Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: PPG doesn't belong to me, etc.
Brick walked slowly down the halls, taking his sweet time. The bell had just rung, and students were scrambling into class to avoid detentions. There weren't many things that intimidated Brick, and being the new transfer halfway through sophomore year definitely wasn't one of them, but it wasn't a great situation to be in anyway. He didn't want to be here. Actually, thinking about it, he should've picked somewhere else to go.

But he was back. Back home (could he really call this home?) to the place where he had been born (for lack of a better word). This town hadn't seen his face for... what? 10 years? Ever since Him decided to move their little "family" to another town so that Him, having grown tired of the Powerpuff Girls, could continue his evildoing elsewhere. The boys had actively helped commit crimes, but as time dragged on, the action slowed, and everyone and everything settled down. Him started home schooling the boys, and they almost became a somewhat normal family– almost. There were, occasionally, reports of stolen goods, including a game console, a few video games and whatnot.

A few months ago though, Him decided that home schooling wasn't enough because "evil didn't make a much of a profit anymore these days and you boys need a back up plan" and announced that the boys were to be sent to school for a formal education. After a few rounds of complaining, Butch eventually chose/was forced to go to a military academy. Boomer opted to attend the nearby high school so he could continue lessons for his newfound talent– the drums. Brick... well, Brick didn't want to stay in that town, so the first place that came to mind was Townsville. Him's last words to boys before they set off had been "Don't cause too much trouble. Oh who am I kidding? Just don't get me called to the principal's office too many times."

The hallways had emptied before Brick reached the door of his first period. He glanced at the room number– 203. Please don't let these next years suck, Brick prayed, and opened the door.

"You're late, Mr...?" the teacher lifted a questioning eyebrow.

"Name's Brick. And I got lost," Brick had had that excuse long prepared.

"Well then. Brick, I'm Mr. Somers. Class, this is Brick, the transfer student. Brick, please take that empty seat over there." Brick took his seat just as the teacher launched into a lecture on World War I. Brick tried to pay attention, but that plan failed when he realized he'd already learned everything. Formal education my ass. Home schooling was way better. Brick was ready to be bored out of his mind when he suddenly sensed someone watching him. He snapped his head up to see a redhead a couple desks away stealing glances at him. When Brick made eye contact with her, she glared at him instead of turning away. Brick took this as a challenge. But her glare, her red hair, and her obnoxiously large bow all seemed so oddly familiar. Where had he seen her before? Brick furrowed his brow, digging into the depths of his memory.

"Blossom, what is unrestricted submarine warfare and how did it affect the United States' decision to enter World War I?" the teacher asked, and the redhead was forced to turn around.

Blossom! That's her name! The mean bitch that led around those girls called... called... the Powerpuff Girls! God what a stupid name. Brick began a mental tirade against the stupid Powerpuff Girls who had beaten him and his brothers up, as shameful as it was to admit it, so many years ago.

Brick was still deep in thought when the bell rang, and it was Mr. Somers' voice that made him snap to attention, "Brick, I'd like to talk to you. Just to see how you're doing." As Brick made his way to the teacher's desk, he noticed the red one lingering behind. A blonde girl whispered something to her and dragged her out. "So, Brick, I hope you followed today's lecture alright. Nothing too hard?"

"Yes, sir" was the apathetic reply.

"Well, then. Here are the worksheets for this unit. You are read pages 265 to 301 and complete worksheets one to six. It's more homework than I usually give, but we must get you caught up with the other students, of course."

"Of course, sir."

"Good, good. You may leave. Here's a slip for your next period teacher."

With a "thank you, sir" and a nod of his head, Brick took his leave. What an oddly polite boy, reflected Mr. Somers.

Brick exited the class and was about to look at his schedule for his next period room number, when a cold voice caught his attention, "And what are you doing back here?" Without even looking at the speaker, Brick could sense the annoyance in her voice. Narrowing his eyes, he finally turned to meet her.

"I have a better question: what are you doing here? Doesn't Miss Goody-Two-Shoes have a class to get to?" he retorted.

"This isn't about me. Now answer the question," she ordered, getting more annoyed.

"Tsk tsk. You're going be late. I, on the other hand, have a slip. When did you become such a rule-breaker?" Brick made sure sarcasm was etched into every word.

"When it's worth the cause. You still haven't answered me."

"Fine, I'll give you an answer. I came back because I wanted to attend school here."

"Don't lie to me! The only thing you and your brothers ever wanted was to cause trouble!"

"Blossom," a soft voice called out. Brick looked up to see the blonde girl from earlier standing there. Had she been there the whole time? Brick, who prided himself in his super senses, was ashamed to admit he hadn't even noticed her. Her big blue eyes looked scared, but her voice was firm, "Let's go Blossom, before we start attracting attention. And we're going to be late."

"But Bubbles—" Wait, wasn't the name of the other Powerpuff?

"Come on, Blossom. Please."

"Fine." The redhead turned to Brick. "This doesn't mean I'm done talking to you." She turned around and stalked off in the opposite direction. The blue girl picked up her stuff, glanced at Brick, and followed after her sister.

"Why didn't I pick somewhere else?" Brick muttered to himself, as he rubbed his temples to soothe his Powerpuff-induced headache.

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