Chapter Two

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Taking off down the mansion hall, I stopped running and started walking after a few minutes. "Oh man I'm out of shape, gotta start smoking less." I joked to myself.
As I rounded a corner, I noticed two tables of sweets and candy. "Oh hello..." a quick break in my escape wouldn't hurt, right? I took a macaroon and devoured it only to hear the eerie voice of HotTopic beside me a second later. "I'll break you."
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, jumping back a foot. "Um, that's great... I just realized I have to go... bye!" Screw the sweets I need to get my shit together and keep myself from taking over. Running further down, I saw a telephone and snatched dat boi only to realize I broke the fucking cord. "Good going, now how am I supposed to call my pot dealer, Edgar?" A giggle sounded from the hallways. "I told you that you wouldn't need a phone during your time here, now where has my little bitch ran off to?" The flirtatious voice of Laito asked, and before I could even move, I felt a pair of cold hands on my arms. "Take a guess."
"Oh hell no, I specifically told you dweebs to keep your," disgusting blood-stained "hands off me!" A bit of force went behind my slap as I caught a glimpse of his shocked face, a handprint left on his cheek. Damn, I got no chill. I almost wanted to apologize but I snapped out of it and began running in a different direction.
Laito stopped. How had she, a mortal girl, managed to even leave a scrap on him, let alone his face? The shocked expression slowly turned into an dark grin. "My little bitch wants to play, huh?" He chuckled, raising a hand to his cheek, feeling the sting and handprint fade away thanks to his abilities. He recalled the disgusted face she wore whenever he touched her. A memory of his deceased mother entered his mind. Disgust, huh?
"If you wanna play tough, then let's get rough, little bitch." A small maniac laugh left him before he disappeared.
I finally made it back to the entrance, even though I really didn't care about leaving, I just wanted a game to play. "Hehehehehe..." Giggling to myself, I stood at the door and tried opening it. No dice. A hand slammed down on door. "Where are you trying to go, panku?" I looked back and saw his thirsty gaze. "I know you think I'm hot and all, but geez maybe hold off on the bloodsucking, Ayato." I said, finally calling him by his name. "It's the much- anticipated time to scream. Please humor me by screaming at the top of your lungs." I recognized the sadistic look in his eyes. "Why would I even waste breath on you, fuckface?" I felt my eyes widen and my body went on autopilot.
Using my strength to push him against the door, I stared him dead in the eye I finally used some of my power against him.
"Don't ever think about biting me again. You're a lowlife who doesn't even deserve to look at me! Address me by my name or I'll punish you, got it?" His eyes matched my own and he repeated my words back to me. "Good, now be a dear and get out of my way." He nodded and stood by the door, arms lack and head down. "Hehehehe... your kind is always the best to have some fun with. See ya, scum."

I walked around the mansion a bit before I got control of myself. "Letting out some anger, huh?" I asked myself. I replied, "I can't help it. Vampires make me crazy, it's like they think they're somehow superior to me." I sighed. "I'm right, but talking down to them still makes me uncomfortable. They can kill me, you know?" I unconsciously giggled a bit. "It's no fun that way. I have to show them who's in control, [Name]."
"Ugh... just make sure I don't go overboard again. I can't have them kill me, especially since I wanted to play games and run away from them." I rolled my eyes. "I'm no fun, why not let me in control for a while? They'll stop screwing with me that way and time here would probably go by faster. You know Karlheinz trusted me not to cheat on him, right? No need to be friends with his offspring." My legs felt slow as I opened the door of a random room and sat down. "Karl-sama doesn't mind when it comes to that. Neither do I. I mean damn, did you see glasses?" A laugh escaped me. "Yes, he is my type I suppose." I agreed. "You think he takes after Karl-sama's personality? I wouldn't mind Reiji using a whip on me like he does." I laughed at this. "I'm dirty, aren't I? I'm fantasizing about his sons." I shrugged. "That's why I'm going to hell."
Smiling bright as I spoke, "too right."
I sighed, looking at a nearby clock. It's been half an hour already. "I have to go back, no more games [Name]."
"Fine. Try not to be too fluffy with them. It makes me sick." I dismissed myself with a wave. "As if. I'm not even gonna use my powers unless they corner me again. No need to make them fall in love by force, right?" A disappointed sigh left me. "Why not? It's been a while since I've gotten laid. Fedora in particular seems easy enough."
I reminded myself of the incident that happened not long ago. "Yeah, but last time I saw him I slapped him across the face. Did I laugh?" A smile crossed my face. "Hehe it was funny. I wanna do that some more."
"I can't unless I wanna be kicked out or killed. I'm pretty sure they're gonna make me attend school with them, I can find someone there to satisfy me."
"Good point. I doubt they'll care."
"I'm right."


"Oi, where did panku go?" Ayato questioned, coming in from the main hall. Subaru glared at him. "Hah? I thought you went to go find the girl. Don't tell me she got away." Ayato looked at him incredulously. "The hell you talkin' about? Ore-sama hasn't even seen her since she ran out of here."
"Stop saying Ore-sama, no wonder she ran away, you're cringe as fuck." Subaru commented, walking away, Ayato hot on his tail. "Hey! Get back here dumbass!" Reiji sighed as he fixed his glasses. Laito and Kanato left also. Chances were that she was with them. But why was her scent still nearby? He looked down at Shu who was still on the couch. Lazy good for nothing.
Reiji left the room and continued upstairs, smelling her blood beating fast. Was she still running after half an hour? No. She was talking in a room. Her voice was low as he approached one of the mansions rooms. His eyebrows furrowed as he began listening to her. "...unless I wanna be kicked out or killed. I'm pretty sure they're gonna make me attend school with them, I can find someone there to satisfy me. Good point, I doubt they'll care." He heard her breathless laugh before she spoke again, he didn't sense anyone else with her. So she was talking to herself. "...I'm right." A moment passed before he heard her walking to the door. He didn't bother to move as she opened the door. Jumping back a bit, she took in the sight of his tall figure in the door frame.
Shit. He didn't hear me, right? I questioned myself as I stared into cold red eyes. He opened his mouth. "School starts in an hour. I'll have your uniform ready in half an hour. Be ready." She nodded as he began walking away. "Also..." Turning back to him, she met his sharp, judging gaze again. "There is only one fact you must fully comprehend. The fact that you can never escape from us." The stick was definitely up his ass as he stared me down. I blinked and suddenly saw no trace of him. He gone.
"Well, that was awkward." I said.
"Tell me about it. I should go get ready though... wouldn't wanna upset Reiji. Or would I?" I questioned, giggling softly.

A pair of lavender eyes watched the girl walk away into the dimly-lit hallways. Kanato looked down at the bear in his hands. "Hey, teddy. She's kind of like us, don't you think?

She's out of her mind."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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