Yesterday in my dream Out of no where Jesse was in my dream so was Graphnix and Hypemyke one of them accidentally pushed me towards Jesse that I accidentally kissed Jesse Baron on the lips so even Jesse lips was on mine I’m like Sorry one of your best friends pushed me into you by accidentally or by purpose then Jesse only stared at me that I somehow felt uncomfortable because the most awkward thing was I was in Jesse Baron’s lap which was odd because he was didn’t seem to Mind because he was holding my waist so I didn’t seem to mind which was odd because this happened in a water park where you have to sit in this flout but I still sat in Jesse’s lap even the other awkward thing was that I was wearing a Bikini and everyone was staring at me including Jesse but he’s twin came later on and said well well look who it is long time no see Riri and by the way Riri you look hot and sexy Riri blushes but Riri can’t blush after that Jesse stared at his psychopath evil twin and said why are you doing here evil Jesse ain’t u meant to be in your real evil Jesse so your saying I can’t see Riri Jesse I never said that ur just saying words on my mouth i hate that Riri whoa whoa here Jesse and evil Jesse no beefing in here alright While Riri was doing her street dance Just like Les twins and MJ moves everyone was like dang I never knew you could dance said Jesse Graphnix Hypemyke and evil Jesse Riri duh I was born as a dancer 💃🏽 this was in Jesse old house in Ottawa Canada?
But Jesse wants Riri and so does evil Jesse They both fight to have what it takes to have Riri by the way Riri dose her capoeira which is Brazilian material arts and fight Jesse and his evil twin Jesse off and Riri tells Jesse that he was married to Taylor and Jesse totally forgot that he was married to her
Riri - Jesse aren't you married to Taylor asked Riri to Jesse Baron
Jesse - yes I just forgot that I was married to her Riri sorry
Riri - it's okay Jesse said Riri to Jesse Baron
Jesse - Riri why is my evil twin Jesse trying to hit on her when you are married to Graphnix asked Jesse Baron to Riri
Riri - I don't know Jesse Baron