden asked actually curious instead of teasingly.

"It's not, now get your hand off of me." Sesshomaru answered calmly. Raiden hummed for a moment before grinning.

"Nah, it's too soft to ignore." She said as she continued to pet it. Sesshomaru growled, being careful about his volume not wanting to wake Rin. Raiden giggled before taking it a step further laying down on it nuzzling it making him growl a little louder.

"Get off of me." He growled.

"You should be able to tell by now if you let me have my way I'll shut up and leave you alone." Raiden said before getting comfy and closing her eyes. Sesshomaru kept his growling up for a few moments, then let out an irritated deep sigh turning over facing away from her giving up. Raiden smiled and let out a gentle yawn before relaxing ready to sleep.

"Sh-She... How did she?" Jaken trailed off surprised at what just took place.

"Well, she has a point about Rin. If Rin's fond of her then Sesshomaru might have a longer fuse when it comes to her so Rin doesn't get upset." Sango said before yawning.

"I'm awfully impressed if I'm being honest." Miroku muttered softly.

"Well, let's get some sleep before they kill each other." Kagome muttered before dozing off by Inuyasha who was sitting up, his legs crisscrossed and so were his arms with his sword between his arms and legs ready to jump up and fight if needed.

"Yeah." Sango whispered softly before closing her eyes letting herself drift off. Miroku nodded and soon fell asleep as well. As everyone slept silently, Sesshomaru was still awake, his brain trying to figure out how this damned woman can make him succumb to her so easily. He carefully turned over not wanting to wake her only to deal with her again, he laid on his back once more as he preferred. He glanced over at her, she looked awfully peaceful in her sleep compared to her loud, arrogant personality when she was awake. Why was it he can't say no to her no matter how annoying she is? He let out a soft breath turning his head away from her and closed his eyes, he didn't plan on sleep for he didn't really need it, but he needed to calm his strained nerves thanks to this girl. The night went on for a while before he heard soft whimpering, he glanced over seeing Rin was curling up in her sleep.

"Rin." He called softly. He was used to this, Rin often had nightmares whenever she slept and he would usually let her sleep closer to him to help her sleep better even if Jaken pestered him on it. Rin flinched a little before slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She looked over and saw Sesshomaru so she got up and walked over to him as he made more room for her to lay down. She laid down closing her eyes nuzzling his Mokomoko-san quietly. He didn't bother asking what the dream was, he knew of her parents getting killed by thieves so that must have been the cause, that or her death by wolves caused these dreams.

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