I. PhaYo (2)

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Since it is the first day, we only have a photoshoot. The stars go first, then the moons, another one by faculty, then the final one with all the contestants.

So far, all the moons did good on their shoot. We were expected to do a series of poses that brings out our best assets. There were some who got P'Phana annoyed and earned a few sarcastic remarks, but it seems lighter than what I expect to get . It was almost my turn. The guy before me has yet to start and I am pretty nervous. I am so awkward and clumsy that I am sure I would get an earful from him.

The moon of the faculty of culinary arts was ready and started his shoot. He's more on the bulky side but you could say he's kind of cute, in a way. He started off well with the first few shots which are basic poses standing straight with hands in his pockets, but once props were involved, he started to look awkward. When one of the staff gave him a tray filled with food, he just stared blankly while holding it in front of him. Luck for him, P'Phana was still busy talking with someone on the phone.

After a few clicks from the photographer and some awkwardness radiating from the poor guy, P'Phana cut the call and walked towards the screen to look at the pictures.

"Are you shitting me? Because this is absolute shit. Don't give me that constipated look. What's your name?" He said without an ounce of sensitivity.

I spoke too soon.

The guy gave a sheepish look "I'm Jewel. Sorry, phi. I'm a bit clueless."

"Try totally." He sighed, "Ok, try straightening your back a little more, then put your chin up. Now loosen your arms." The freshman followed,"I said loosen, not set them free like a bird. If I wanted to see that then I would have given you feathers."

P'Pring smiled,"That's a pretty good idea, actually. Why don't we try it. Besides we still have the wings and a some leftover feathers from Valentine's day."

Rubbing his chin, he agreed,"Fine, who's next? N'Jewel's pictures are better now, actually. Let's just try it on the next one. Prepare him while we finish this up. We'll be quick."

After flipping through a clipboard, P'Pring called me over. "N'Yo, let's get you ready. Follow me, I'll leave you to Bo for your hair and make-up."

She led me to a dressing table where a  cute,bubbly long-haired girl was fixing some stuff on the table. When she saw us approaching, she smiled at P'Pring,"Hey, Pring," then she turned to me. "Who's this?"

"This is N'Yo. He'll be after N'Jewel. Now, Come here," she walked farther from the table and gestured for P'Bo to follow.

She whispered to P'Bo who kept looking at me and nodding at whatever P'Pring was saying. Then she smirked and leaned closer, whispering in P'Pring's ear which caused P'Pring to hit her with the clipboard while sporting a light blush.

After watching P'Pring quickly walking away, P'Bo headed towards me looking happy. "So, N'Yo. I'll be styling your hair and putting on a bit of make-up here and there. Now, can you please close your eyes? It will only take a few minutes."

I felt tugging on my hair,the light strokes of a soft brush on my face, and  something being swiped on my lips. A clicking sound of was heard from my left. "Ok, your ready. You can open your eyes now." She closed the cap over the lipstick.

When I looked in the mirror, I couldn't believe what she has done.

I now have glass-like skin and my usually limp hair is now voluminous . To top it all off, my cheeks are schoolgirl pink and my lips have a rosy tint.


"Phi, why do I look less manly?"

"Oh, right. They didn't tell you," she muttered. "It goes with your theme, hehehe.You look good..." Glancing at me,she continued,"You could do well without the braces,though. But I guess it adds to your character."

"But Phi-." Before I could finish, she ran off towards the exit.

And just when I was starting to calm down, P'Phana's voice echoed through the hall, "Wayo Panitchayasawad!"

I need all the luck I can get just to survive these two weeks.

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