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Layout all across the bed knocked out until my phone started ringing
I began tossing and turning trying to ignore whoever it is
After a while, it finally stopped ringing
Man, i could barely keep my eyes open for nothing right now,
Right after that,
I shut my eyes again but my phone began to range again but i still didn't bother answering it
So i let it rang again and again
Whoever it was calling me would eventually get on my last nerve blowing me up like that
I put the pillow over my head  trying to drown out the sounds but it stops and starts again
That's when i toss my pillow to the side and answer it
Hello, i said with an obvious attitude towards whoever it was continually calling me.
Lisa, i have been calling u like crazy
Why have u been letting your phone go to voice mail!
I should have known that was our manager
Pebbles calling me with all that none sense and it's two something in the morning 
Now i know she tripping for real this time
I was just to damn tired to even argue with her,
I can't even get a word in for her shouting down the phone and shit
So, I'm gonna let her have it
But don't get to use to it because this will be the last time
I let her talk to me like that
I wasn't really listening to her anyway
All I heard was be at the studio in 20 minutes along with Tionne or else
She has someone she wanted us to meet and hung up on me
It's whatever i lay back down for a minute and gather myself together
Before waking up Tionne and the next room slowly getting up and heading to the bathroom,
To do my hygiene thing right after a few minutes
I was done now time to head to Tionne room
Well here goes nothing walking out of my room into Tionne room.
I hate to wake Tionne up at this time because Tionne and I are Daybreak kinda people what so ever
I made my way over to her side of the bed and try waking her
Tionne wake up sis we have to go to work today
Knocked out cold
I keep shaking her and shaking her but it was no use it wasn't happening
I looked around to see if there was something that could help me wake her
I noticed Tionne headphones and her radio was seating next to her
I had brought her a long time ago as a gift for her birthday.
Damn, i hope she doesn't kill me for this grabbing ahold of her headphones and put them on her ears
Then turn on the radio
Hearing music blasting through my ears,
Oh shit falling out of the bed throwing the headphones off my ears and looked up
To see Lisa standing there
Lisa what in the fuck u must want your ass kicked today,
I said mad as hell right now
Wait before u kill me
You should know that it wasn't my fault that i had to wake up like this
I try to wake up another way but it wasn't working and pebbles call me fussing and cussing and shit
What in the hell does she want with us,
It's two something in the damn morning
She wants us to get in the studio and lay down our first single and she has someone for us to meet
At 2 something in the morning, Lisa are u freaking kidding me!
Hey, i wouldn't be up this early if i wasn't she woke me out of my damn sleep too!
I swear she gets on my damn nerve sometimes
She gets on my last nerve to but she said we had to be there in 20 minutes or else
Ugh, fine alright let me get ready then
Alright same here heading out of the room
Oh yeah and Lisa?
Yeah, Ti, stuck my head back in her room
Don't do that again throwing the pillow at her
Dodge it ha! U miss me anyway
Oh, and maybe if u stop sleeping so damn hard that this wouldn't have happened now wouldn't it.
Heading back to my room.

❤️𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐓 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓👁Where stories live. Discover now