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I am here now at my mother and fathers company for the arrange marriage.. I will meet the guy i will marry..yeonbi and sooyeon is with do hyun..so i have no worry to brang them here..

"when are they gonna be here?"

I asked looking at dad

"they will be here for a minute don't worry.."

And the door opened revealing a two old couples like mom and dad.. So my parents stand and greeted them.. So i am


The old f man said.. And

"sorry im late.."

The door opened revealing a guy.. Made me shock and paused at my position..

"oh.. Soobin youre here.. Perfect"

Mom said and i was busy staring at him.. And his attention turned to me

"c-choi S-soobin? "
"s-shin hayeon?"

We asked together.. No no no no.. No why.. Why can it be him..this..this not good

Our parents were curious and shock at our reaction

"you guys know each other?"

Mom asked and.. I didn't move

"umm.. Yes mrs shin.. We are classmate before in high school"

High school yes!! Bitch! You leave me with a two childs in my freakin two hands! Fuck you soobin

"I think i have to go.. I forgot something in the car.."

I lied and got out of the office.. My tears were fallen.. I hate it, i hate seeing him in my both eyes..

Soobin's POV

"i think.. I need to go to the Bathroom.. Ill be back"

I excused and ran to follow hayeon

"this is not good"

I mumbled and try to find her.. And there i find her at the elevator ready to get in but i stop her by grabbing her hands and pin her at the wall


She shouted at me trying to get out of my grip...


I spat at her face making her stop moving and look at my face.. i was really mad she walked away at the office and i don't love her i just want her to listen to her parents and thats it.. I dont even want to agree about this but i have no choice..

Im evem confused.. I didnt know she was the daughter of the Boss of this shin company.. But it doesn't matter

"what do you want? Leave me alone"

She spat at me.. My grip was getting stronger at her wrist

"Why did you ran away?"

I asked

"Why do you care?"

She asked looking away.. Well i dont care about you, i care about my children since  i know now your the one who i will marry

"just answet my god damn question"

"Because i don't want to marry an asshole"

I slapped her since she make my blood boil inside me

"try to call me that or a punch will be next"

I point at her face harshly and drag her back to the office again

"Do what your parents want to do..we have no choice"

I said...and we came inside they look at us

"well.. I think they are getting closer now"

I fake smile to my mother but for real my thoughts were 'getting closer my ass'

"Hey.. Hayeon why are youre face look dead"

Her mother asked, i looked at her secretly glaring, she ignore and fake smile

"oh.. Well i slipped and my face bumped in the wall, but soobin helped me thanks to him"

She faked smile, my heart were going crazy but i dont know why.. I just ignore it

"oh i see.. Your such a gentleman Soobin, just like you're father "

Hayeon's man ther giggled and i make hayeon sit at the sofa and i sit beside her

This will be a long day

-time skip

"well, i think its all settled.. Soobin and Hayeon will live together"

My father said..


Hayeon asked shockly.. This woman really.. Damn it

"What about The kids?i cant leave them"

Hayeon cried..lucky im the father of the kids if don't i will never make them live with us damn..

"umm.. What about the kids? What kids?"

My mother asked confused

"umm.. Well, Soora (Soobin's mother's name) Hayeon had two children and they are twins.. And umm"

Her mother looked down

"They can live with us.."

I answered i heard a gasp


Father said shock

"they can live with us since i love children"

I said the fact.. I love children, i love playing with them.. They make my problems go away

"okay fine"

Hayeon's father sighed..i peeked at Hayeon who is really thankful that our children can live together with us

"tomorrow you guys can move into you own house.."

Her mother said and we nod

-Time Skip
Hayeon's POV

"umm...see you next time mr. And mrs. Choi "

I bowed and wave bye and threy wave bye.. I looked at Soobin

'I hate you!'

I thought and i fake smile at soobin

"and to you too Soobin"

I faked and leave since i can't stand his ugly face now.. Ugh i really hate him... So as Hyunjin, i hate both of them!

"mom, I'll just take a walk.. I have something to buy.."

I said and take my phone on mom's hand since she borrowed it for a call.. Since her phone was left in the house

"what about we will drive you off?"

Dad turn to mom, i shook my head

"no im fine.. I want to be alone for now.. Please"

I be with please full eyes and they just

"i Better go now firdt"

I leave the company and a minute, i came in a grocery and buy ice cream.. Since i really love them 😍.. I walked to the counter and pay.. And a man walked in my side

"heres the cash"

His voice are familiar i turn my head to him... My eyes widen, he then looked at me and about to look to the cashier but his gaze met mine and widen

"hayeon noona?!"

 Your Mistake twin children Soobin ff (end)Where stories live. Discover now