E i g h t e e n

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"Peter?" Mj yelled into the huge gym
"M, I'm over here." Peter yelled back
"Ok" Mj said as she found him
"Ready for your first training sesh?" Peter asked Mj
"Yes, but to be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing."
"That's ok, all you need to know is how to move your arms and legs. That's all. Do you know how to do that?" Peter asked
"Yes, dork." Mj said humorously
"Ok, good! Now let's start on the basics." Peter said.

Two weeks later Mj had already learned a lot of moves from Peter. It was time for Mj to have Peter's powers put into her, it was also the week of Peter and Mj's two year anniversary (not including the kidnapping and everything).

"Are you ready?" Banner asked her
"What? I mean Yes." Mj stumbled to say
Peter sat beside Mj and held her hand while they made the small operation.
After the operation, Peter and Mj went to Rousseau's cafe. On the way over they heard man yell, and Peter and Mj took a detour towards the noise. Mj's suit looked like the girl version of Spider-Man's suit.

 Mj's suit looked like the girl version of Spider-Man's suit

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When they got there they saw a man hurting another man. Peter took care of the man hurting the other one, and Mj took care of the man being hurt. When Mj helped the man up she saw a Man she recognized.
He was tall, African American, and had a hoodie on.
"There is two of you now?" The man that was hurting the other said
"Yes, and I think with how bad I knocked you up you'll be seeing two for a while." Peter said and then tried to high five Mj, but she was staring at the man.
"Um, is she okay?" The man Mj was staring at asked
"Hey? Hey? You okay?" Peter asked Mj
Mj snapped out of it
"Yeah, I'm okay. So is this man. Let's take him to the tower, and have Banner take care of his injuries."
Mj said
"Okay. Come on...?"
"Come on Andre." Peter said
Mj looked like she'd seen a ghost. It was her ex boyfriend Andre.
They took Andre back to the Tower still in their suits, and Mj still looked nervous.
"Do you know anyone who could pick you up?" Peter asked Andre
"I only know one person in the city, at least I think they are still in the city." Andre said
"Okay. Go ahead and call them, so that they can pick you up." Peter said through the suit
Andre pressed a contact on his phone.
"Ms.Michelle. Someone is calling you." Karen spoke
"Oh ok. Answer it." Mj said
"Hello?" Andre spoke into the phone
The sound of his voice was heard on the speaker
"Oh my go- Mitchie?" Andre said realizing
"Hi. Dre." Mj said lowly
Mj took off her mask
"Why- Why are you here in the Avengers tower? And wearing that?" Andre said stumbling
"It's complicated... I need to get some fresh air." Mj said as she walked out of the room
"I'll go too." Andre said
They walked outside and sat on the stairs.
"So... you're in New York now?" Mj said awkwardly
It was quiet for a couple of minutes until Andre broke the silence.
"Mitchie. I still love you. I do love you. I've regretted breaking up with you from the day we did it." Andre said caringly
Andre cut her off with a kiss
"Dre. I- I have to go to dinner. Goodnight." Mj said
"Oh- Goodnight Mitchie" he responded awkwardly
Mj ran up the steps, towards the elevator, and into Peter's room.
She sat on the floor crying, she thought about the old times, her secrets, her personality. She missed Andre, but she loved Peter. It had always and will always be Peter Parker.

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