Let the games begin

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Chapter two

From his view over at the pool tables Reid could see everything that little girl Raven did. He could see her talking to Aaron, Them laughing. And for some reason it bothered him. Not that he cared what she did, she had humiliated him in front of his friends. It was making him angry just thinking about it. At first he had thought she was quite unusual, acting all tough the way she had., but he guessed she wasn’t as hard as she made out to be. He looked across at Caleb.

“so what do you make of the two newbie’s? They seem like they could be trouble to me Caleb” Caleb looked at his friend and sighed. “you only think they could be trouble cause the girl showed you up, cause you got all high and mighty..and…” Caleb smirked at Reid in a teasing way, “..because she likes Aaron better than you.” Reid almost choked what a weird thing to say! “I don’t have a clue what your talking about, I do not like that ungrateful, mouthy little girl. She’s too..too..” he trailed off unable to think of a suitable word. “perfect” Pogue chirped in from across the pool table, nudging Caleb he laughed. “she’s mouthy, icy and thinks for herself., not to mention she’s gorgeous. All the qualities Reid likes in his women and she didn’t even look twice, I really hope you enjoyed your close encounter cause that’s the closest you’ll probably get to her body ever again.” Pogue laughed. Reid had to laugh along with them Pogue was right after all. He did like all those things about her and when she had teased him, god could he have wanted her more. But she had gone for Aaron instead. Oh well. He was certain he could persuade her eventually. After all no one could resist him for too long, they never did. He took shot and asked Pogue, “so how long do you reckon it would take me to win her over and get her into my bed?” Pogue seemed to consider his statement for a few minutes then scratching his chin he answered in a mock serious tone. “I don’t know maybe…forever!” he burst out laughing and Tyler choked on a mouthful of beer as he laughed, Caleb took a combo shot smiling at their teasing. “I don’t know Reid she seems quite the handful, are you sure your up to the task mate? She didn’t look like she could be easily tamed.” Reid’s mouth split into a grin and his blue eyes twinkled gleefully. “yeah I’m up for it man, it may take longer than most women but I will get her wanting me so bad she cant breathe properly.” Caleb rolled his brown eyes “how romantic, well Casanova its your shot” Reid laughed totally reassured that he could beat Aaron and have raven all to himself. Locating the chalk for his cue he smiled. “if she resists too much I could always use more convincing methods.” Caleb stiffened while Pogue and Tyler looked at each other in a worried way, each knowing this conversation could take a turn for the worse and become trouble. Caleb glared into reids eyes. “you know that is forbidden Reid, we cant use our powers on people like that. For gods sake think before you act.” Pogue glanced at Raven and saw her getting up, he laughed at them both and slapped Caleb playfully on the back. “looks like she’s leaving Reid.” looking her way Reid saw her hesitate then kissed Aaron goodbye. “damn Reid looks like she may be abit of a challenge for you after all.” Tyler chimed in. Reid laughed “what does he have that I don’t?” Pogue took his time in answering seeming to ponder the question deeply, “manners towards her” “good looks” Tyler added, which sent Caleb and pogue into fits of crazed laughter. Although Tyler’s smile soon turned into a frown as Reid threw the chalk at his head. “ouch” Pogue clicked his fingers to get reids attention. “whoa whoa guys, Aaron and his boys are on their way over here.” looking up they saw stalking happily up to them. Before anything could be said or done Caleb whispered a heated warning to Reid, he knew that Reid would be sarcastic to show bravado. He also knew that Aaron would react and things would or could turn bad and turn into a full on bar fight. “play nice or go home” chuckling Reid turned to his friend and pouted, “I always play nice”

Aaron nodded at the pool table and smiled directly at Reid “fancy a game?” flicking back his curly hair he smiled cockily and his eyes glinted teasingly and Reid then knew that it was a challenge. He also knew that he had to beat him, just as a small act of revenge. “sure, why not” setting up the pool balls he smiled, Aaron knew from experience Reid was an excellent pool player, then again he felt so exhilarated and on top of the world that he couldn’t care less if he won or if he lost which was weird because usually he cared an awful lot. This Raven girl had certainly messed with his mind. But it was in a good way he supposed as he smiled and laughed to himself. Reid frowned at him “what’s so funny? You’re about to be thrashed at pool and you know it, why smile?” Aaron shrugged and his smile grew wider “im just in a good mood for once” the balls clicked as they hit each other on the table. Each individual click seemed to deepen reids frown even more so until it looked as though there was a storm cloud above his head. Aaron noticed this and smirked as he potted a yellow ball. It seemed to him that the happier he himself got, the angrier Reid seemed to get. Maybe if he frowned Reid might crack a smile. “awww what’s the matter Reid you don’t seem too happy today?” Reid potted two red balls at once and tried to calm himself down, it wouldn’t do to start an argument. Breathing deeply he slowly breathed out trying to push all his anger out with his breath. “im fine just concentrating, I believe it is your turn and I believe I am also winning as usual.” “yeah seems you are” Reid looked at Aaron sideways and wondered where this conversation was going. Reid potted the black winning the game. “I win, but hey if you ever need tips or coaching on how to win just ask and I’ll be glad to help” Aaron realised Reid was trying to get back at him for something and smirked in reids face. “ this isn’t the kind of game I like to play, the games I play involve better and more attractive prizes” he winked and watched as Reid stiffened. Reid knew Aaron meant Raven and it annoyed him more than he would like to admit to his foe. He also knew he wouldn’t take any crap from Aaron, he walked up to Aarons cocky, smiling face and had to almost physically hold himself back from punching it really hard. Putting all the hate he felt into his eyes he smiled dangerously at the smaller man, leaning in he poked Aarons chest, hard. “just make sure you can hold onto your prize or the runner up may try to steal it.” before Aaron could answer they were interrupted as the door to Nicky’s swung open and two girls briskly walked up to the guys at the pool tables.

One was dark haired with dark eyes, and a pretty smile. The other was blonde, blue eyed and very pretty and petite. “kate you are late, what kept you baby?” Pogue hugged the dark haired one and kissed her, his girlfriend was always late for some reason so he was used to it by now. Caleb hugged and kissed the blonde one. “sp Sarah what was it this time? Your hair wasn’t done right or you couldn’t find a matching top?” laughing the girls hugged their boyfriends back, Sarah shook off her coat. “no we just lost track of time at the library, sorry guys, hiya awe, Aaron, you alright Pogue?” turning she saw Aaron leaning on his pool cue and frowned. “what do you want?” Kate gave Pogue her coat and sipped some of his beer. “looks like he lost to Reid again” they all laughed at Aaron. He just laughed and ignored them. “yep he beat me again, I think im actually getting better though. Well I shall see you guys at school tomorrow” he smiled kindly which made Caleb, sarah and Kate frown. Usually Aaron was not so polite, he usually would have accused Reid of cheating and maybe even started a fight. Now he was still smiling as he pulled on his coat. he waved sarcastically at Reid, “goodbye people” Kate turned to Pogue astounded “did Aaron just get a personality transplant cause he’s never this nice, what’s been going on while we were absent?” Caleb pushed Reid playfully which earned him a rather colourful sentence from Reid in return. “there’s a new girl” sarah sipped Caleb’s beer thoughtfully “I heard we were gonna have new people, twins from what I heard. A boy and a girl. I overheard people at the library talking, Charlie from biology met them earlier when they came to the school for five minutes to get their time tables. Why was they here?

“yeah Nicky was teasing the girl so I stepped in” sarah rolled her eyes and poked Caleb laughing. “I bet she swooned and tried to kiss you for saving her” Pogue laughed and clapped gleefully “quite the opposite” he glowed happily “she told Caleb to butt out so Reid told her she’s an ungrateful little girl, which she didn’t like so our dear friend here..” pausing he hugged Reid “got a taste of how womanly she was or at least how womanly her body was, you should have seen his face. Then she met Aaron.” Tyler cut across Pogue sniggering to himself “yep he stepped in and they had a drink together and talked, while we played pool and while Reid was talking about winning her over she left, but not before she kissed Aaron goodbye.” Kate looked at Reid who had been quite quiet while this talk was being told “so he came over to gloat?” sighing Reid fiddled with the white ball. “no, he played me at pool. He was actually nice to us, we did poke fun at each other then I said he had best hold onto Raven or I would steal her.” Kate giggled. “her names Raven?” “yep her brothers name is Asher, Raven and Asher DeMorte, weird names huh?” “quite unusual yes but so is Garwin and Danvers don’t you think? So what do we all want to do now instead of talk about people we don’t know, any suggestions?” Tyler grabbed a pool cue and tossed Reid a dollar “I’ll give you a game of pool” Caleb smirked and tickled sarah who shrieked and wiggled away. Reid laughed harshly “you know you cant win baby boy” Tyler shrugged and chalked his cue. “I have been practising, plus its not all about winning you know, some people play this game for fun.” he pointed at Reid “you remember what fun is don’t you?” the music from the overhead speakers changed and started to play a fast paced song, Kate grabbed Pogue “ come dance” “no noooo I dance like a puppet having spasms” Kate’s eyes sparkled with humour and she pushed her bottom lip out in a cute pout. Pogue laughed and kissed her “fine, you win just don’t pout you know its cute” “good luck man” Caleb almost chocked on his beer as Sarah dragged him to his feet. “you too mister” looking at Tyler she smiled “you coming” he backed away hands raised. “im gonna get us all a drink from the bar, so I’m too busy to dance right now unfortunately, maybe later”

He headed to the bar leaving the foursome dancing manically. Reid set up the balls waiting for Tyler to come back. So she was a twin, that’s cool. Her name was Raven DeMorte. He could see if the internet mentioned her at all. Plus he would see her at school everyday. Reid didn’t even know why he was so hung up about her anyway, maybe its because she was so sure of herself. Although it could also be that she seemed to like Aaron and he loved to start arguments with him so the best way to get back at him would be through Raven. Which then means he would have to be nice, which for him would be new. Reid took off his jumper and a person wolf whistled. Smiling he turned to see the object of his thoughts in the flesh. Raven standing two feet away smiling. Reid winked and smiled back. Let the games begin.

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