im sorry..

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I dont know what to do anymore... You tell me these things... you tell me no one can help you... I try...

  Im trying my fucking hardest.... I havent told anyone what im doing... I haven't even told my closest friend... my girlfriend... my parents. .. no one... and im not going to tell anyone until someone notices....

  I dont know what to do anymore... im trying to help everyone without helping my self... im trying to get you to see.. to see how much I love you. ..

  Im trying to get everyone to see how precious their lives are... how amazing their lives are.... I try to convince myself thats the only reason to live. To tell people to stay strong. And be here for them. I know for a fact some of my friends are reading this... please dont make a big deal when you see me? Please..

  Im trying my hardest not to... do these things right now.. im sorry everyone...

  I cant continue this story... I feel like I cant go on with my life... but I know I have too.... so I will.. for my friends... for my family... for my girlfriend.

  Just know... I cant hold on much longer...

  If I loose anyone else.

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