Chapter One

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The trip to the house Karlheinz had sent me to was relatively long. I ended up paying the taxi driver over $200 (albeit paid for) and had more back and boob sweat from sitting in that leather taxi than anyone should ever have to deal with. Oh well. The taxi wasn't what I was anticipating, it was the 7 residents of the house I stood in front of- mansion actually.
Chill out, its not like you're gonna walk in to a house of vampires and pretend like you actually wanted to be there. Stupid freak and his sons.
I drew a breath and stepped up to the mansion, noticing the taxi was long gone. Poor guy. He probably knew I was sweating like a pig back there for 10 hours.
The weather seemed to change all of a sudden from hot as hell to stormy. I knocked on the mansion doors. Yeah that shit isn't weird. I thought as rain started to drizzle on me. No one answered the door after a few minutes and the rain started to come down on me. "Okay haha, I know there's 6 of you assholes inside, so hurry up and open the door!" My complaining didn't seem to do anything. I sighed and knocked louder this time. Still nothing. "Fuck it, I'm not getting my clothes any more drenched then they already are!" My hand grabbed at the doorknob and surprisingly enough, it was open. Are they stupid? I stepped inside cautiously, my thoughts died down as I spotted some guy lying on the couch by a window. Walking over to him, I did my best not to slip with my wet shoes.

"Wakey wakey," I sang as I came close to him. Yeah, definitely Karl's genes. I couldn't deny the fact I was indeed checking out his 10/10 son. Maybe son? Reaching out to him, I shook him slowly. Holy shit, talk about freezing ass skin. "Um mister, are you good? You're like -90 degrees I believe. Celsius." The red head opened slowly opened his eyes as he sat up. "Damn you're noisy." Stepping back, I nervously smiled as he looked at me. "This isn't your house, so be quiet." Nevermind, his arm might have been
-90° but damn, that glare is -1000°.
"Sorry, I tried knocking but no one answered, so I kinda came in. Your father probably told you I was gonna be here for a bit, Karl-" He stood up and glared down at me before yelling.

"I don't give a crap about what he said." Before I could even tell what was going on, he grabbed me and pressed me down on the couch he was lying on.

"... As much as I love the classic 'Hey-I-just-met-you-and-now-I'm-gonna-push-you-onto-this-couch' introduction, I'm going to have to say no to whatever you're doing." This arrogant prick smirked and leaned down towards my neck. "You already know the answer to that. I'm going to take you." Not being a big fan of the sexual assault route, I used 2% of my power and managed to weasel out of his sexual predator hold. "I said no." He 'tched' and opened his mouth again. "Do you think I give a damn about what you want, Pancakes?" Excuse me? I'll have you know I'm well endowed, I just happen to be wearing a really baggy sweater. I felt myself pout a bit before pointing my finger at him. "Flat-chested? Look at you, your shirt only has the first button done-up like you're about to go shoot a soft-core porno!" He growled a bit but just as he reached for me again, a voice cut in. "Ayato, what's all the commotion?" We turned to see what I can only assume to be Claude Faustus 2.0.
"Damn, not you, Reiji." Damn indeed. This guy was definitely into some form of BDSM and hardcore reading. Taking the chance to distance myself from the almost shirtless guy, I sat down on an opposite couch and waited for Claude.

"This is the entrance hall. This is meant to be used as a place to greet our guests. Take your activities to your private room." Yeah, that's right! Tell man hoe what's good Claude. "Well that was dull." The redhead commented, "Just like your di-?" Claude cut me off before I could finish. "And you are?" He looked straight at me and I thought I was going to faint. Hot guy power? Or maybe guys who look like they wanna murder you power...

I stood up and brushed off the invisible dust from my skirt. "I'm [Name] [Surname]. Your father forc- err, made me come here."
"I've heard nothing of the sort. Ayato, explain this to me." Said boy looked at me before saying, "Huh? How should I know? All I know is that she's a punk." My finger pointed accusingly at him. "You started it by trying to manhandle me on the couch!" Ayato smirked. "Who'd wanna touch you like that? I just wanted a sample of your blood."

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