《 Chapter Twenty-Three 》

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Yoongi giggled as he played with Hobi, the stuffed animal dancing and playing around. Of course, the bear was being moved by Seokjin but the teen didn't really notice that.

Just like how he didn't notice what the adults were speaking about. Taehyung definitely didn't notice, he couldn't have because he was forced into a naptime from Jeongguk who explained the boy was just tired.

Yoongi didn't miss him, in fact he was happy that he was gone and he would still be happy if Taehyung didn't come back. He thought of that fact as he continued to watch Hobi.

Meanwhile, Namjoon was speaking seriously. "We have to get him before he speaks to Lee."

"How long can we wait," Jeongguk asked, currently picking up some of Taehyung's toys.

Namjoon thought silently for a few moments. He truly didn't know. Maybe Jimin could hold him back but waiting too long could cause Hoseok's trust in his hyung to decline. "We would have to ask Jimin but I don't doubt it will be soon."

Seokjin pursed his lips, looking up from the stuffed animal, also pausing the movements by accident. Though Yoongi complained in the form of a whine, looking up to his caregiver. The older couldn't help but chuckle as he made sure to keep the stuffie moving. But when he returned to the topic, he grew concerned. "Are you sure about this, Joonie? I don't want to hurt the boy."

Namjoon smiled at his lovers kindness and shook his head. "We won't, I promise. But it's truly all we can do, we can't risk losing Yoongi."

The other simply sighed and nodded, deep in thought.

Yoongi, who hadn't heard any of the discussion, tugged on Seokjin's sleeve. "Toons, please?" He asked shyly, a light blush dusting his cheeks.

Seokjin cooed and kissed the boy's forehead. "Cartoons for the little prince coming right up." Soon enough, Toy Story was playing, the little now absolutely ecstatic at seeing the animated movie upon the screen again.

"What will we even do with Hoseok?" Jeongguk chirped up after a long bit of watching the movie.

"We'll have to keep him restrained for a long while; he's too smart to be allowed to roam," The lawyer planned in a murmur. He glanced down to the papers of multiple cases in front of him. As terrible as it sounded, he learned from the failures of other criminal. The male smiled, dimples proudly on display. "But we'll introduce him to our baby boy, of course."

Seokjin gasped softly at the idea. "Right! We promised he would see his Hobi soon."

The mentioned teen glanced to his Appa and Daddy upon mentioning Hobi. He lifted his stuffed animal innocently. "Hobi?" He tried to affirm.

Both of his kidnappers chuckled. Namjoon nodded. "Yes, my little royal prince. Hobi."

Before they could continue cooing over Yoongi, Namjoon's phone chimed. Seeing Jimin as the caller, he answered quickly. The officer spoke almost instantly, "Hoseok is visiting Jihoon tomorrow. We need to get him tonight."

They all looked to each other before Jeokgguk smiled, front teeth showing to form a cute bunny smile. "We'll have an extra person for dinner then!"


Jimin sighed, watching as Hoseok read the file for their illegal case over and over again. Everyone was gone for the night, almost every light off and the building completely silent.

Hoseok looked exhausted, eyes continuously drooping shut only for the boy to shake himself awake and take a sip of his overly caffeinated coffee. When Jimin saw him repeat the action for what felt like the hundredth time, he shook his head.

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