I dont think anyone would be prepared for this.

23 1 35

The first word I can make out in the past five minutes. All my sences seem dulled besides pain. The one thing stopping me from uttering a word, as I fall in and out of consciousness.
"He's back again!" A voice I don't quite remember, but it feels familiar.
I feel slight vibrating and cold air, am I in an ambulance? Couldn't be, there's no sirens...
"Try to keep him awake till we get there!" The loud voice of Aaron broke my daze. The sound of hooters and old car brakes echoe in the distance. Theres a slight heat escaping my body, but I can't seem to pin point where though. My head hurts. A throbbing pain. I squint my eyes as I try to fight closing them again, an impossible task.
"Hang in there Markus!" That familiar voice fills my ears again. Its the voice of a girl... could it be Anna? Everything still feels buzzed. I can't single out any sound arround me. All I can think about is closing my eyes again.
"Five minutes till we get there!" Its Aarons voice again.
This brings back memories of /that/ day. The day I lost them...
"Mom? Im home!" I said as I came in from the front door. "Dad? Jackson? Where are you?"
14 year old me wasn't prepared for this moment. I dont think anyone would be.
As I open my eyes again a bright white light blinds them.
"Markus, Youre gonna be allright now." It was Aaron again.
I still can't focus. Everything is overwhelming. Now there are more people around me. "He's lost a lot of blood, get him in the ER, he needs a table!" Said the man as he opened my left eye even further than it already was.
"Deep lasuration in his abdomen and slight concussion. His left eye isnt responding." He stated before placing a mask over my face.
"Hang in there Markus, we're right behind you!" Said a voice slowly dissapearing as im pushed into an elevator. Was that Aaron? I know im in the hospital, right?
"Where are you guys?" I said as my first foot stepped in though the front door. It was so quiet. The lights were on at least, so why was nobody answering? I ran all the way to my room to put my backpack down. As I stepped out, I saw it. That horrid sight. Burnt into my mind..

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