Chapter 7

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*This is not my story but from @ themarmalade on AO3*


Yoongi wakes at noon, miserably sweaty. Memories of last night breeze around him, sweeping any other cares away. He rolls over to look at Hoseok.

The bed is empty. He panics and hates himself a little. You are not this needy, he tells himself, smoothing his palm down the cream sheets.

It doesn't stop him from worrying if Hoseok already left the bed because he regrets last night and doesn't want to encourage Yoongi. He sprawls across the bed and tells himself to shut up. It's noon, that's why he's out of bed for god's sake.

Still, staring at the ceiling fan go uselessly round and round, he immediately replays last night and hunts for any signs that Hoseok didn't like it, that it was Yoongi wanting it more than him.

He reminds himself that Hoseok was the one that pulled a confession out of Yoongi, Hoseok was the one who literally carried Yoongi to his bed.

But what if Hoseok thinks it's a mistake now, in the light of day? What if it was a mistake? Too much too soon for their bizarre, delicate situation.

God though, the way Hoseok kissed me. The way his tongue tasted. The lazy, predatory look in his eye. The gentle way he forced Yoongi's jaw wider.

He's nearly half hard already just recalling it. The bathroom door creaks open and he flings himself on his stomach to hide it.

Hoseok emerges from the steamy bathroom in the soft grey shorts he always wears around the apartment, toweling at his wet hair. So lean and strong, skin such a pretty caramel tan. It does nothing to help the situation in Yoongi's boxers.

Hoseok notices he's awake and smiles, hair going in all directions. "Morning, kitty."

Yoongi nearly chokes. Heart thumping in his chest, he tries to scoff at the nickname but he's never felt so aroused and loved at the same time.

"Morning," he stammers, deep rasp of morning in his voice.

It seems to give Hoseok pause, a hungry look in his eyes. But he takes a deep inhale and falls back into the couch.

"It's so fucking hot," Hoseok whines, ceiling fan barely fluffing his hair.

"What'd you take a hot shower for?" he teases with a yawn.

A pout as he fans his face with a tattered magazine. "I can't take a cold shower, I just can't."

Yoongi sits up, shoving a pillow in his lap. "Let's get ice cream."

"For breakfast?" Hoseok giggles, throwing a leg up on the back of the couch.

"It's lunch time anyway," he shrugs.

It doesn't take much to convince him. "'Kay. Gotta go grocery shopping anyway."


It's a relief, the way they get along so naturally still, after last night. Not that he believes in it, but it feels a bit like destiny anyway, how they fit so naturally despite the insanity of their circumstances. Still, Yoongi can't shake the feeling that it's a little too much like nothing has changed. All day long, Yoongi finds himself reaching out for Hoseok without realizing, dropping his hand just before he literally clings to Hoseok and embarrasses himself.

It's stupid to be embarrassed, he tells himself. We kissed for hours last night.

But Hoseok wasn't reaching for him, and he's terrified that it means something.

Unfamiliars - themarmalade(AO3)Where stories live. Discover now