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Avoiding Guidry is harder than I thought. I have to interact with her as an officer.
"Do we have any songs claimed for solos yet? We need to get those started and finished before we learn our team numbers." Guidry told us.
All but three of the officers are seniors this year, so there are a lot of solos going to competitions.
I hadn't thought too hard about what song I wanted to do, though I have a few choices that come to mind.
"I wanted to do two solos." I heard Reagan say.
"That's fine. Alaina, are you even doing one?" Guidry asked.
"I don't have a song yet." I shook my head.
"So then no?" She asked.
My hands made a 'what' motion, before I said "Guess not."
I rolled my eyes and shrugged, slightly laughing.
What did I do? There's no reason for her to be acting the way she is.
"Okay, now that that's settled. We'll get y'all's songs and then y'all are free to work on strut more today." She addressed the other girls.
I stood up and walked out to go to the dance room.
I heard someone behind me, assuming it was Guidry, I harshly said "Leave me alone."
"Hey, wait that's not fair." Emily spoke.
I turned toward her and said "I'm sorry, I thought you were Guidry."
She gently grabbed my hand and pulled me to follow her. She pulled me into the locker room and sat me on the bench.
"She's not mad at you, she's mad at me. She's just taking it out on you and I don't know why. It'll pass, my love." She spoke softly.
"But why is she being so mean?" I asked, my throat feeling tight from holding back tears.
"I'm not sure." She shook her head sadly.
"I didn't do anything. She told me if I ever needed to be late, she would understand." I let tears fall from my eyes.
She wiped my cheeks and pulled my head towards her, so she could kiss my forehead.
I wrapped my arms around her and silently let tears fall. I rested my chin on her shoulder.
She gently rubbed my back until I was ready to pull away.
She wiped my eyes and gave me a sad smile.
"Go ahead and go practice, let me handle Victoria." She nodded and patted the side of my leg.
I was about to stand to walk out, so I leaned forward and kissed her.
"No." She broke away from me.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry. It was a habit. I'm sorry." I covered my mouth.
She nodded and stood.
"I'm sorry." I said again.
"It's okay, babe." She touched my cheek softly, then continued "Just— it can't happen again."
I nodded quickly and stood to follow her out of the locker room.
Emily has been helping us better our strut routine, but she didn't come out today.
We cleaned up our act and Guidry came out to watch it.
The sight of her made me want to cry.
"Good! I love it!" She exclaimed as we stood back up from the split we ended in.
She didn't say anything about me this time. I don't think I would've been able to handle it.
The rest of the period was spent listening to the songs of the other girls' solos.
Dakota has chosen the song I'll Never Love Again by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper from the movie A Star Is Born. A perfect song. It was one of my choices, so that's out.
Mallory chose It's All Coming Back to Me Now by Celine Dion.
Katherine and Annie were arguing over who got to use All I Ask by Adele. Katherine won, so then Annie chose She Used To Be Mine by Sara Bareilles.
Emma chose Secret Love Song, Pt. II by Little Mix.
Reagan chose Thursday by Jess Glynne and Essence of Us by Emilie Adams.
Ellie chose i can't breathe by Bea Miller.
Lastly, Zoe chose Teach Me by Keaton Henson.
Everyone chose really great songs, limiting my choices from the list I created in my head.
I do have a song or two in mind, but I'm not sure if I can actually make myself get through it. Soon You'll Get Better by Taylor Swift or Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion.
I would dedicate it to my mom and choreograph it myself. Well, since Guidry basically told me I wasn't doing a solo, I didn't really have much of an option other than to do it myself.
We split for the rest of the class period to work on solos, but since I wasn't supposed to be doing one, I hung out with the juniors watching Dakota improvise to the music. She's such a great dancer.
Reagan and Guidry were working together on choreographing one of her solos.
The other girls were on the opposite side of the room working on tricks and turns.
"Lain, will you choreograph my solo for me this year?" Dakota asked.
"I— Uh—" I shook my head and looked at Guidry who's head snapped toward me.
"Please! I love your style." Dakota intertwined her hands and placed them under her chin.
"Fine fine, I'd love to." I smiled and stood.
We worked for the remainder of the time, then gathered again when the bell rang, to run the dance for the game this Friday.
I need to go to the physical therapist today at 4, but I'm scared, because it was Guidry who set it up. It was a favor from her and I feel weird taking the offer when she's mad at me.
The bell to release students from school rang and after school practice started.
I slipped out and got my things together to leave. No one came to look for me, so I just left.
I was scared, sitting in the waiting room.
"Alaina Ha-Haslen?" I heard my name.
I stood and followed the woman to the back.
"We will have a five minute heating pad session, then a two minute cold pack session. The doctor will work your injury and assess from there." She explained.
I nodded.
"How old are you?" She asked.
"Eighteen." I smiled.
"You have the option to have a female in the room with you while the doctor is in." She told me.
I nodded and said "Please."
I sat on the table, then she placed a long heating pad under my hip and folded it over my body to get to the front. I laid back and she put weight on my front to press the heat into me.
"Do you have a favorite song or singer?" She asked, handling a phone in her hand.
"Uh— Taylor Swift?" I suggested.
She didn't say a word, but Long Live started playing and she dimmed the lights. She exited the room for the five minutes.
She changed to cold, then left again.
Then returned with the doctor.
He moved my leg every which way, having me almost in tears.
"My best guess is you have a mild to moderate tear in the hip flexor. Between a grade one or two, leaning more towards two. I suggest we take some time off to rest it. Heat and ice rotations. Wear a compression around the area. Hot showers or even better hot soaks with epsom salt. Light stretching to alleviate some of the tension if needed. The longer you stay on it, the longer it'll take to heal and can worsen it if you're pushing too hard." He explained.
I nodded.
"If you're still experiencing pain after about five weeks, come back and see me and we'll reassess you and set up another treatment. Okay?" He put his hand on my knee.
"So it's not like scary bad, right?" I asked.
"It is serious, especially for an athlete, but nothing that should worry mom and dad too much." He said.
I smiled and nodded at him.
Thank goodness. I was so scared to get awful news.
The only thing is I really don't want to sit out for five weeks. I want to dance Friday for sure. I need to. My mom put so much money into me being on the team and being an officer, that I owe it to her to perform.
I'll have to ask Emily and Dakota what I should do.

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