Everyone Has Secrets

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*After Class*

I walk out waiting for lizzy at the door. Many kids flood into the hallways making their way to there next class. I look around and spot the same guy! What's his problem? He was just staring at me. I couldn't read the face he was making, all I know is that lizzy needs to hurry up. I notice lizzy's black hair and run after her. We split ways and we were both on our own. My next class was English.

The hallways begin to get less and less crowded the longer I walk. Before I knew it the hallways were little to empty. In the corner of my eyes I spot him again. The same freaking guy?! What the hell he's following me? I stop and turn around to confront him. He stops aswell.

"What's your problem dude?" I ask

"Can I not walk to class?" He replies.

"Oh, must be a mistake carry on" I say nervously.

"Meet me in the front when school ends, let me introduce myself properly" he says smirking.

I have bad vibes about this guy. I dont know what it is but it doesn't seem right. He continues to smirk and stare into my eyes. I feel like he's eating out my soul. What did he want?

"Introduce yourself now" I immediately say to break our staring contest.

"I'm sorry, I can't, I will be late for class." He replied.

"whatever see you then." I say quickly turning around taking my leave.

*A few hours later*

"Have a great rest of your day and don't forget about homework!" Mr. William stated. I grabbed my bag and made my way toward to door. The hallways were once again, crowded with people. I walked to the front of the building to see.. many more people waiting to be picked up. I can't spot his brown hair anywhere. Ah.. there he is! I walk up to him tapping his shoulder, he then turns around greeting me with a Smile.

"Ah you've come" he said making eye contact with me.

"Yes I came whatever, what's your name?" I ask in a hurry.

"Mason, and yours?" He asked.

"I'm melissa.."

"Wow you have such a beautiful-"

"Yeah yeah, it was nice meeting you Mason I must be going now it's getting very late" I said cutting him off. I was lying through my teeth it looked to be 12 am outside I just didn't feel comfortable around him.

"Okay I guess, I'll see you later beautiful" he replied.

He gave me chills. He seems kind of scary and mysterious. The vibes I had been getting off of him weren't pleasant to I've decided to keep my distance. On my way home I keep feeling that I was being watched. I stopped walking and looked around. All saw was a couple of cars pass and thought nothing of it.

I continued to walk home. Feeling very strange, so I took a short cut and walked through the park. The same car that passed me 5 minutes ago was now in the parking lot. Parked and on. I watched its lights go out and shut off. I didn't have my glasses so I couldn't see the person who got out. I wasn't that curious though. About 15 minutes later the same car passes me again. I stop watch it drive off and continue to walk. What is going on? Am I being stalked? I finally got on my street and the car passes once more.. now I'm running dying to get home. I run on my lawn and on my porch. I now feel safe. I felt my heart racing. I opened the door and stepped inside locking it behind me. I look through the curtains to see no cars pass. My father walks down the stairs and says-

"Be useful and get me another beer"

"Get it yourself" I mumble.

"What was that?" He says angrily

"N-Nothing I'll get that beer" I stutter.

"Good I'll be in the living room" he replied

I hate when he drinks.. this usually happens every day after school. I never wanna come home after school but.. today was different. I grabbed a cold beer from the fridge and walked into the living room.

"Here dad just for you" handing him the beer.

He looks at me in disgust then says- "don't call me dad you useless piece of crap!"

"Don't be silly d-dad" I reply

"What did I just tell you? How dare you disobey me. I give you everything you ungrateful mistake! He shouts.

"You're my father what am I supposed to call you?" I ask.

"Is that additude I'm hearing?" He says angrily.

I watch his eyes turn black and cold.

"Answer me when I talk to you!" He shouts.

"What would mom think of this! We were a perfect family until she died. She would be so disappointed!!" I yell.

He slowly rises slamming his beer on the coffee table. He stares at me with such anger that could kill me just by looking into his eyes. I refuse to make any eye contact that shows respect and I have none for him. He run at me grabbing my shirt and picking me up into the air. He throws me onto the ground. I can feel the wind being knocked out of me as soon as I hit the ground. He walks over to be kneels down and spot in my face.

"Worthless" he growls

Silent tears begin to leak from my eyes. What happened to him.. he was so happy before my died.

"I hate you father" I mumble

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" He shouted.

I back up and hit a wall behind me.

"N-Nothing I said nothing" I said.

"No no I heard something come out of your pathetic mouth" he explained.

"I swear I-I said nothing" I stutter.

"Say it" he demands.

"W-what?" I ask.


"I-I said nothing I-" he cuts me off grabbing my neck and tightens his grip. Both of his hands are now on my neck and my vision starts to become blurry. He let's go and punches my cheek waking me up. He then grips his hands on my neck once more choking me to death. I try to catch my breath.. but his grip is becoming tighter. I struggle a bit and start to become very weak. My eyes roll back and everything was blurry. Constantly blinking I try my hardest to keep my eyes open. I gave out and closed my eyes. I hear a muffled voice..

"Goodnight melissa"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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