Everyone Has Secrets

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Hello everyone! I've decided to try and make this story. I hope you enjoy my creation, I'll write a couple chapters and if I continue to grow with views and positive comments I'll continue the series! Enjoy 💞

Melissa's POV

  I slightly opened my left eye and looked over toward my alarm clock. I widened both eyes alarmed while listening to what sounded like it going off. Without a doubt I quickly turned over, tapping the top of the alarm clock lightly to make the ringing stop.

  Jumping up and sprinting toward to closet to grab my school uniform. School uniforms suck in my opinion.. although they make me less late cause I don't need 4 hours to decide on what to wear. I quickly got ready in a decent amount of time. Walking over to the mirror and just stared at my reflection.

  First I set my attention on my eyes, light green and almond shaped just like my mother's. Then I watched a glitening silent tear fall down my cheek landing within reach of my nose. My nose always reminded me of a button. Just like my father's whenever I scrunched it up of course. "Are you ready Melissa?", "Yes father, I'll be down in 5!" I called out.

   I turned around facing the mirror once more watching my hair fall into place on my shoulders. I've always loved the way my brown hair sat on my shoulder it gave me a pretty vibe.

   I grabbed my bag, socks and phone running out of my bedroom and through the hallway. Making my way into the kitchen I've come across my father. He looked as if he was about to tell me something important. I could just tell by his expressions.

"Are you ready for school melissa?" My father asked. "Yes very much ready to go."  I said watching my father grab his car keys. He gestured his hand toward the front door, and I took it. Soon enough he was walking in front of me. Which gave me time to just stare, and let the outside world sink it for a minute. It felt like I had been standing there for 3 hours. But in reality had only been there for 3 seconds. I walked toward my father's car and got inside. As I sat down my father started the car- "Are you forgetting anything? Cause I'm not coming back." And I replied with a simple- "no". The car ride to school was silent, as usual.

  After what seemed like 15 minutes of driving we arrived at school. I quickly opened the car door got out, and closed it. I waved goodbye and watched my father's car drive off until it disappeared around the corner. I then turned around and began to walk into the building.

Why does school have to be so annoying? I mean all I really like about school is that I got to meet my bestfriend lizzy. I walk inside and- speak of the devil, lizzy is waiting for me by the lockers. Lizzy was always taller then me she looks to be about 5'7. She has long black hair, and brown eyes. In my opinion she was very pretty. I run up to her and say, "Hey" She replies with "oh hey ready for class?". "I sure am" I say nodding my head. We both walk down the long  halway. Lizzy walks into the history room, while I stay back for a minute fixing my pants. I look up to find a boy staring at me. He is my skin tone but a bit darker I'd say a caramel color. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He's much taller than me actually. I just watched him for a second, he leaned up against a locker watching me walk into history. I sat down and thought if he needed something from me, or was simply just being weird..

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