New neighbour

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Lauren and Austin were sitting in the Kitchen. Both were staring out of the Window until this new girl saw them and was happily waving at them.

"Lauren you see her too, right?" Austin mumbled confused.

"Yup I do. We should go outside and say Hi."

"Yeah we should.. She’s hot." She wore some short denim shorts and a white flanel with blue dots on it. Austin stared at the New neighbour with a weird expression on his face like He was about to eat her or something.

"Wow but you should stop looking at her like you want to eat her." Lauren laughed. 

Austin blushed at his sisters comment and made his way to the sink. He looked out of the Window and watched the New girl Playing with her younger sister.

"Man you're creepy.. " Lauren noticed.

"No i'm just..  Umm. I guess I want.. Yeah Maybe i am."

Austin stuttered. 

"c'mon dumbass lets say Hallo and welcome them in the neighbourhood!" Lauren said with a cute voice.

Austin nodded and smiled out of the Window.
*What is wrong with him? It's Not like he never saw a Girl.. Annoying! She looks good yeah but not that good.. *

Lauren thought to herself, but she didn't notice that she was biting her lip and was staring at the New girl with a weird expression too. 

"Lauren are you okay?" Austin asked her.
*crap! Okay..  She really looks good..  Dont blush!*

"Now you look at her like you want to eat her." He said with the biggest smirk on his face.

"You're disgusting! I was just looking at the umm.. At the trees.  Look at the leaf of it its so Red and yellow and Brown and i like the colors alot you know?" Lauren told him.

"Umm yeah sure the trees." He winked at her with a smile.

"Shut up Austin.  You're so annoying." Lauren groaned Annoyed."CAN WE SAY HI ALREADY!?" Lauren said loud to cover up her embarrassment.

"WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?" Austin smirked at her and

Lauren only glared at him.

As they made their Way to the Front door the doorbell rang.

*let this be the New girl* Lauren thought excited.

Austin opened the door real quick.

"Hi mate!" a Brown haired boy shouted.

"Mhm Hi Brad.. We actually don't have time to.."

Austin stared but..

"Oh sorry i didn't know that. I was just curious How lauren is.. Well Gorgeous How are ya?"

Brad Spoke to lauren this Time and ignoring Austin with the door in his Hand.

"I'm goo..." Lauren started as Austin shut the door close.

"what the actually fuu... Why did you?  I was talking to him!"

Lauren groaned angry.

"yeah.. No..  He's annoying and we need to say hello to our new neighbour. WE dont have time for your british Fuckbody!" Austin said angry.

"First of all. I didn't fuck with him! Second i'm not interested and third you're being ridiculous!  You just want to get this girl in your bed and you dont care about her feelings or thoughts at all!  You're just a a freaking idiot like every other guy! " Lauren was in rage. 

"Hey.. whoa that Wasnt what I meant..  I'm sorry.. I'm just worried about you.. You know.. i know him and He's a Douche..  Please just.. Nevermind..  I'm sorry okay.. And i'm not like that you know that." Austin tried to calm his sister with a hug but lauren just beated her fists into his chest. Austin let go of her.

"yeah okay i'm sorry too. But dont you ever try to hug me like that again. I don't want your sweaty body on mine..  Eww."

"oh lauren i love you too." Austin smiled, "Can we go already geez...?"

"Yup okay lets go.." Lauren said with a grin.

As she opened the door the New girl was standing on their porch.

"Umm i'm banana Have..  oh umm.. no, i meant...  banana i have.. Crap..  my name is awkward Hi.. Shit..!! Okay..  I'mcamilaandhereyouhavesomebanas!" The New girl said really fast and with a shy smile.

*wow she's beautiful.. And funny..* Lauren thought.

The New girl was staring at lauren and they both shared an awkward look. Austin was looking at camila looking at lauren. Lauren Felt so uncomfortable so she thought she should break the ice. *Get your shit together jauregui!* Lauren thought again.

"Haha,  Hi camila..  Umm I'm lauren and this is Austin my twinbrother.. And thank you thats so sweet of you. Because we just ate the last bananas in the house." Lauren smiled with her biggest smile.

Camila blushed and hid her face behind her beautiful long dark hair. 

"you're welcome! My mom actually gave them to me so i can give them to you!" camila said

" and oh Hey lauren and austin." Now she was looking directly at Austin.

"Sssswuuunga." Austin stuttered.

*austin what are you doing wtf?!

"Uh He does that sometimes.. He's a little umm...  You know.." Lauren pointed to her head. 

Austin kicked her foot and smiled at camila. "No i'm not you're just so.."

"Cute." Lauren finished her brothers sentence. They both shared confused looks.

Camila started to giggle at the two.

"Omg no but thank you guys! But i'm just really awkward.." camila blushed again.

"Well we have something in Common then."

Lauren smiled bright. Austin watched the two with a confused look. 

"Hihi.. Yeah umm.. my mom asked if you guys, and your parents, want to Come over later? We'll have a BBQ.. " Camila asked. 

"Of course!  We will be there. " Lauren winked. 

"okay then. I See you later.."

Camila smiled as she walked backwards and left slowly the porch. "Bye Camilla!" Austin shouted and waved at her.

"It's CamEEla.." camila giggled.

"you know what Nevermind. See ya!"

She shouted back.

Now Lauren closed the door with a big smile on her face. She was confused and happy at the same time.

"What was that?" Austin asked confused.

Soo that was the second Part. I know it's short but i dont have a lot time to write.  I hope you still enjoyed it! And english is not my native languange so sorry if there is something misspelled. Give me your Feedback i would love to read it!

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