CHAPTER 1: Where Am I?

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Pisces' P.O.V

"Hah! What a dream, what a dream!" I said to myself. I got of my bed and went to the window that was blocked by curtains. I pulled the curtains to the side and I saw the sun shining so bright. Then I opened the windows to feel the nice morning breeze coming in. I hear the birds chirp as I look at the beautiful scenery right in front of my eyes. It was so nice, beautiful, and peaceful. As I looked into the beautiful scenery, I started daydreaming about me dancing, in a world that never exists. Wishing it would exist, but I know that's never gonna happen. I closed the window and went in the bathroom, doing my bathroom routine. After I finished my bathroom routine, I changed my PJ's into a blue dress. Then I brushed my hair with my comb and turned my hair into two ponytails. I headed to my kitchen, to make tea for myself. While I was getting the ingredients for the tea, I was singing a song, when I heard a knock from the door. I went up to the door and opened the door, seeing no one there. So I closed the door back. Maybe I'm just imagining. I thought to myself. When I just got to my kitchen, I heard the knock again. So I sprinted to the door and opened the door, revealing a letter laying outside on the ground in front of my door. I picked it up and closed the door behind me and walked to the living room and I sat on the couch. I opened the letter and it was written:

Meet me at the waterfalls at 6 in the evening.

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