❄️ Prologue: Like Any Other Day ❄️

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Nuria's POV

Today is going well so far. Everyone is ready to start the day, except for the fact that I'm substituting for Karla. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against her class, but I might get a headache or two after each teaching. I don't know how she handles it. As I was getting ready to go to Class 1-A, I noticed a few notes and letters on my desk. So I grabbed them before I closed the door and locked it. Looking through the papers and losing my focus, I accidentally bumped into my best/childhood friend, Ray.

"You okay?" "Yeah, I'm subbing for Karla today. You?" "I'm doing okay too!" "That's good to hear." We would always have our conversations like this, hence we've been friends for years now. Until... "Inkblot, cut it out!" "C'mon Fishsticks, it's not that bad!" "YES IT IS! "Oh pssh! It's not bad!" We turned our attention to a pair of cousins with porcelain-like heads and are very memorable throughout the whole school.

The female voice came from the young mug girl, with her purple octopus acting as her hair, or often known as "Mirna Mermug". She's eight years of age, sweet but stern kid, one of the children of Mugman and Cala Maria, and one of Karla's students.

The male voice came from the young cup-demon boy, with licorice black ink for hair and demon-like appendages (horns and tail), or often known as "Inkblot the Cupdemon". He's ten years of age, troublesome but learning to mature, he is the son of Cuphead and I don't want to mention his "mother", he's also one of Karla's students too.

I walked over with Ray by my side and went over to the cousins to find out what they were arguing about. "Inkblot, Mirna", I spoke clearly as I caught their attention, "what are you two arguing about this time?" Neither of them answered me, but I know they heard my question. Inkblot was sweating like a pig, ink dripping down from his bang to his non-existent neck. He stutters out to us. "I...I... IwantedtogetMs.NuriaadatewithsomeonebutMirnawasmadatmebecauseshethoughtitwasastupidbutIsaidtoherthatIwillmakesureyouwillbe-" Did he just... I flushed red in anger and embarrassment. "Wait, you wanted to WHAT!?" Ray saw how angry I was. As the plug-tail robot held me back, the four of us heard a voice that made us stop. "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!?"


Word count: 400 words

Man, the first chapter and it's already starts with 400 words. Also, I hope this is okay for starting out. Okay, I just hope Flame is okay with this.

For those who are wondering who was the one that said "FL-FLAME!?", that was Nuria.
Enjoy my stories!



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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