Chapter 3

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~ 24 November, 1942/ Y/N's POV ~ ( art made by me )

I sat in my small cottage that I had built for myself, I spent all day and all night for two weeks straight trying to build myself some safe shelter so that I was protected from the harsh war environment. Like Third Reich had promised, he talked to me over the Walkie-Talkie he gave me when I was kicked from the Axis force, even though the thought of the leave hurts my heart, it always makes me happy to hear Third's voice, since he was like the father I never got to have. My biological father had died due to Alzheimer's disease when I was two years old, and my mother was hardly at home to care for me, but I understand that she had to work hard to pay for both me and herself, luckily, I had a kind nanny who cared for me for a majority of my life when my mother was too busy to care for me.

But one day, I heard Third on the Walkie-Talkie, but he sounded panicked and in distress,

"Third?! Are You alright!?"

"N-No...I-I've been shot... and I'm l-losing blood fast.."

"Oh My God! I'm on my way to help you! Don't panic Third Reich-"

"No...I've caused enough grief for other's...I think my time has come.. I Love You Y/N..."

I heard the sound of the safety lock for a revolver unclick,

"Reich?! What are you doing!?! Don't do anything you'll regret please!?!? Please don't do anything-"

I heard a loud gunshot on the other side of the Walkie-Talkie, followed by silence,

"Reich? REICH?!?! REICH PLEASE RESPOND!?! Reich...please respond..."

I began to weep, I knew something was wrong, did the only father-like figure in my life just commit suicide..?

I threw the Walkie-Talkie across my bedroom and started running out to the forest, a place where I could get rid of all my grief, and join Third Reich, I ran to a large oak tree, grabbed the revolver in my coat, and pointed it to my right temple. I was about to pull the trigger, but a loud bang caused me to point and pull the trigger at my shoulder, although I wished this could kill me, it did a close job, if I stayed in place, I could peacefully die and join Third Reich, but as I was close to join Death for a dance, I was picked up bridal style, with the additional sound of someone speaking in Russian and French, the last thing I remember seeing with my weak eyes was someone in a brown hooded jacket...

~ In The Ally Base Medic Room/ Y/N's POV ~

I woke up in a white and very comfortable hospital bed,

' Huh.. I thought I was in the forest a few minutes ago..? ' I thought. I got up from the bed and saw I was wearing a plain white night gown, wait.. Night gown..? Aren't I supposed to wear one of those uncomfortable hospital gowns? I walked over to the door and opened it to four other countries sitting in navy blue lounge chairs.

"Oh! You're awake!" Said the country with the red and white stripes and blue square with 48 stars ( Alaska and Hawaii didn't exist during WW2, they were only discovered in the early 1950's or 60's, I think ) The two countries with very fancy, white uniforms looked up at me and gave me a smile, but the country that was pure red and that wore an eye patch and brown Ushanka just flat out ignored me

"Ello luv! I am the United Kingdom, but just call me UK. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better, my shoulder still hurts, but it's not that bad anymore"

"Hey! I'm America! Nice to meet ya!"

America gave me a gentle hug, since I still had the gunshot wound in my arm, I hugged him back with a smile on my face

"Bonjour Mon Ami! I am France! It is quite a pleasure to meet you!

France gave me a hug just like America had, but I noticed that The Pure Red country was flat out ignoring all four of us, I decided to walk over to the man and I tapped him on his shoulder, he just looked up at me with a intimidating look, which gave me chills down my spine,

"Um.. Hello! Can you please tell me your name, I would love to get to know you!"

He stood up, but he was tall, and I mean Really tall, almost seven foot nine, while I was five foot seven I have to say, he really scared me, not just his height, but the look he gave me from all the way up at his height, I was shaking, I've never been this scared in my life,

"U-Um...S-Sorry if I m-made you m-mad...S-Sir.."

He bent is waist down at a ninety degree angle to reach my face, grabbed my right hand with force, but still with care and kissed the back of it like a gentleman, he stood back up straight, still holding my hand and having a dusted pink shade on his face, he said to me in a calm, quiet and mind haunting voice,

"My name is Soviet, Nice to meet you, Y/N."

~ Yo wassup! I am literally about to die right now XD It's literally 3:30 in the morning and i'm over here, half dead and writing fanfiction when i'm supposed to be sleeping XD If you are wondering, i live in South Africa, so time zones are different for all of us. but i hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope it was good ( sorry for making Nazi kill himself, I tried to follow actual history, with Hitler possibly killing himself, it was the most accurate thing I could think about to make the story progressive :/ ) Stay safe and have a good one! ~


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