Chapter 1

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"Leo! Watch out!"

The turtle clad in blue quickly deflected Tiger Claw's attack. "You're done, Tiger Claw!"

[To everyone who thought of Warriors after reading that, I love you!!]

"Not so fast! This is just the beginning!"

Tiger Claw jumped, grabbing a cable from nearby and using it to swing over a giant glass container. He smirked and kicked it over before landing near the window that led to the roof. "Until we meet again!"

"He's getting away!" Raph yelled.

Before anyone could move anymore, the container smashed against the ground, splashing its contents everywhere along with shards of glass. "Eww!!" Mikey yelled. "This is so disgusting! And that's saying something since we live in the sewers!"

"Donnie, what is this?!" Raph shouted at him demandingly as he tried to shake off the disgusting substance. 

"I don't know. I've never seen anything like this."

Donnie shook his body, but it was futile as the substance was everywhere. "Eww... I'll take a sample with me and check it in the lab."

"Good idea, Don!" Raph said sarcastically. "But, before that, let's get this mess off of us!!"

Donnie sighed at his sarcasm before getting to work on cleaning up. 


Raph hugged himself as he sat on the couch. "Whatever that was, it was disgusting."

"Chill, Raph. We're clean now" Mikey said before shouting. "Ahhhh!"

Leo came rushing in from the dojo where he previously been. "What's wrong?!"

"They killed me~!!!!" the orange-clad turtle whined, making their leader sigh. 


All three looked up to see a familiar h/c-ette come in, his skateboard in hand. "Y/N!!"

"Hey, Y/N."

"'Sup. What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing really--"

"Playing video games! Mind joining me?"

"Uh, maybe later, Mikey," Y/N said with an apologetic expression. "I kinda came to see Master Splinter."

"Aww~" Mikey whined in disappointment. "Y/N doesn't want to hang out with me...~!!"

"Shut up, Mikey!"

"He's talking to April right now. Is there something you wanted to discuss with him?" Leo asked, genuinely curious.

"'s regarding my lessons in the dojo."

"Anything specific?"

"Mastering the art of patience and discipline. Master Wu Lee wanted me to work on it."

"If you want, maybe I could help you out."

"Really? That'd be great, Leo," Y/N replied with a smile. "Thanks. Also..."


Leo and Raph noticed how Y/N seemed to be looking around. "Where's Donnie?"

"Oh. He's in his lab trying to find out what that glop that fell on us is."


"We were out fighting that stupid tiger. He dumped a whole thing of some disgusting mess on us," Raph said in annoyance as he recalled it. 

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