Neo Bio

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Name: Neo Brawen

Age: 17

Hair Color: Left Brown, Right Pink

Eye Color: Left Pink, Right Brown (Left eye is her kakugan)

Species: One Eyed Ghoul (50% Ghoul, 50% Cat Faunas)


a/n: Imagine she has cat ears

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a/n: Imagine she has cat ears.


Yin Brawen-Dad

Sapphire Brawen-Mom

Quill Branwen-Grandma 

Aaron: Honorary Uncle

Jade: Honorary Aunt

Roman: Honorary Uncle

Tock: Honorary Aunt

Weapon: Yukimaru 

Semblance: Ghoul-Since she is half ghoul, she posses the same abilities as them

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Semblance: Ghoul-Since she is half ghoul, she posses the same abilities as them. Minus the part where she has to eat flesh.



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Likes: Her family, coffee, hunting ghouls, ice cream

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Likes: Her family, coffee, hunting ghouls, ice cream

Dislikes: Being called a monster, getting arrested, being nagged at

Info: When her dad found out she possed his abilities, he began to teach her how to control them. That along with the fact she was raised by skilled warriors lead her to become a powerful fighter herself. Now she is old enough to go to Beacon.

There we go Neo's Bio is now complete. I dont own any of this pictures. I'm excited for this new story of mine. I jope you all will like it. See ya next time!

Next Chapter: Team PWBJ Bio

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