Love, Revenge and the sons of Ipswich ..

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ok so im new to all this. i have been writing this story for a few years, i had writers block hence why its taking so long. i will try to upload all that i have so far in decent sized installments so bear with me people. hope you enjoy.. comments are always welcome good or bad and fan if you like. =)

Chapter one

The girls hair whipped around her face as the cool evening breeze blew a merry dance through the trees, her light blue eyes narrowed as she glared at her twin brother, his blue eyes stared back blankly.

"God sake this town looks like it's going to worse than England Asher, why are we in this dead beat place? I vote we go home i'm sick of all this travelling to places."

Asher rolled his eyes in exasperation the had had this conversation over and over again countless times in the last eight months and still his crazed sister whined and moaned. He stood infront of her now a look of determination in his eyes. "Raven for the last time we are not going home, we are going to keep this up until we find them even if it takes forever" looking around he sighed.. "although this place does look like its going to be a dead end. but then again our resources sent us here so we may as well give it a chance okay!"

Raven kicked at some dead leaves on the ground. "I know, i know i just miss home thats all. and so far we have had no luck at all." She shook her head in defeat. "but i guess you're right we should give it a go i suppose." crunching throught the leaves after Asher she laughed when he suddenly stopped to hug her. "you know you could even really get to like this place, plus while we are here we can just have some fun. so smile sis and stop moping. just look at it this way, the quicker we find them the quicker we can go home." although she would die before telling him he was kinda right. She hugged him back and sighed.

"fine but when we do find them dont for one minute expect me to be all nice."

Asher laughed and shook his head. The breeze played with his hair as he tilted his head to peer through the canopy of trees that surrounded them, the darkness night brings was falling upon them quickly now. If they wanted to do anything today they had to be quick. Ashers eyes sought out his sisters.

"We had better be quicker than this or it will be to late to do anything tonight."

Shaking her limbs loose Raven smiled for the first time since they got here. "It's about time i was getting rather bored." peering throught the trees she saw what kinda looked like a bar in the distance. she smirked at her brother with a gleeful smile. "last one there buys the first round!" her brother smiled back just as gleeful his eyes now a piitch black colour. Raven could feel the rush of power surging through her whole body like an electric current and she knew her eyes look the same. not even waiting for a reply Raven rushed on ahead like a bullet, it was a good thing she was going too fast for people to see. Flashes of the surrounding scenery flashed before her eyes in greens and browns her blood pounding in her veins like an energetic drum, her body sang with all the exhileration of fast movement.

"Snap" the sound of a twig breaking echoed in her ears betraying her brothers fast approach. Not this time, this tie she was gonna be the one to win, just because he was two minutes older did not mean he could always win at stuff. She spread her arms and vines shot at her poor unsuspecting brother intertwining around his ankles and pulling him to the ground with a rather satisfactory "oooomph"

"cheater.." Laughing Raven stopped just inside the doorway and waited for Asher to catch up. She looked at him with laughter in her eyes. "I guess your buying the first round then" "but you cheated" "noooo you said last one here you never dictated any rules." he smirked and pushed past her.

"fine i will go get us both a beer, just be nice to the guys here okay you know we attract people like magnets, they cant seem to resist, but please just this one be a nice, quiet little girl" He saw she was surveying the room with a huge cheshire grin on her face and he knew it was no use. No point in trying to reason with her, she never listened. He shuffled off to get the drinks and find them a table, in fact, he turned to her smiling. "you go order i will grab us a table, i will pay you back later" Raven surveyed the room and smiled gleefully to herself. A new town meant new people, which then meant new admirers, which was always fun.

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