Four words and an acronym

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"Alright, first things first. You always have to wash your hands. At the start of every shift and in between each drink that you make. No matter what! We don't need any gross cross-contamination."

They both laugh, and Willow shows him how to use the coffee machine and the ratio of milk to coffee. They talk about all things coffee, which she doesn't mind considering that she works at Starbucks and considers herself to be a coffee-aficionado. However, Dave is also well-versed in the world of coffee. He knows a bit more than her, but he doesn't let her know that.

During the entire time that they make and re-make the iced americano, they talk about nothing personal, which Willow enjoys. One of the first things that Willow learned in LA is not to tell anyone that isn't close to you any personal details about your life. This was because you could turn around and see it turned into a movie with many facts changed and exaggerated and yourself as the villain.

"So, um- what are you doing out in LA?"


"Is that all?"


"Where at?"


"So, we're at the one-worded-answer phase, huh?"

"UCLA is an acronym actually."

"So four words and an acronym. We've got progress people!"

"What about you? Do you act?"

"Yes, actually I do, not anything major though, although most of my big things were thanks to my brother."

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have a moocher."

"I do not mooch. I have to audition just like everyone else."

"Right, but you still get the roles."

"So, what are you studying?"


"And we're back to one word."

"Why say a whole sentence when one word works just fine."

"Because I'm trying to get to know you and one word isn't really helping."

"You're not here to get to know me; you're here hiding from the paps and working to keep your stay."

"You're right, sorry."

He quickly gulps down his drink. Dave throws away his trash and grabs the rag and spray and begins to wipe the tables. Willow goes behind the counter and starts cleaning up the machines. She feels bad. She didn't mean to turn him away. She was never one to just open to someone that she just met. She just wanted to get her work done and leave.

"I'm studying Business Management. I want to open up my own tech business. A female-ran tech company."

"You know Silicone Valley is a few hours north, right?"

"Yeah, but they don't have beaches or waves that are as cool as the ones here."

"You surf?"


He pauses, waiting for her to continue.

"I mean, I don't know how to surf yet. But I would love to learn. I just haven't had the time between work and studies."

He walks over to the window and looks up at the sky.

"Thoughts on night surfing?"

"Dangerous is the only word to describe it."

"Well, it's a full moon, which means light. And I know this really great place."

Willow knew better than to follow some guy she barely knew to the ocean. Besides she wanted to sit up on her ledge and watch people. She didn't make plans with anyone because Saturday nights belonged to her and only her.

"Thoughts on early morning surfing?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"There's this place that I know, to go um- people watching."

"People watching? My favorite activity!"

"Let's hurry up and finish here. We gotta go so we can have time to people watch and get to your really great surf place."

He smiles really wide again. She smiles just as wide.

They finish cleaning much earlier than Willow expected. Besides the fact that two people were cleaning, rather than one, they were also excited for the time they're going to spend together. Willow sets the alarm and locks the door like always, jiggling the handle. She leads the way to her car, all while maintaining a light and humorous conversation with Dave. She isn't used to this. She likes talking to him. Sure he's funny and could keep a conversation going, but Willow couldn't see herself opening up to him. If she got anything out of this, it would be a surfing lesson. And he would find a cool new place to people watch.

"This place is not that far, but it does require a bit of climbing. Are you cool with that?"


"Looks like we have one-worded answers again."

He laughs, still airy, but still also cute. Shelaughs as well.

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