Banthi P'Mori x17

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"Bye guys I'll see you tomorrow." I said over to my friends. I had to head home. It was getting dark and my mother said to be home before dinner, I was late. Me and my friends were hanging out in the woods so I had to walk down winding paths with tree roots popping up from the ground careful not to trip and fall. It was getting darker. I looked up at the sky but the canopy of trees above me covered my view, I could see peeking hues of purple and pink through some of the openings. I did not want to be in the woods after dark so I started to pick up my pace to a point where I was running. I saw the opening to the end of the woods and ran towards it as fast as I could. When I got to the clearing a bright flash of light engulfed me and next thing I knew I was lying on some pavement and it was bright out as if it were midday. I thought I might have tripped on a tree root and fell but when I looked around I did not recognize my surroundings. No doubt about it this was not my neighborhood.

I got up and surveyed my surroundings. The streets were covered in dirt as if the town was near a desert or something. Rows of identical white houses lined the street, they had no doors all they had was a thick brown cloth at the entrance, the streets were littered with trash, and there was graffiti on some of the homes. It was weird because I did not recognize what anything said, it was all in symbols. People were walking around and by instinct I instantly thought they were all women but I couldn't tell, the clothes they were wearing all matched. They were all wearing black headdresses that covered all their hair, black robes with black gloves covering nearly their whole bodies except half of their faces but it was hard to see because everyone had their heads down.

I was afraid. I couldn't help but wonder where I was, how did I get here, and how am I going to get home. I started walking around frantic trying to search for a police station or somewhere to help me figure out where I was. Some people would look up and give me some strange looks, I heard them whispering but I didn't understand what they were saying. I started getting even more scared so I started jogging. I jogged past rows and rows of identical houses and I found what looked like the entrance to the city where buildings started to prop out they were industrial looking. I ran into an alley behind the first building and broke down. I started sobbing, the dreadful feeling that I was lost sank in deeper and deeper. I had only been here about an hour and there was no sign that I was anywhere near home I started missing my mom and my dad. What would they do when I didn't show for dinner? I kept crying and then I felt a presence near me I was afraid to look up and see who it was. I saw the person kneel down next to me, I finally hesitantly looked up because i thought maybe this person could help me. When I looked at the person, I couldn't tell if it was a male or female because the robe was very gender neutralizing and they had features that were very androgynous. They had rich dark brown eyes, a nose ring, and an odd piece of jewelry that framed their eyes. The person stared at me for a bit like they were analyzing me, the person looked at my clothes and then spoke up.

"Hello are you ok?" they said. I came to the conclusion that this person was probably a male because their voice had a masculine tone to it.

"No." I replied sniffling.

"I know what's wrong."

"Really do you? Your a stranger how could you know what's wrong with me."

"Your not from here, you don't belong here, your a long way from home aren't you?"


"Let me help you?"

"How can you help me?"

"I can help you not get eliminated."


"Your clothes are not from this planet. You have been seen by dozens of people you more than likely have been reported to the Hum droids by now. You possibly have an hour left before you're found if your lucky."

"Hum droids? Where the hell am I?! Please help me!" I started to get frantic. He suddenly and rapidly clasped his hand over my mouth.

"Shhhh!! Look if you want my help we don't have much time, I'll help keep you safe I promise. I can't explain here we have to go somewhere else. I know I'm a stranger but you must believe me." he said. I nodded in agreement and he dropped his hand from my mouth and then offered his hand to me. I was hesitant to take it I was scared and alone. I weighed my options either go with him or possibly get eliminated. I decided to take his hand I didn't know where he would take me but I knew it'd be better than my possible fate if I didn't go with him. I grabbed his hand he started running and I ran with him. I didn't know where we'd go or how he'd help me but I was glad to have someone, even if they were a complete stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2013 ⏰

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