Chapter 10

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"Are you ready to continue?" Carson asks

"Yes sir," Arabella says

"Right what happened after you went home from the mall," Carson asks

"WE just hung out until the party," Arabella says

"Right now, can you tell me about the party well what you can remember," Carson says.


The minute they got to the party Arabella wanted to leave she didn't like it all she looked to the left to see the woods some strange reason she felt the urge to go into the woods however she was pulled back to reality when Mason walked over "Hey guys" Arabella looked at mason and smiled

"Hey," She says

"We're going to go ahead," Violetta says, "Remember use protection and we have our meet up point," Violetta says Arabella watched as the group broke off Shannon went with Tommy while Maria and Wes went off leaving Violetta and Chad.

Arabella felt strange. She wasn't drunk she knew that. Something wasn't right she glanced over to see Mason walking over with to drinks "here don't worry it's just coke," he says Arabella took a sip she still felt weird "Are you okay?" Mason asks

"Sorry I just feel uncomfortable," she says

"It's fine would you like to outside for some air?" he said

"Are you sure"? Arabella says

"Yeah come on," Mason says standing up and offering his hand Arabella took Mason hand and didn't let go they walked towards the back door passing the kitchen where she saw Chad in nothing but his boxer dancing on the table.

The cool air hit her skin the minute she walked out she felt so much calmer sitting down on the bench "You can go you know don't let me stop you?" Arabella says Mason smiled and sat down with her "It's fine are you okay?" he asked

"Yeah just not feeling myself," She tells him looking up to see the full moon "You can leave you to know"? she says

"Yeah I know but I don't mind it's a nice night," Mason says looking up at the sky

"You know it's a full moon tonight," Mason says, "Maybe that's why you feel weird," he says

"Funny," She says

"So, I've been doing research on this town," Mason says, "I know sounds nerdy but did you that from September 1st to October 31st is known as the festival of Lupercalia," he says

"Festival of wolves?" she says

"Yeah how did you know"? he asked before she could say anything, she heard someone shouting her.

"ARABELLA!" A voice says standing up Arabella turned and saw Violetta walking towards her

"Hey V," she says

"Have you seen Tommy and Shannon?" Violetta says

"No last time I saw them he was with Shannon"? Arabella says

"So that was the last time you saw Tommy when you entered the party," Carson says

"Yes," Arabella says

"Right can you tell me what happened next?" Carson says

"Well that's difficult," she says

"Why?" Carson asked

"Because I can only remember some of it," Arabella says

"Well go with what you remember," Carson says.

"Do you remember this morning with the boy?" Violetta says

"Yeah, why?" Arabella asks

"He here with his sister and turns out he threatened Tommy," Violetta says.

Arabella felt her blood run cold "Shit where Chad and Wes?" Arabella says

"Wes is with Maria looking for Tommy upstairs and Chad M.I.A as for Shannon and Tommy I have no idea," Violetta says, "Mason I'm sorry I have to go," She says

"Go I'll help you I'll find Shannon okay?" He says

"Thank you," Arabella says kissing his cheek standing up Arabella grabbed Violetta hand and ran back into the house the minute she got into the house she had this strange sensation wash over her letting go of Violetta's hand she made her way over to the kitchen where she saw Rob "Hey A fancy a drink?" he says holding out a bottle of coke "Sure," she says drinking it "You haven't seen Tommy have you?"

"Can't say I have," he says.

Arabella was hit with a wave of dizziness "What the fuck?" she mumbled she looked to see the room spinning around her "Fuck what in that drink," Arabella felt her heart race it was like she was underwater "Arabella," a voice says Arabella turned and followed the voice she was in a trance she didn't know where she was going, where she was. Was she supposed to be looking for someone?

Arabella felt a someone touching her shoulder she looked to see Tommy "Tommy!" she says hugging him "I'm not Tommy? Are you drunk?" Tommy says Arabella look only to see his face morph into the boy from the mall "WHAT THE FUCK GET AWAY," Arabella yelled running away from the man.

Arabella ended upstairs into someone bedroom she was curled up in the corner covering her ears and rocking back and forth "Arabella," the voice says, "Come play with us," it says Arabella closed her eyes she was afraid to open them.

She felt someone standing Infront of her "Bella?" a voice says softly "Bella it's me, Shannon," she says

"Listen to my voice okay," Shannon says kneeling in front of her Shannon pulled her into a hug "Shh your fine, your safe," Shannon whispers to her Arabella felt herself drift off to sleep.

"That's all I can remember Shannon told me the rest how she found me in the bedroom," Arabella says, "Right this drink can you remember what it was and who gave you it"? Carson asked

"It was a bottle of Coke and Rob he in my math class," she says.

"Right okay then I would like to thank you for your patience and your time now what going to happen Wendy and the others are going to interview your friends and compare notes, okay so we can get a rough idea of what happened," Carson says "Your free to leave and if you have any more information big or small just let me know okay," He says smiling at the girl.

Arabellafelt the cool air hit her she was pulled into a hug "Oh bubba," her mum sayskissing her forehead it was the first time Arabella broke down sobbing in hermot

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