Chapter 1, ZOE

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"Ok that was the bell guys, we will continue this tomorrow" Mrs Ladle explains as she puts down a copy of Shakespeare's 'Mcbeth' onto her desk. A loud buzz of chatter arises with kids loading their books and pencils into their bags and talking about their after-school activities they are off to do.

"We headed to your place?" I turned around to see Aisha looking at me as I put my last book in my bag.

"No sorry, we can't tonight. I've gotta clean for Gran and Pa, they are coming on the weekend" I say and roll my eyes.

"Oh, fair enough, I don't want to be stuck cleaning at your place" She laughs.

"Well I will see you tomorrow then" I said with a grin.

"Alright well be safe" Aisha says with a smile.

We hug then she is gone out the door. Aisha is my best friend, we have been best friends since we were born. Aisha is so pretty and with her chocolate brown skin and height, she looks model-esque. She has wavy brown hair and a lot of the boys stare at her in class but she shoos them away. Her mom was in the next hospital room from my mom and we were born on the same day. Our parents are best friends as well. I look around at the almost empty classroom the only people left are the kids that are asking the teacher questions about the book or how to get extra credit.

"Have a good night Mrs Ladle" I say with a sweet smile and wave goodbye.

"You too Zoe" She waves back and turns back to the other students.

As I start making the walk home, I decided to take the back-rote back to my place. I look around and I can smell a storm coming along. I assume that it must be the one they were talking about on the news spreading from Toronto up to the small town of Stan. Everything is calm and quiet but in a matter of hours, a lot of these trees will be down and bushes and branches will be everywhere and the forest clean-up will begin, once again. I can hear the frogs croaking to one another, birds chirping to get into the nest for the evening, wild moose are frolicking around the bushes rushing to find shelter if they don't already have it.

I let out a big sigh into the cold air and as it turns into a small white cloud for a second, I smile. Everything is quiet so I stop and listen. I can hear the animals going about their business and the wind blowing slightly. The melted snow flows down the creek and sits on the grass. As I'm walking I look around and breath in the fresh air and sigh. It's still cold, just coming out of winter. The tall green pine trees are standing tall and still, but after the storm, most of them will have missing branches.

After what feels like forever I reach the front gate. Ruff, ruff grrrrr!! my dog Ellie barks

"Hello baby, how are you?" I say in a high pitch voice as I bend down to pat her on the head. She licks my hand with her grotty, rough tongue and I flinch, it tickles.

"Hahah stop it Ellie" I say with a small giggle and start walking up to the steps of my old wooden house its creaks as I open the door. I open the door and I get hit in the face with a wave of heat and the smell of lamb roast cooking in the oven which makes my mouth fill with saliva and I swallow it down. I take off my beanie and put it on the hat stand then I take off my old and dirty converse and put them on the shoe stand. I bend down to take a glance at them,

'They have a big hole on the side, I'll see if I can get a new pair tomorrow'. I think to myself and head for the kitchen. The old wooden floorboards creak under my feet as I make my way into the kitchen. I have lots of memories of running up this hallway when I was little with my friends or with Ellie after bringing her inside or taking her out for a walk. When I walk in the kitchen, Mom is in there cutting up carrots and potatoes I can hear the pattern of the knife going into the veggie and then onto the board. The kitchen lights are beaming down on her wavy golden-brown hair and she is singing a little lullaby that she used to sing to me and my brother when we were. I listen in to my Moms singing

"you're my one and only cutie pies my little children, go to bed it will be alright, Mommy's going to chase all the monsters away, so sleep tight my little diamonds mornings going to visit you soon" she sings with the most beautiful voice I've ever heard and I smile to myself. My mother is very beautiful with a tall, fit figure and even after two pregnancies, her body went back to having an amazing shape. She has the most inviting bluebell eyes that you can think of. People often said she was even more beautiful when she was younger and I can imagine that she just didn't have as many wrinkles, I look a lot like her which I'm happy about.

"That smells good" I say and lick my lips and swallowing back another waterfall of saliva. She looks up and smiles "Hey Bear, how was school?" she asks with a very happy voice.

My nickname with my family and some of my close friends is bear because when I was little I used to be obsessed with putting my hair up in these little buns and they looked like bear ears so now they call me bear. "It was ̧ pretty good, how was your day?" I say as I put my bag down. My bag has a bunch of little charms on it from when I had won them or been given them from my friends. "My day was good, go put your bag in your room and come out for a snack" Mom says. I nod and start walking to my room. I turn the light on and realize I forgot to make my bed and open my blinds today, oh well I'm a teenager after all that's what we do right? I think. Then I put my bag down and take off my puffy coat that I wear so I don't get cold and get changed into some long pants and a jumper, I go over to my sock draw and pull out my favourite fluffy socks, they are pink and have stars on them they still fit I think to myself as I put them on and head back into the kitchen. When I walk in the kitchen my stomach turns with delight, when I see a bowl of sliced apples sitting on the bench. I sit down and start eating away, the apples are sweet but also tart, but they are juicy and have a good crunch, as I'm eating I grab my phone off the bench and see a missed message from Aisha: Hey did u get home ok? Also Do u wanna hang out tomorrow night and see the new spider-man?? Lol text me back when u get this xx. I am quick to start typing a reply Hey yeh sure I'll ask Mom tho, I got back safely tho lmao I send back. Mom walks back into the kitchen. "Hey mom Aisha was wondering if I wanted to go see spider-man at the movies tomorrow night, can I go?" I ask. "Sure, text me when it's done" she says. I grab my phone and text Aisha back Yo Mom said I come tomorrow J. I hear the Buzz then the ringtone of Moms phone as it goes off it scares me a bit and she checks it. I stare at her while eating a slice of apple wondering who it's from and what its about. She doesn't look too happy. "Tsk, your dads going to be home late his stuck in traffic" Mom says with a frown. What? Another late night home now I'll have to shower late. He was on his way home from picking my brother Nick up from school. Mom walks back into lounge room. I bite into my last apple slice its sour and sweet at the same time. I stand up and put my bowl into the dishwasher and go outside to fetch Ellie to bring her in before the storm. When I get outside the sky is getting even darker with the storm clouds coming full of rain, ready to make the ground wet and muddy. As I walk out onto the grass I feel small wet blob of water drip on my head then another, and another, the rain has started. Ellie sees me and runs over with her little tongue flapping as she runs and her paws are going 100 Km, it makes me laugh because she looks so funny. Ellie Is my 4-year-old blue staffy we got her when she was a puppy from one of mom's friends and she is so cute. "Come on baby" I say in a baby tone. she barks as she runs inside with her dirty paws going all on the wooden planks. I'm going to have to give her a bath I think to myself. I walk back inside and lock the door behind me. I head down to the kitchen when I hear Mom yelling, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR NOT COMING IN!!". I walk into the kitchen. "Yeah, I know, right yeah I'm sorry but we really need you" she says with a calmer voice. I decide it probably best to get out of there so I head to my room. My room isn't to big it's just enough, I have a double bed that feels like I am sleeping on clouds and Ellis bed is on it as well which is a small doggie bed with clouds and stars on it with the words Ruff your dreams away It doesn't really make sense but it was cheap and she seems to like it. I grab my phone and see another message Hey Bear Nick and I are stopping at the craft shop because he has a project, do you want any materials for a new outfit design?? It was from dad Hey dad, yes can you please get some pink and blue fabrics and some mechanical pencils?? I reply. Suddenly I see a flash of light glow out of the window then the loud clap of thunder the storm has begun.

*Hey guys this is the first part I Hope you enjoy!!*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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