I'm Sorry

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"Say you'll see me again, even if it's just in your wildest dreams" Wildest Dreams//Taylor Swift (I listened to it the entire time I was writing this(can we also just talk about 1989 SSSSSQQQQUUUUEEEAAAALLLL))
I'm just going to be honest here.
Here's the real reason
I promise
No lies
That's the reason
I couldn't lie to you
I couldn't lie to me
I've been worrying about other people's happiness
Not my own
I did this for me
I had to do this for me
There's no way around it
No other way it could have ended
I wanted to believe it could have never ended
I wanted a fairy tale
A broken doll finds the glue
Lyrics find their melody
You weren't my glue
You weren't my melody
Your someone else's glue
Your someone else's melody
Right now I want to be my own glue
Right now I want to be my own melody
Right now I need to create my own happiness not rely on someone else to
Right now I need to be alone
The funny thing is that I'm not lonely
I'm independent
I'm strong
I created my own independent
I created my own strong
I created my own happiness
But you were my friend
That's what I want
I want you as my friend
I need a friend
Maybe that's all it ever felt like you were
Does that sound harsh?
I hope not
I wanted fairytale but I got a friend
A good friend
But nothing more then a friend
Nothing but friend feelings
No matter how much I want there to be more
There hasn't been more for a while
I didn't want to admit it
There was at the beginning
I promise
So many promises
I wish I could keep them all
I couldn't
I tried
I promise
No lies remember?
I'm not sure if the person I wrote this about is reading this but if you are I want you to know I mean every word I said.
I'm sorry. Really
*giggles at inside joke with my best friend*
Twitter: @TheSamFlint
YouTube channel: Search "Sam Flint"
Tumblr: thesamflint (I've discovered that's my username for almost everything, oops)

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