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"He's here guys!" Jason says as we all turn our attention to where he is.

"You're finally here Tetsuya" Kristan grins as he wraps his arm around Kuroko's neck.

"Yup! What's the catch? Anna, what's your news?" Kuroko asks as she nods.

"Well, you see... Our first game is against Seirin and... one basketball team caught my curiosity, which is in Kaido High... I've looked into it and it's sponsored by Kuroko Katsuro... Kuroko Tetsuya's father" Anna said sternly.

"He ISN'T my father and he NEVER was..." we heard Kuroko growl.

Everyone was shocked at his serious and killing like glare.

They've never seen him like this before.

He was always calm but now he isn't.

Silence stood there between them for minutes.

"Well... Sorry about that Tetsuya" Anna coughed breaking down the tension of silence.

"It's fine" Kuroko finally calmed down and sighed.

Everyone sighed in relief.

"So this Katsuro guy is the problem. The team that he's sponsoring is one of the rising teams here in Japan. Just like the GoM" Anna explains as everyone listens intently.

"He's just a crap, don't care about that guy" Kuroko scoffed.

"Chill bro" Kagami said creepily.

"I am!" Kuroko argued.

"Now now, no fights for now" Mark sighs.

"Yes..." Kagami and Kuroko said boringly.

"As I was saying, we'll fight Kaido High, in the future games we'll be having. For now, Seirin is our own top priority" Anna finishes.

"Well, they're easy as pie. Just beat them and keep beating the others and we can finally play Kaido High. Simple huh?" Kuroko scoffed.

"Yea yea whatever" Kagami rolls his eyes.

"Well, that's my news for today" Anna says as we all nod.

"I gotta go back then... I still have to buy chips for Mura..." Kuroko sighs.

"Well, he's a great eater after all" Louis laughs.

"Uh huh" Kuroko agreed.

"Sorry to say this Tetsuya but.. What's in that paper bag?? You've been carrying it the whole time" Jason asks pointing the paper bag Kuroko is holding.

"Oh right. I forgot, these are snacks made by Satsu... Though I don't want others to taste her superb cooking other than those idiots" Kuruko pouts as the others laugh.

× Idiots -----> GoM ×

"You greedy loving guy" Tatsuya teased.

"Yep, greedy when it comes to food and my love" Kuroko boasts.

"Yea yea whatever!! Don't just torture the SINGLE ones here!!!" Kagami ranted.

Everyone laughed.

"Yep! You heard the singles!" Anna joked.

"Anyways, thanks for these Tetsuya!" Mark grinned.

"No probs... See ya guys" Kuroko says leaving as he waves his hands then put it down as he completely disappeared in their sight.


"Thank you sir! Please come back again!"

I left the store and damn... these chips of Mura are just so damn heavy...

Kaido high.... the school where big brother and I went together... since that incident... I don't know what happened to me... I stopped being cheerful, joyful, hopeful... my mind and heart went blank... and the more I try to find happiness in other things... The more I find myself falling deeper and deeper into darkness....

"I'm back..." Kuroko said lazily as he enters the house after taking his shoes off.

"Welcome back Kurokochi!!!" Kise shouts as he jumps to hug him.

Kuroko just simply avoided him resulting Kise to bump his head.

"Meanie..." Kise wailed.

"Welcome back Tetsu!" Aomine grins.

"Welcome back, what took you long?" Midorima asks looking at the wall clock.

"Sorry... Got held up..." Kuroko scratched the back of his head.

"Welcome back Kuroko" Akashi smiles as Kuroko smiles back.

"Ah! I smell food!! Wait... It's Kurochin... Welcome back..." Murasakibara greets as he sits on the couch.

"I bought snacks guys" Kuroko smiled.

Everyone, except Satsuki, swarmed over the paper bag.

"Welcome back" Satsuki smiled.

"I'm back" Kuroko smiles as he kisses her forehead.

"Go and have a lover dovey air somewhere!!! Can't you see we're eating?!?!!"

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