It Comes

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A Blood Moon hangs in the sky. Shining through the clouds of pollution and signs of human life. In the West of what used to be Kentucky on the outskirts of the city. You may see nature making an effort to replenish it's dying world. Little weeds stick precariously out of cracks in the old, crumbling black top.

One of the last refuges for Nature left, survives just outside these outskirts. The humans have fled for the quick and easy life of the city. Where all there needs are "met" via a machine and the ones that tried to stay are long gone thanks to the Predators.

Wolves, big cats, and all of your natural predators have adapted to this world and have viciously protected this last sanctuary of Nature.

On this Night, a cloaked figure walks these woods, untouched by human hands, to a small clearing. It is just about a foot more on each side then the figures outstretched arms. Ringed by old, ancient oaks that spread their branches out higher than all the others and their roots deeper and wider.

"Interum Avicc, Usume Alorthri" the chants of the stranger begin to fill the air. The perimeter of the clearing lights up in the ancient Magick that has been awoken. In the center the figure throws up it's arms and lightning falls lighting a fire in this circle. The shadows cast only deepen the darkness that this figure is shrouded in.

"Spirit of the Moon, I call your hounds to me.

Let them sense my presence and come racing to the aid of the Forest."

For a moment the Red Moon's light seems to glow brighter, but the silence is broken by the baying of wolves. Fog rolls in and around the circle, unable to sink its claws into the circle. Eyes reflect and glow around it. Stalking this Intruder. A black Wolf larger than the wolves of old, more the size of a bison, stands firm on a rise just outside the clearing where His pack is circling. A smaller, gray wolf leaps at the figure but is repelled by a flash of light at the clearing edge. Sending it back to the fog carrying the smell of burnt fur.

You enter my Forests?

The Alpha growls as his voice is projected to the figure's mind.

"I am. I do not wish to hunt you. Here let your wolves have a long overdo meal." With a wave of it's hand and a flash of light 3 fat deer appear and are quickly and mercifully killed. The wolves wait till given permission and then dive into the much needed food.

Who are you and why do you call the spirit of the wolf?

"My name is Enai and I am here to bear news. I am reclaiming this forest and though I do not ask for protection I do ask that you and your people remain friendly to me and come if I call." The voice rings clearly. The voice sounds sure and confident, but oddly young. As if the figure's body had not yet hit the change into Adulthood.

What are you?

"I am a Witch"


Hahahahaha! You are no Witch, probably a human using their machines to trick me and use this Forest for greed. Step outside of your circle and see how defenseless you are!

The Alpha bears his teeth and his pack assumes a position surrounding the clearing. The figure starts to shake, confusing the Wolves and causing them to gnash their dagger sized teeth and pace.

The figure is laughing. The wolves flick their amber eyes to the Alpha to see his reaction. His hackles are raised but his eyes are inquisitive and teeth are not bared. They follow suit.

"I will show you that I am truly a Witch" throwing back the hood to reveal a boy of 12 or 13. His faintly tanned skin makes his Gold and Silver eyes shine that much more. His long black hair falls in waves just past his face. Full lips and a strong, but slightly upturned nose indicate the lost Native race. The Alphas eyes immediately catch the faint glow of the Symbol of Magyck on this childs forehead.

"As for being unprotected you have failed to notice my friends" he points up and the Alphas eyes follow till they stop on the two set of golden, slitted eyes watching him from the oak branches above. The massive mountain lions leap down into the circle. One on each side of the boy. The boys head though he must be at least 5 foot only reaches the big cats shoulders. The cats flash the Alpha a toothy grin as they sit.

"Now this circle is a spell of protection but also a pact. None may enter to harm me, but leaders of Nature may step in and bind themselves to me. To this land." The boy grins a brilliant white smile, " so what do you say Grynther?"

The Alpha steps slowly down to the circle head held high and pauses at the edge of the clearing before entering the circle and giving a curt bow to the Witch child.

I Agree.

A boom of thunder and light and then the circle fades, but the Wolves are already trotting off behind their Alpha.

The Witch Child's smile dazzles white through the dark.  He scratches the chin of the large She-Cat on his right.

"We did it Nala.  The first Treaty of the Forest in centuries!" a large purr rumbles out of the She-cat, " now we wait, for it is certain the time has been set. The comes"

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