Part 2

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I've been calling out for you

but you never came

It's been 2 years since you left me

I waited for a long time

yet there was no sign nor even a shadow

that indicates that you are here

Come back to me. will you please?

I dearly miss

That boy with a sudden light

with a great might.

Have you forgotten about me?

Have you broken your promise?

Are you lost and can't return?

I thought you have powers,

then why can't you even pass by

and say "hi"?

Sorrow fills up my life.

If you are not going back,

I'll just take a break.

I'll have a relief

A relief from everything.

I promised myself not to give up

but it's enough.

I quit from being hurt.

Suddenly, I saw a light.

Is that... Is that you?

But wait...

No. It's a light from an explosion.

Perhaps, I don't need to kill myself anyway.

I closed my eyes.

As I do it, I felt warm.

and the wind, I felt as well

I moved my feet...

I wasn't stepping on anything.

Am I flying or something?

I opened my eyes...

and I saw YOU.

You, my hero

You've come back for me afterall.

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