Willow Day Morgan

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Willow Day Morgan, yes her parents were hippies, but don't ask her about them. No, she wasn't abandoned at birth or given up for adoption or anything. She lived with her parents, by birth Sandra Cox and Tom Johnson, but legally got their names changed to Juniper Skye and Phoenix Arlo Morgan in 1975. Also the year they conceived her much, much older brother Marley Peace. It wasn't until over 20 years later that she was conceived. She had a great family home, two parents who gave her everything she needed and loved her dearly, but they also loved drinking and getting high and naked. Something that Willow did not enjoy especially once she got older and started attending school.

Her parents would have attended most, if not all of her school events, had Willow let them. But Willow would never forget the time her parents embarrassed her at the 2nd-grade play. She had the role of the Big Bad Wolf, and it was a role that she took great pride in. Her parents, however, did not see the amusement behind telling children a story of strife and fighting when the pigs and the wolf could "just all live together happily." They came to school the morning of the play and demanded that Willow sit out of the play because they did not condone this type of violence. The teachers had no choice but to comply. Willow sat side stage, tears silently falling down her face, as she watched another of her classmates perform horribly the role of the Big Bad Wolf.

It was from that day forward that she vowed to never let her parents come to school and make a fool of her. She noticed that even from a young age, her views about the world were different from her parents and much older brother. They did not mind getting high together and skipping out on school or work the next day. They would often take spontaneous trips to their cabin in the woods and spend days at a time drunk and stoned. Willow having never been late or missing a day of school, even when she came down with the flu and was up the entire night before, was disappointed to say the least when she would come home to notes from her parents that said they decided to go to on "an adventure" and a wad of cash for her to order pizza for at least 5 nights.

It was during these times that she would sit and plan her business endeavors. Willow wanted to own a business. Not just any business, but her own, female-run, tech business. She got her first computer when she was 10. Her parents, not seeing the importance or use of technology, were not happy when they came home one day and saw that she had taken it apart and upgraded it using other techy things from around the house; the radio and TV to be specific. She always had a knack for computers and math, being the first in her class to know her multiplication table to 15 by 2nd grade and already starting to learn code before she got her first training bra.

She had plans to attend a great college, graduate early, and have her business up and running, successfully, by the time she was 26. She also wanted to surf. Having lived in the suburbs of Chicago all her life, the closest she had been to a body of water was the local pool. However, being in such close quarters with other gross children did not suit her, even at such a young age, so she would bring a book and sit in the shade with the older women who thought it was "so precious" that she was with them, rather than playing with kids her own age. Little did they know that she did not like them either, but she knew that old women didn't last very long in the sun. Within a few minutes of her arrival, they would all doze off; hats blocking their faces from the sun and large umbrellas positioned just right so that only their legs would be out to toast.

Her plan to attend college right out of high school was shut down though when her parents told her the night before her college applications were due that they had taken out the money in her college fund and used it to buy an RV, two RVs to be exact. Not only were her parents getting divorced, but they also both decided that they wanted to live the nomadic life. "Don't worry sweetheart" they told her though, she could have the money once they sold the house. Not only were her dreams of going to college debt-free shattered, but her childhood would be gone too. There would be no coming home for summer or winter break. Where would all her childhood belongings go? Who and where would she visit for the holidays? Questions that she did not wish to answer.

She knew that MIT or any other Ivy League schools would be out of the question unless she was able to get a full ride, but even with her grades and stellar performance, that would be hard. So she had to choose her next best option, Vine League schools, right below Ivy League, no tas prestigious or expensive, but still, the best given her current situation.UCLA. University of California, Los Angeles. Great technology program, great business school, and even greater waves; or so she was told. The thing that sealed her fate was that the school gave her a full scholarship. Now, all she had to do was find her own place near campus to store all of her possessions that had to be moved out as soon as her childhood home was sold and a job to pay for her place. She also needed a surfboard and lessons. But as every good business plan knows, one step at a time. 

A/N: Hello y'all! So, this story is loosely based on the Hearts + Colors song "LA on a Saturday Night." It is a short story, but cute nonetheless. It took me forever to write it but here we are finally. I am hoping to update this in a timely manner but I love this story soo much that I really wanna just upload it all at once. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy it!

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