One Night Stand 1

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It’s been a year since that dreadful day in Christian’s playroom. I asked him how far it could go and he proceeded to hit me with the belt 6 times. The pain and humiliation still lances through my heart.
A week later he started to attempt to contact me on a regular basis. I couldn’t bare to talk to someone who could hurt someone they are have an intimate relationship with so easily so I ignored his calls and emails. I was fine with ignoring him, until I realized he had security tailing me. I became pretty good at evading them. I started receiving flowers on a regular basis that I just as quickly left out on my balcony. But the breaking point was when I discovered that he purchased the company I worked for. He still wanted to control me and he was willing to throw his money around to have it. He was sorely mistaken if he thought I’d just bend to his will.
I contacted my Dad, who, with his military contacts, made me disappear. I quit my job immediately and he moved me stealthily across the country and helped me to maintain a new identity.
My name is now Annie Lambert and I live in Holland, Michigan. I’ve been working as a fiction editor for Maxwell Publishing for 10 months. I live with a woman who is the ex-wife of one of my Dad’s old military buddies. She is a very kind woman. She helped me to get my job shortly after I moved here.
I recently started talking to Kate again but she still doesn’t know where I live because I don’t want her to tell Christian. Last thing I need is for him to come charging in demanding things.
This weekend Kate is visiting with me in Chicago and insists that we go out to a club and ‘let loose' tonight. Ugh. I really don’t want to.
“Come on, Ana. Let loose. You need some kind of release. You’ve gotten more uptight over the last year than you were before Grey. Just have one night of uninhibited fun and you’ll feel much better.” She tells me as she attempts to get me to squeeze into the sluttiest dress she could find.
“It’s Annie now and fine. Doll me up and let’s go have fun.”
“That’s my girl.”
Kate is engaged to Elliot Grey but she has come to visit me alone. Everyone thinks she is off chasing a story but apparently she’s just trying to chase me into slut mode. She hasn’t told anyone about what area I am In.
When we arrive at the club, Kate drags me to the bar, where we get our first drinks. We get martinis and she insists we both down 2 shots of tequila. This is going to be a fun night that I will pay dearly for in the morning.
We head to our table where we continue to call for more drinks.
Eventually we make our way to the dancefloor and shake our asses and I bump and grind on a handsome stranger.  Kate is really leading me to the dark side.
That’s all I remember when I wake up in the morning. I open my eyes slowly but immediately regret it and close them again as the bright light blinds me. It’s so bright and my head hurts so bad. I slowly open them back up and observe my surroundings. I’m not home. Shit. I continue to look around trying to figure out where I am. That’s when I realize I’m not alone in bed. Shit. Fuck. Beside me is a handsome man with dark hair. He is very muscular and his ripples on his body are defined. We’re both naked and he is clearly very blessed. Oh God. I am a slut now.
I slowly rise from the bed, careful not to wake the stranger, and search frantically for my clothes. They are strung about the room. My panties are in shreds. I quickly and quietly get dressed and find my purse and head out of the room and realize I’m in a hotel. I make my way out of the hotel and start walking down the street and call Kate.
“Yes. I’m outside the Hilton. Pick me up.”
“On my way.”
I hang up and sit on a bench on the sidewalk. I never thought I’d be doing the walk of shame.
When Kate pulls up, I hop into the car. “go. Just go.” I mutter.
She starts driving and glances at me. “you did it? You’re glowing now like you haven’t in a year. You have the sex glow.”
“Shut it. I don’t know who that was. God, I want to kill you right now.”
She starts laughing.
“Not funny Kate. Do you know who he was?”
“His name was Luke. That’s all I got out of him. You were all over him at the club and practically jumped him at the table and then you dragged him out of there, you little vixen.”
I put my face in my hands, “ Oh God. I’m a slut.”
She laughs again. “you’ve had sex with 2 people in your life. You’re far from a slut. You just needed to scratch an itch. Nothing wrong with that. I mean I wouldn’t make it a regular thing.”
“Oh no. What name did I give him?”
“He was just calling you Ann all night so who knows.”
“Ughhh.” I throw my head against the back of the seat. “kill you dead Kate.”
She giggles. “You love me Steele"
“Yeah lucky for you. Aside from my shame, I feel pretty good. A little sore, but in a good way.”
“Good. I told you to let loose and you succeeded. You go girl!”
I laugh along with her.

4 weeks later.
I’m going to get my next birth control shot today.
Before they give me my shot I’m forced to do the customary pee in a cup.
When she comes back in the room she pulls out a strip and puts it in the cup. She has an impassive look on her face as she observes the strip.
“It seems your pregnant Miss Lambert.”
I think my jaw is on the floor. “I… fuck… what?”
“I take it this was a surprise. We can do a scan to find out how far along..”
“No need. I only had sex once this last year. 4 weeks ago. Ugh.”
“Well we can check that everything is where it belongs.”
I nod and we do the scan.
As she does the scan she gets a strange look on her face, “what?”
“It seems you’re having twins Miss Lambert. Congratulations.” She says as she prints off pictures.
Fuck me. Of course the one time I ‘let loose,' as Kate puts it, I get pregnant. Not just pregnant but pregnant with twins.
As soon as I leave the doctor’s office I call Kate.
“Kate I’m going to murder you.”
“Slow down. What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong is that I’m pregnant and now you’re the father because I said so!” I hear a loud gasp.
“Oh God. Ana I’m so sorry but you’re on speakerphone and I’m not alone. I was just doing dishes.”
“Great. Fucking fantastic. Add that to my list of shameful acts. Take me off speakerphone Kate. I’m so gonna tit punch you"
“Ana, only I can hear you now so speak.”
“Who heard me Kate?”
“Um, Elliot and Christian.”
“Fuck me. You’re my baby daddy now. You better step up.”
“Fine. I’ll be the baby’s father. Can we say that on a birth certificate?”
“Hell I don’t know. You act like I’ve done this before. And it’s 2 babies.”
“Excuse me?! Are you fucking serious?”
“Yes. I fucked someone with super sperm. Fuck."
“Well I’ll come see you this weekend. I have to go. I love you baby mama.”
“Love you too baby daddy.”
I hang up and sigh. Great. This should be interesting. I can bet Christian Grey will find me now. He can trace and track anything and now he knows I’m in Kate’s phone.

Christian’s POV

I was so surprised  to hear my Ana’s voice. Even more surprised to discover she is pregnant and wants Kate to be the baby’s father.
I haven’t heard from or of Ana since she left SIP a couple of weeks after she left me. She evaded my security and disappeared into thin air.
I can’t understand how she’s remained invisible for a year. I need to find her.  She must have a new identity. I came to the realization that I love her after she left and she has consumed my thoughts since. I didn’t know I was capable of love yet here I am, in love with a woman I cannot find.
“Kate… please help me find her.”
“Why Christian? You did something to cause her to leave.”
“it was a mistake. I love her and I didn’t want to admit it at the time. She thinks she was just another woman but she isn’t like anyone else. I mean, I really fucking love her.”
“She would kill me if I tell you.”
“I would never tell her you helped. I swear. I’d just tell her that I stalked you and found her.”
“But she is pregnant Christian. If you want her, you have to accept her babies.” Babies?
“Twins Christian. Could you handle that?”
I think about this. I don’t think I’m cut out to be a father but she would make sure I don’t fuck it up. I could do it for her. “Yes. I will accept anything as long as I could have her in my life.”
She sighs. “I tell you what. She will be at my wedding next month. I will push her towards you. You will have your one chance at the wedding. Deal?”
“Deal. I’ve got to go prepare a game plan. I’ve got to win back my girl.”
“Hurt her again and I’ll chop off your balls and force you to eat them Grey.”
“I would never. I know what it’s like to be without her now. Can you at least tell me her identity that she is hiding under so I can research her now?”
“You will leave her alone until the wedding?”
I nod. “I swear.”
“Annie Lambert.”
“Thank you Kate. I will make you proud and hopefully bring her home.”
“You better. Good luck.”
I nod and go out to my SUV with Taylor. “Taylor, I’ve got a name for Ana. Annie Lambert.”
“How did you?”
“She called while I was there. Apparently she just found out she is pregnant and insisted Kate’s the father. I heard her voice. I got the impression that she’s not with anyone. I need a background check on her under that name ASAP. “
“Yes, sir.”
As I arrive back to Escala, I go straight to my office to wait for an email regarding my Ana.
When I hear the ding of my email I read through her report.
Annie Rose Lambert.
Holland, Michigan.
Maxwell Publishing
Fuck. She is living in the state I loathe. It doesn’t matter.  I want her back. I will bring her home

Ana’s POV
4 weeks later

I’m in Seattle this weekend for Kate’s wedding. Tonight I will face him. Kate assured me it will be okay and I believe her even though I’m still nervous as hell.
As I leave to the rehearsal dinner, I imagine all the possible scenarios of how this could go. All I know for sure is that it will be awkward.
As I pull up outside the Grey mansion, I take a deep breath when I lay eyes on his R8. He’s here. I walk up to the front door nervously and knock.
Grace answers the door. “Ana darling.” She exclaims as she envelops me in a hug.
“Hi Grace.” I manage as she releases me.
“Come in. Everyone’s waiting out back.” I nod and follow her through this house I’ve only been in once.
When I walk out onto the back deck, I see the setup. I notice everyone sitting in the chairs waiting to begin and I freeze when I see him. “Ana?” Grace says trying to get my attention.
I shake off the nervousness. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”
“ANA!?!?!” Kate comes screaming and everyone turns to look at me as she comes running to me.
She pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear, “It will be okay.” I nod and she takes my hand and pulls me through the yard through everyone to Elliot first.
“Elliot, it’s good to see you.” He brings me into a huge hug and I can hear Christian growling behind me.
“We’ve all missed you Ana.” I know he is referencing Christian.
“I’ve missed you all too.” As he releases me I’m immediately brought into another hug by Mia the firecracker.
“Ana, you’re back.”
“For the wedding.”
“You should stay. My brother misses you.” Always so bold and unafraid of speaking her mind.
“I can’t. I have to go home to my job after the wedding.”
“Well at least stay a week. I’d like to take you shopping.”
“I’ll think about it Mia.”
Next I hug Carrick and Kate’s family, including her brother Ethan. He gives me another bear hug and again I hear Christian growl. What is his problem?
Lastly, I’m approached by Christian himself. “Ana.”
“Christian.” He pulls me into a hug tight against his chest and it’s actually a welcome feeling. I wrap my arms around him but that doesn’t stop him.
“I’ve missed you Ana. We need to talk after this, please.” He begs.
“Sure.” I say in agreement. I don’t know why but being in his arms again is home. But I’m pregnant so there is no way. Ugh.
The hug finally breaks apart when someone clears their throat. It’s Kate.
I nod and follow her. “You should really give him another chance.” She whispers.
“Kate, I’m pregnant and I live in Michigan. How do you expect that to work?”
“It will.” She says smiling knowingly.
“What did you do?”
“I may have talked to him. We will hash out the details later. Let’s do this rehearsal.”
I nod, stunned that she is now an advocate for Christian Grey. Throughout the rehearsal, I keep stealing glances at Christian and he is constantly staring which causes me to blush.
At the end of the rehearsal ceremony it’s my turn to walk down the aisle with Christian. He puts his arm out for me and I take it and instantly feel that overwhelming electrical current that has always been there. My breath hitches in my throat and I look at him and he is smirking. He knows he still affects me. I’m guessing he feels it too.
We walk down the aisle and I try to let go but he grabs my hand with his other hand and pulls me out of the tent down into the boathouse.
He closes the door and pushes me up against it and kisses me deeply, hungrily. I return the kiss with equal passion. Our tongues are dancing wildly when I finally push him away by his arms. “I can’t Christian.”
“You don’t want me anymore? It seems like just now you wanted that as much as I did.”
I sigh and walk past him up the stairs of the boathouse. I find the couch and sink onto it. He comes and sits beside me. I put my head in my hands. “I’m pregnant Christian, but you know this. And I have a life in Michigan which I’m sure you also know. This couldn’t possibly work. Not only that but you know by now I’m not what you need. I’m no submissive.”
“Ana,” he breathes as he puts his hand on my thigh which shoots a familiar feeling straight to my groin. “I don’t care that you’re pregnant. I accept you and your babies. I'm not in the lifestyle anymore. I take it the father isn’t involved?”
I shake my head no. “It was the only one night stand I’ve ever had and Ugh. I don’t remember it.”
His eyes widen, “YOU had a one night stand?”
“Um yes. Don’t judge. You probably had a million.”
“I wasn’t judging. I’m just surprised.”
“I was too. Kate and I had a drunken night together. Her idea. Therefore, she is baby daddy.”
He chuckles. “well I can work around that. As far as your job, you still have a position available at SIP. As far as needing a submissive,  I don’t. I need you. I couldn’t even try to get a submissive after you left Ana. All I could see was the pain I caused you and I will never do that again. I want you back. No rules and no punishments. You said you love me Ana. Is that in the past or present?”
I sigh again and look down at my hands. “both.”
“Great Ana, because I realized that I… love… you too.”
I look into his eyes with my mouth wide open I’m sure. He puts his fingers under my chin and pushes it up to close my mouth. “Y- you love me?”
“I do Ana. Please come home.” Next thing I know, I’m in his lap straddling him and kissing him passionately running my fingers through his copper hair. He pulls back for a moment. “What do you want Ana?”
“I want you..” I look at my watch. “But we have a party to get back to.”
“Shit. I forgot about that. Come back to Escala tonight?”
“Yes Christian.” I kiss him again.
“We have to stop or we will never leave this boathouse.”
“Fair enough.” I stand up and straighten out my dress. He stands up and adjusts himself in his pants. He takes my hand and walks me out of the boathouse and back into the tent. A huge grin stuck on our faces.
Everyone turns to look at us as we enter the tent. I blush. Christian pulls out my chair for me and I smile at him and sit down beside Kate. I look at her and she has a stupid grin. She knew what was gonna happen. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she planned this.
Christian sits down on the other side of me after apparently bribing Mia to switch spots with him. We spend the entire meal flirting and he keeps trying to slide his hand up my skirt but I keep blocking him. He grunts in frustration every time.
At the end of dinner, I say my goodbyes as quickly as possible.
Christian takes my hand and leads me through the house out front to the R8. “Christian, my rental car is right there.”
“Get it tomorrow after the wedding.”
“Okay.” He helps me into the R8 and drives us back to Escala. The whole way, he has his hand on my thigh like he’s afraid I’ll jump out of the moving car.
When we arrive at Escala, I freeze when I see a submissive special in the garage. “Christian, a submissive special? Really?”
“Relax. It’s yours.”
“You- you still have it.” He nods and I relax.
He helps me out of the car and leads me hurriedly to the elevator. Once the doors close, his lips crash into mine as he pushes me up against the elevator wall holding my hands above my head with one hand and the other hand finds it’s way into my panties. “so wet for me Ana.”
His lips crash into mine again just before the elevator dings open. He releases me but quickly scoops me up and carries me through the foyer and great room into his bedroom and slams the door shut with his foot and he let’s me down beside the bed. He peels my dress off of me as I fumble with his belt. He moves my hands and quickly sheds all of his clothes. He kisses me deeply again as he takes off my bra and lays me in the center of the bed. He takes his time roaming my body with his hands and mouth as I writhe beneath him. “Hold still baby.” He says as he peels my panties off. I try my best to comply but cannot prevent the occasional buck of my hips as he devours my core. After he manipulates my clit while thrusting his fingers into me, I cum hard and he laps up all my juices.
“Oh God.” I moan. “I need you inside me Christian.”
He glides up my body and aligns himself at my entrance. “if we do this you’re mine again. Understood?”
“Yes. Yours. Please Christian.” He slowly enters me until he is buried inside me. I cum immediately when he hits that spot. “Christian!” I cry.
“Fuck Ana. So tight.” He manages to hold out and keeps thrusting. “this is home.” He says as he thrusts.
“Home.” I moan as my next climax builds. He continues to thrust slowly and gently “harder and faster, please.”
He complies and pumps harder and faster. “cum Ana.” And I do gloriously dragging him over the edge with me. “fuck Ana. I’ve missed you so damn much.”
“mmm.. I’ve missed you too.” I say as my eyes drift shut.
He wakes me up later for a couple more rounds of mind blowing sex. In the morning we have another couple of rounds. Fuck. I’ve missed this man. It’s almost like the belt incident never happened. Almost.
After many rounds of sex and a shower, I dress in some clothes that Christian still has that he bought for me. Of course he would keep them for a year. After we’re dressed we eat breakfast.
“Christian, I need to get to the old apartment to help Kate get ready.”
“I need to get to Elliot’s too. I’ll have Sawyer take you to Kate’s and Taylor can take me to Elliot’s since they’re in opposite directions.”
“Sounds good. Who is Sawyer?”
“More security. Taylor?”
Taylor comes out of nowhere “Sir?”
“Have Sawyer take Ana to Kate’s old apartment and I need you to take me to Elliot’s.”
“Yes sir.”
I’m frozen in my spot when Taylor reemerges with the handsome stranger that I woke up with. How the fuck? When he sees me he mimics my own actions. “Annie?”
I nod my head and swallow the lump in my throat, “Luke.” I barely whisper.
“Ana? You know him?” Christian asks.
“We met once.”
He looks between us. Luke nods. “Okay. Sawyer, I need you to take Ana to Miss Kavanagh’s apartment.”
“Yes sir.” He says professionally. Fuck my life.
Christian kisses me and I awkwardly accept it and walk toward the elevator with him. How is this happening? He was in Chicago. How could he end up working in Seattle for my ex-dominant?
Luke and Taylor ride down in the service elevator so I’m left alone in awkward silence with Christian in the main elevator.
“I love you Ana and I’ll see you at the wedding.”
“I love you and I’ll see you there.”
I kiss him. I love this man but I’m about to get into a car with the father of my children.
Luke opens the back door of the SUV and I nod at him.
Once we’re in the SUV we sit in awkward silence for a few minutes. “Why did you leave without saying anything Annie?” He asks.
“I don’t remember anything Luke. Kate’s the one that told me your name. I freaked out.”
“I really hoped to see you again. How did you end up with Grey?”
“I dated him for a little bit last year. He’s the only other person that I’ve ever slept with.”
“You’re the one he goes on about.” He whispers.
“How long have you been working for him?”
“2 months. I moved here right after our encounter.”
“Luke. I’m pregnant.”
“Wha- Annie. Mine?”
“8 weeks. Yes. I told you I never slept with anyone else but Christian and until yesterday, I hadn’t seen him in a year.” I see him doing math in his head.
“What do we do?”
I shake my head. “I don’t know. I don’t want Christian to find out and fire you though.”
He pulls us into a parking space and turns around to look at me. “I will look for another job. I don’t want anyone, especially him, to raise my child.”
“Luke, you don’t have to.”
“Annie, did he ever take you into that room?”
I look down at my knotted fingers.
“Mother fucker. Annie, I don’t want my child around that.”
“He doesn’t do that anymore Luke.”
“Is that what he told you? He just had a girl that looks eerily similar to you in there a month ago Annie.”
I gasp. He lied to me? “I guess I’m going back home then.”
“Annie, you don’t have to.”
“I can’t be with or around a liar Luke and it’s twins.”
It’s his turn to gasp now. ,”We’re having twins?” I nod.
“Annie, please stay in Seattle. You can stay with me. You don’t have to see him.”
“This is extremely confusing Luke. I only met you once”
“I know. The chemistry was off the charts though. You said you were on birth control.”
“I was. My shot ran out early apparently.”
He sighs. “Whatever you decide Annie, I want to be a father to my children. I will find a new job. My family is more important than anything. But please stay.”
“I will think about it. I know I have to go back for 2 weeks to finish out my job anyways.”
“Okay. Keep me posted on the babies Annie. I will be there every step of the way.”
I nod. This is so fucking awkward.
“I better get inside.”
“I will talk to you later Annie.”
“Call me Ana please.”
“Ana.” He smiles.
He gets out and let’s me out. I thank him and as I walk away, I can feel him staring at me.
I walk in and greet Kate with a hug. “Ana, what’s wrong? You look like you saw a ghost.”
“Yeah. Ghosts of a one night stand.”
She gasps. “You found him? Here? In Seattle?”
I nod “It’s a member of Christian’s security team.”
“Holy fuck! What now?”
“He wants to be in their lives. He doesn’t want Christian around them.”
“Why wouldn’t he? What did Christian say?”
“He… doesn’t know yet. You know he will flip out and fire him.”
“What are the odds?”
“Tell me about it. Let’s get ready.”
We spend the next two hours getting primped and ready with everything except our dresses which we will put on at the Grey’s estate.
Oddly Luke comes to pick us up. I blush. We get into the back of the SUV. “Kate, this is Luke.”
“Ahh, I remember. You had your tongue buried down his throat but I remember him. Luke, nice to officially meet you.”.
“Kate" I warn her. “be nice.”
“Okay, Okay.”
“Nice to meet you ma’am.” Luke says.
“Please, call me Kate. We know each other personally.”
“Okay Kate.”
At the house,  We climb out of the Car.
I nod to Luke again. He smiles and winks at me. I feel myself melting under his gaze.
Kate and I go upstairs and get dressed. We are greeted by an enthusiastic Mia. “Kate!! Ana!!” says Mia as she hugs us.
Soon after we get dressed, there’s a knock at the door so I answer it to find Christian there. “Christian.” I say timidly.
“Ana, I came to bring Kate a present from Elliot and this one is for you.” He says as he hands me 2 boxes. I give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you Christian.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll see you up there.”
“You bet.” Is all I can say as I shut the door and hand Kate her present and open my own.
He gave me a diamond necklace with matching earrings. I loaned them to the bride as her something borrowed and something new. I still don’t feel right accepting expensive gifts.
“Thank you Ana. It’s beautiful.”
“Something borrowed and something new. I love you.”
“Ahh I love you too. “
I walk ahead of her with her father. I find Luke out in the corridor “guarding". I nod and keep walking. I almost trip but he catches me. “Thank you Luke.”
“I’m here to protect you.” He smiles and winks and I blush. He’s still holding on to me a few moments later.
“Um.. I have to go.”
“right. Sorry Ana.” He lets me go and I wink back at him.
“No worries.” I hear someone clear their throat and see Kate. “Gotta go. Later Luke.”
I walk down the stairs ahead of Kate. Awkward situation I’ve found myself in here. Ugh.
As I’m walking down the aisle I see Christian look at me and I blush and look away. How do I look at him knowing his guard is my baby Daddy and he has no clue.
I take my place beside Mia and glance over at him and he is still staring in awe. I blush again. How do I tell him this?
After the ceremony, I take his arm to walk down the aisle. “You look beautiful. “
“Thank you Christian.”
After we walk down the aisle, I give him a kiss on the cheek and walk away. I’ve got to go back to Michigan. This is all too much. I leave Christian with his brow furrowed, obviously wondering why my behavior has changed so much.

Christian’s POV

Her behavior has changed drastically since we woke up this morning and I can’t figure out why.
I was surprised that she knew Luke this morning. Their reaction to one another was peculiar. He called her Annie so he must’ve met her while she was living in Michigan. I was relieved when she said they met once.
Just then realization hits me. He met her once. She had a one night stand. Oh God! My staff fucked my Ana before he came to me.  I have to go find Ana. I’ll deal with Sawyer later.
I find Ana talking to Kate. “Ana, we need to talk.”
“I’m talking to…”
I cut her off “NOW!”
“Be right back Kate.”
I take her hand and practically drag her through the yard to the boathouse but she has trouble keeping up because of her shoes so I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. “Let me down Christian!”
We get to the boathouse and I let her down to open the door. We walk inside and I immediately pin her against the door and kiss her ferociously. “YOU ARE MINE!!”
“Excuse me but what the fuck is this about?”
“Sawyer, he isn’t just some person you met is he?”
All the color drains from her face as she looks down and I have my answer.
“Mother fucker.” I start pacing in front of her. “You know I have to fire him now, right?”
“Christian, I will leave and you will NEVER see me again if you fire him. EVER!! I will go back into hiding. Do not push me!!”
“Why Ana? Why does it matter to you?”
“Because he will protect me when I’m here because he’s hired to and because he knows I’m having his children. Are you happy now?”
“I’ll get someone else to protect you Ana. Please. I cant keep a man in my employ who fucked you.”
“But you will or I will not come back. I promise.”
“So if he stays, you stay?”
“Maybe? I’m not keeping him on if you aren’t even here, Ana.”
“You. You have no room to talk. What about the subs you said you didn’t contract after I left? You just had one 4 weeks ago.”
How the fuck? Sawyer. “Why does it matter? You fucked Sawyer.”
“before you employed him And it was only once. Fuck this. I’m going back to Michigan tomorrow. I’ve got to go.”
She opens the door and walks out. She is leaving again because I’m an asshole. I stand here pacing and pulling at my hair.
Do I fire Luke and lose Ana for good or do I let him work and keep imagining them having had sex? I have to figure this out later. I have to get back for the reception.
I walk to the reception tent and have a seat at my table and Ana is nowhere to be found. I decide to ask Kate if she saw where she went. I find Kate at the back of the tent greeting guests “Kate have you seen where Ana went.”
“She went in to talk to someone.”
“Maybe" she says with an impassive face.
I shake my head and walk to the house and see if I can find her. I left Sawyer stationed in here before I figured it out.
I approach the stairs and overhear her talking to him.
“He figured it out but I told him I’d disappear again if he fires you.”
“I don’t care if I lose my job Ana. I can get another but I want you around so I can be a part of their lives.”
“I’m still thinking about that. I don’t trust him right now.”
“You can stay with me Ana. Nothing has to happen. Just until you get settled. I’m hardly ever home anyways.”
She sighs. “I’ll think about it Luke. I have to go back. I’ll talk to you later about this. I just thought you should know.”
I shuffle my feet and sneak back out of the house. She’s considering living with Sawyer?  That’s not going to happen. I walk back out to the tent and have a seat at our table next to Elliot who is already sitting down.
“Congratulations bro!”
“Thank you! You back with Ana or what?”
“I’m not sure man. It’s complicated as fuck right now.”
“Yeah. Women are complicated in general. Add a another man's baby into the mix and then you got really complicated.”
I see Ana approach the table and shut my mouth. She is so fucking  beautiful. I could stare at her all day. She catches my gaze and frowns and proceeds to talk to Kate about their honeymoon. I see Kate is wearing Ana’s diamonds. Maybe she loaned them to her.
As we eat I notice Ana picking at her food and scowl at her. She sees it and rolls her eyes. My palm is twitching.

Ana’s POV

I can’t even think of eating. I’m so mad at Christian for lying to me and then being a hypocrite. He slept with most likely more than 1 woman he also beat. He has no room to criticize me for 1 night with someone else. I notice him scowling and roll my eyes at him.
I get up after eating and have to run to the restroom to throw up the little I ate. I notice someone holding my hair back for me. When I finally sit back I realize it’s Luke.
“Thank you Luke. I’m so sorry for everything.”
“No need to apologize. You barely know me. I understand. This is a complicated situation.”
“You think? Anyway, thank you for being considerate. I need to wash up and I’ll see you later. I’m going back to my hotel tonight and heading out tomorrow.”
“To Michigan?”
I nod. “I may come back but with everything so complicated, I don’t need the stress with the babies.”
“I understand. Maybe after they’re born?”
“Maybe I’m just not putting a for sure on anything at this point. I don’t know how this will play out but I have to protect myself and the babies.”
“If you go back to Michigan, I will gladly relocate. It’s going to be awkward working for him now anyway. I want to be close to the babies… and you. I really like you Ana.”
I just nod and stand up and give him a quick hug. “I have to clean up now.”
He nods and walks out. I rinse out my mouth and wash my face and head back out to the party.
When I get outside I run right into a wall of muscle and look up. “Christian.” I say and I try to walk by but he grabs me again and pulls me inside and drags me into the bathroom. “What are you doing?”
He picks me up by my butt and instinctively wrap my legs around him as he pushes me up against the door and kisses me ferociously and I return the fervor. “Stay in Seattle. Move in with me.”
I shake my head. “I have to do what’s best for me and my babies and at the moment that includes getting out of town. Please don’t push it.”
“How is that best? You need someone to help you through.”
“But I don’t need anyone except Maggie. She’s been helping me for a year. Why would she stop now? I’m going back tomorrow. That’s final.”
“Then stay with me tonight.”
“No. Because you’ve been a dick to me today. Go get a sub.”
“Damn it Ana. I don’t want a fucking sub. I want you.”
“Well in this moment, I don’t like you much.”
“Fine. Let’s go dance. I’ll make it up to you.” I roll my eyes again.
He kisses me again and let’s me down. We exit the bathroom.
I see Luke on our way out and give him a weak smile. He probably heard us talking. He probably will even protect me from Christian if he needs to. When we get back outside it’s time for the dancing so the bride and groom can leave for their honeymoon.
Christian takes my hand and leads me to the dancefloor. We don’t talk. He just holds me against his chest so I lay my cheek against his chest. He stiffens slightly but relaxes.
After the dance, I say my goodbyes to everyone else including Luke giving them all hugs. When I’m almost to my car, I’m stopped by Christian. “Ana, please don’t go back to Michigan.”
“I have to. I need to be stress free. This shit is not stress free.”
“But please come back. Can I visit?”
“Sure. I will think about coming back.”
He nods and wraps me in his arms and I wrap my arms around him. “I love you Ana.”
“And I love you Christian.”
He pulls back and gives me a passion filled kiss and I return it. We kiss for what feels like forever until we have to come up for air.
“Be nice to Luke Christian. He is my babies father.”
“Okay. I will try.”
I nod and he opens my door for me and I get in.
“Where are you staying?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know. I’m willing to bet it would take you 5 minutes to figure it out on your own so I’ll leave you to it but I need sleep tonight. Tomorrow I’m flying out. I cant sleep on those seats.”
“Can I just come hold you?”
“Fine. Good night Christian.”
“Are you Ana or Annie there?”
“Figure it out.” I smile. I know he will figure it out. As I’m pulling away, I see him on his phone.
After I get to the hotel, I shower and change into my pajamas. And climb into bed. About that time there’s a knock on the door. I move to answer it. I expect to find Christian but Luke is standing there. “Can we talk?”
“Sure. Come in. Would  you like something to drink?”
“water will be fine.”
I get him a bottled water and hand it to him.
“So what would you like to talk about?”
“Are you going back to Michigan?”
“I am.”
“I’m quitting my job and moving up that way. I will follow wherever as long as you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind Luke. Not at all. I love that you’re 100% in"
“I was worried for you earlier. The way he was dragging you around. No woman deserves that.”
“I know. He gets carried away but doesn’t hurt me.”
“Well, he tends to want to control everyone around him. Not just employees. He treats you like a possession Ana. I can treat you with the respect you deserve."
“I believe you. I do. I honestly don’t even remember our night together so I don’t know about ‘our' chemistry. I’m not doubting it was good. Aside from the shame, I felt great that next morning.”
“It was amazing. That’s all I can say to describe it.” He steps toward me and rubs my cheek with the back of his knuckles gently. “May I kiss you?” I nod.
He leans down and gives me a sweet sensual kiss that makes me melt. I quickly deepen the kiss, grabbing the back of his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair. This is an amazing feeling.
We are broken from our trance by a knock on the door. Fuck. I forgot about Christian. “It’s probably him.” I whisper against his lips.
“You should get it.” He says and I give him another quick peck on the lips and back up.
“Hold on! How do I explain this?”
“Just roll with it. You’re smart.”
I nod and walk over and answer the door. I ready myself for the chaos. I open the door and there he stands in a t-shirt and jeans.
“I’m sorry. This is awkward but I’ve got company so you have to promise not to freak out. Stress, remember?”
“I don’t like the sound of that but I will control myself.”
I move aside and let him walk in and as soon as he enters, he sees Luke and I can see him balling up his fists as he looks from Luke to me and to the bed. Most likely to check if anyone’s been fucking on it but the sheets are only folded back where I crawled in for a minute earlier before Luke came.
“Well. Would you like a drink.?” I try to break the ice. I can see them staring daggers at each other.
“Anything with alcohol will do.”
I pull the mini bottles of various liquors out of the mini fridge in my room and hand a couple to him.
“Thank you Ana. So I’m just gonna get to the point. Why is he here?”
“He came to talk. He deserves a chance for me to listen.”
“Did you fuck him Ana?”
“No Christian. How rude of you to insinuate such a thing.”
“Mr. Grey, I’m handing in my resignation, effective immediately.” Luke says.
“Accepted. I’ll get you your last check and you’re dismissed,” Christian rudely says.
“No Christian. He is here for me, not you. At least he didn’t come in being rude like you. Maybe you should leave.”
“You’re choosing him Ana?”
“I’m not choosing anyone Christian. I’m choosing not to listen to this shit. You can go.”
He runs his hands through his hair. “Fine. You wanna be a slut then be a slut. I’m out of this shit.”
I slap him hard. “Fuck you Christian. Go!”
He backs up shocked and turns around and walks out slamming the door. “Fucking dick!”
“Are you okay?”
“My hand stings but other than that, I’m fine. Just pissed.”
He steps up in front of me and lifts my chin with his fingers so I’m looking into his beautiful green eyes. He gives me a soft kiss. “What time does your plane leave in the morning?”
“I’ll drop you off if you don’t mind. I’ll be over early if you want to drop off your rental.”
I nod. “thank you.” I wrap my arms around him and hug him.
He holds me for a few minutes and all my tension melts away. “I should go or I may get carried away with you Ana.”
I step back and look into his eyes. “I like you too. Luke.”
He smiles and gives me another sweet kiss and I grab the back of his head pulling him down to me deepening the kiss again intertwining my fingers in his hair.
I pull back suddenly. “I’m sorry. We shouldn’t. Not yet.” I kiss him softly again. “You should go but I will see you in the morning.”
He nods. “I’ll see you soon.” He says as he walks out the door.
I sit down on the edge of the bed. That felt so good. I’ve never been kissed so sweetly by Christian other than a quick peck. Ughhhhh I don’t know what to do.
Annie Lambert returns tomorrow. No more Anastasia Steele. Ana gets into too much trouble nowadays.
I lay down in my bed and try to ward off dreams of 2 handsome men.
I wake up in the morning after a hot wet dream covered in sweat. I think that may have been a memory because the feelings with Luke I could feel every bit of it strongly. Maybe his kisses triggered the memory?
I don’t know. I get up, shower and get dressed in my jeans and t-shirt and wait for Luke to arrive.
When I hear the knock on the door I answer it quickly.
“Hi Luke.” I say cheerfully, still reeling from that hot dream/memory.
“Hi Ana. I’ll carry your bags.”
“Thank you Luke.”
He carries my bags out and puts them in his hummer.
I get into the rental car and he follows me to the car rental place and I park it. I return the keys and hop into Luke’s hummer. “breakfast?” he asks.
I smile. “sure.”
He takes me to an IHOP and we eat and chat, getting to know each other. This is so normal. Nothing with Christian would ever be normal. My phone rings a couple times and it’s Christian so I send it to voicemail.
“Fucking dick.” I shake my head.
“Still calling?”
“Yeah. He is nothing if not persistent. I don’t doubt if we’re being followed.”
“We are. I saw Ryan back a few cars earlier. I’ll be heading up to Michigan next week. Is that okay?”
“It’s fine Luke. Honestly, it’s refreshing to have someone be so sweet to me.”
He smiles, “you deserve to be treated like the lovely lady you are Ana.”
I melt into my seat and blush. I look at my watch. “we should go.”
He nods and pays and offers his hand for me to take and I take it and we walk back to his hummer. He takes me to the front of the airport and helps me get my bags out. He helps me to check my baggage and walks me to the gate. I turn to him and he lifts my chin again and kisses me softly. I deepen the kiss and brace myself with my hands on his chest. Something I can’t do with Christian. He is so ripped. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. “I’ll see you soon.”
“I’ll see you soon Ana. Take care of our babies.”
“Always.” I smile at him as I walk through to board the plane.
I get a text from Christian before the plane takes off.
So you can’t say goodbye to me but you can say goodbye to him. I see how it is. -C
What an ass. Spying on me and then throwing a hissy fit. He could’ve came and said Bye himself. Oh. He must’ve seen me kiss Luke. I look out the window of my first class seat and see his jet. I see his Audi pull up next to it. I can’t tell who gets out but I’m guessing I’ll find out in Michigan.
Upon landing in Michigan I immediately call Maggie to let her know I’m home.
When I get out of the airport, I walk straight to my car I left parked here while I was gone. I go to get in when someone pulls up behind my car. I look over and surprise, it’s Christian. “How did I know you were coming here?”
“You know me well. Want to explain kissing Luke?”
“You came all the way here for that? I’ll explain later.”
I turn to get into my car and he hurries to me and grabs me by the  arm and twists me around.
“What are you doing Christian?”
“I’m talking to you Ana.”
“Clearly not. You appear to be grabbing me and being forceful with me. It’s not necessary.”
“You going to talk to me?”
“Not here and now. I have jet lag and I’d like to go home, please and I’m not Ana. I’m Annie.”
“Okay… Annie. I will be at the hotel. I’ll text you the address.”
“Of course you have my phone number. You’re starting to scare me Christian.”
“You think I’d hurt you?”
“I don’t think, I know. I’ve lived it.”
He releases me and sighs. “it’s always going to come back to that isn’t it?”
“Probably. It’s a fact Christian. You did the belt thing and now you keep grabbing me like I’m your toy someone is trying to play with. I’m not a piece of property that you possess. You need to work your shit out Grey or we have NO CHANCE of working out.”
“Fair enough. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He says and kisses my forehead but lingers.
“I do love you Christian. I just don’t know if there’s a future with us.”
“I can change Ana.”
“Annie. Prove it.”
“I’ll work on it.”
“Better work fast because I’m considering seeing Luke because I can be myself with him. Not the ideals you have in your mind for me.”
He shakes his head and looks into my eyes. “Go get some sleep…. Annie.”
I shake my head and get into my car. “he’s gonna be the death of me.” I mutter to myself.
After they pull off behind me, I drive home. I get a text from Christian with the address of the hotel he is staying at.
I get my shower and change into my pajamas and go to sleep dreaming of green eyes.
I wake up in the morning and receive another text from Christian telling me I’m having breakfast with him. He ordered me so I’m having breakfast before I leave. I’m Annie Lambert. I don’t take orders from anybody.
After eating my bacon and pancakes, I spend 5 minutes puking and head out the door to the hotel.
When I get there I knock on the door.
“Ana.” He says as he opens the door and moves aside for me to walk in.
“Annie Christian. I’m Annie here so stop with the Ana bullshit. My legal identity is Annie. I’m not Ana anymore.”
“Fine. Breakfast is here.”
“I already ate. I don’t take orders from anyone Christian.”
“You have an attitude today Annie. I’ll never get used to saying that.”
“Get used to it or go home and leave me be.”
“So are you going to tell me why you’d tell me your mine and then kiss Luke Sawyer?”
“I told you I was yours before I discovered you lied to me about not being in the lifestyle anymore Christian. I despise liars. You are always so rough and demanding Christian. That’s okay once in a while in bed Christian, but you keep dragging me around like you own me. Luke wouldn’t do that. He was kind enough to ask permission to kiss me. He treated me like a normal person should be treated. Not like property.  He was gentle and caring with me. You’re never gentle with me. You are NOT my dominant and never really were. I ALLOWED you to treat me like another submissive but I AM NOT YOUR FUCKING SUBMISSIVE CHRISTIAN!!”
“I’m sorry okay. I don’t know how to do a normal relationship. I’m a possessive man. I cannot help it.”
“Well you better rein it in Grey. I’m not waiting forever. Perhaps you should get a different therapist. Flynn doesn’t seem to be helping you.”
He stands up and starts pacing. Pulling on his hair. “fine. I will get another therapist and work on it.”
“One more thing. I know you still think Mrs. Robinson is your friend but she isn’t. You’re her puppet. Always will be as long as you allow her to play you. I will NOT be in your life if she is in any way. I’m having children who she will NEVER be near. She is a fucking pedophile, regardless of if you choose to see it or not. So make your damn choice so we can get this over with.”
“I have no reason to cut ties with Elena. She has been my only friend since I was 15 Ana.”
“You think that’s a coincidence? She made you to think she is your only friend so you ONLY talked to HER so she could keep control. You keep defending her and her actions and I’m not listening to it. I’ve got to get to work.”
I stand up to leave. “Thank you for our time together Christian. I hope you can find happiness with your Mrs. Robinson because I can’t be your warm body.”
“I’ll always love you Ana. I’m sorry I can’t be what you need.”
“I love you too Christian and I’m sorry too. Goodbye.”
I walk out and go to the elevator and cry as soon as the doors close.
When the elevator opens I clear my eyes and walk purposefully to my car.
I drive to work on autopilot. When I get there I send one final text to Christian. I thought about this the whole way to work.

Thank you for some of the best memories of my life. I’m sorry we didn’t work but I will always hold our time together close to my heart and I’ll always love you Christian. –A
Thank you for your time with me Ana. You truly changed my life for the better. I’m letting you go. I hope you have an amazing life. I will love you always. -C

That was bittersweet. Now to text Luke.

Christian is now a non-issue. I’d love to see you when you get to town. -A
I’ll let you know when I arrive. X -L
Xoxo -A

The rest of the week, goes by uneventfully. Work and home. I have texted Luke every day and just chatted with him about our days. He is coming into town today. I haven’t heard from Christian anymore which is kinda good but also kinda heartbreaking.
I finally hear my phone chime signaling a text.

Just landed. Can you pick me up? -L
Yes. Be there shortly. -A

I’m so excited to see Luke. He is so sweet to me. My heart skips a beat whenever I get a message from him or talk to him on the phone.
I pull up to the airport and text him to let him know I’m here.
I see him come out the front door and I jump out of the car and run around to him and throw my arms around him.
“LUKEEEE!! I missed you!” I stand on my tip toes and give him a soft kiss on his lips.
“I missed you too Annie or is it Ana?. I’m so glad to be here. I have to find a job soon but I have a lot in savings for a place of my own for now.”
“It’s Annie. I have a job for you. Maxwell Publishing needs a security guard. If you’re interested.”
“I’d love that. Let’s get out of here.”
I help him put his luggage in my car and we get in. “Where were you planning on staying Luke?”
“A hotel.”
“Nonsense. You can stay with me until you find your own place.”
He smiles at me. “Thank you Annie.”
“Friends don’t let friends stay in hotels.” I wink at him.
When we arrive at my house, I show him to the guest room and let Maggie know he is staying for a little while.
“Is this the father of your babies?”
“He is.”
“Then why is he staying in the guest room and not yours?”
“Out of respect for you Mags.”
“Nonsense. Go give that boy some attention.”
I smile and blush.
I go in search for Luke. I find him in the guest room with his shirt off. I lean against the door frame, biting my lip and admiring his firm body. “You don’t have to wear shirts. Ever.”
He turns around and looks at me and actually blushes. I bite my lip and stalk towards him and stop in front of him and place my hand on his chest and look up at him. He rubs my cheek and I lean into his touch. He leans down and gives me a sweet kiss. I put my arms around his neck and pull him closer to deepen the kiss. “Oh Annie.” He says as he lifts me up off the ground and I wrap my legs around his waist. “Fuck, Annie. You’re irresistible.”
“You’re pretty irresistable yourself.”
“We better stop or I won’t be able to control myself much longer.”
I kiss him softly and whisper against his lips. “Then don’t control yourself.”
He lays me down on the bed and goes to lock the door. “are you sure Annie?”
“Yes Luke. I’m sure.”
He stalks over to the bed and lays down beside me and looks into my eyes while running his hand through my hair. “You’re so beautiful baby.” He leans in and kisses me softly and sensually like the first time I remember with him. I roll towards him and run my hands through his hair and pull him closer and deepen the kiss.
He pulls at the hem of my shirt and I sit up so he can pull it over my head. He continues to kiss me as he removes my pants in one swift motion. He kisses and licks his way back up my body. Paying special attention to the apex of my thighs. He licks my core and manipulates my clit in a delicious manner and makes me cum instantly. “Oh fuck!” I scream as my orgasm rips through me but he doesn’t relent on his delicious assault. He continues to suck and nip at my clit as he inserts one, then 2 fingers and slowly pumps them in and out. “fuck, Luke. I need you. Please.”
He crawls up my body peppering kisses on my body along the way. He kisses my mouth with a deep passion and I can taste myself on his lips. He aligns himself at my entrance. “Are you sure you want this Annie?”
“Yes Luke. Please.” And he slowly fills me to the hilt. He stills so my body can adjust to his size. “please move.”
He begins to thrust, ever so slowly. “Fuck Annie. You feel so good.” He moans. 
“Faster and harder Luke.”
He proceeds to pump harder and faster filling me farther and farther. “Cum for me baby.” And I explode around his cock dragging him over the edge with me. “Oh fuck me!” he collapses on me and just holds me.
“Better than my dream.”
He chuckles lightly, “you dreamed of this, huh?”
“yes. Ever since I saw you in Seattle.”
“To be honest, I have also. And I might have fantasized about you. I have my memory of our first time to go on though. It was fantastic. Since you didn’t remember I knew I had to exceed last time’s performance.”
“In that case, you’re pretty great Luke.”
“Let’s get some sleep.” He pulls out and leans over and kisses me softly and sensually.
“Why sleep? You really tired?”
“Mmm… you’re right. I don’t think I can get tired of you if I tried.”
“love me Luke.” His lips crash into mine and we spend the next several hours making love and fucking and I now know what drunk me liked so much about this man. I always thought Christian was an attentive lover but I was so wrong. Luke takes the win in that category. Not that this is a competition.

4 months later 6 months pregnant
It’s been 4 months since Luke and I started seeing one another. It has been fantastic. He has been there for me for all my pregnancy cravings, including himself. He has been with me at every appointment and saw the ultrasounds. He was there when it was confirmed that we’re having 2 little girls. Phoebe and Piper.
I haven’t heard anything from Christian in 4 months which is great but I’m under no illusion that he is gone from my life. He’s just biding his Mrs. Robinson time.
Who would’ve known she would be the primary reason for the demise of our relationship? Who am I kidding? I could’ve guessed that. He is in neck deep with her and is still worshipping her like she did HIM favors by molesting and beating him at 15.
Luke had been working as security at Maxwell for 3 and a half months. He got glowing recommendations from his former employers. This surprised me considering one was Christian. He loves his job because he is getting paid to protect me. Unlike Christian, it’s not to make sure I’m not around other men, it’s just to be sure I’m safe and I have never felt more safe than I do when I’m with Luke. Christian couldn’t even keep me safe from himself.
As I’m getting ready to leave for home, my phone rings and I realize it’s Christian. I sigh and answer.
“Annie Lambert”
“Hey Annie. I just wanted to check and see how you’re doing.”
“I'm great and you?”
“If I said I was doing well, I’d be lying. I miss you Ana.”
“I miss you too but you made your choice.”
“How can I get you back Ana?”
“At this point you can’t. How’s your submissive?”
“I don’t have one. I swear.”
“I heard that before.”
“I didn’t call to argue. I thought about what you said about Elena.”
“I think you’re right. She does insist on a say in everything in my life. She tells me I’m not worthy of love and I thought about how I’d think of it if it were my sister or even you in my position and I’d consider it the way you do.”
“I’m glad you finally see it like it is but you’re a little late. I have to go home. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Later, Annie.”
“Thanks for saying my name right. Later.”
I hang up and go in search of Luke. I smile when I see him. I walk up to him and he smiles and gives me a soft kiss. “Ready to go home?”
“I am.”
I take his hand and we get into his hummer and go home. We are currently buying a new place for us and the kids and plan to move in within the next couple weeks. I’m excited about moving forward with him.

Christian’s POV

I’ve finally come to terms with what Elena did to me. I called Ana to let her know hoping she would come around but now she says it is too late. I heard Sawyer moved up there and I’m fairly certain that’s why she is no longer available. I shouldn’t have lied to her about the submissives but I figured she wouldn’t take it well. In hindsight, she probably would’ve handled it better had I told her the truth. Another bit of evidence that lies get you nowhere.
I have been working with a new therapist and he helped me come to the conclusion about Elena. He seems to really be helping with my control and anger issues. I’ve decided to go back to Flynn since having this revelation.
I have to figure out a calm way to win back MY girl.
I have one person I know can possibly help. My newest ally.
“Kate? I need your help getting Ana back. I’ve done everything she asked of me but I think she is with Sawyer now.”
“How can I help?”
“I have an idea.”
“I’m listening.”

Ana’s POV

I am at home with Luke and he is touching my belly while the babies kick. His expression every time makes me giggle.
His phone rings and he smiles and answers it. “Luke Sawyer… yes. That’s amazing. Thank you.. we’ll be there tomorrow.” He hangs up.
“We got the house. We have to finalize paperwork tomorrow and we should be able to move in next week.”
“That’s amazing Luke.”
He gives me a soft kiss. “let’s celebrate.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
He takes me to bed and makes love to me.
We’re laying in bed recovering from our intense orgasms. “Ana, I love you.” He declares.
I turn and look him in the eyes. “I love you too Luke. These have been the best 4 months of my life.”
“Given our unorthodox start and how we’re doing everything in a strange order, it’s still the best 4 months of my life as well.”
I give him a kiss on the nose and snuggle up into his side with my head on his chest and fall asleep.
I wake up to Luke notifying me that Kate’s on the phone. I jump up in fear that something is wrong.
“Ana. I need your help. Can you come to Seattle?” she says crying.
“Sure Kate. I will see how soon I can get a flight out and make arrangements for work.”
“I’m asking Christian if you can use his jet. I want you here ASAP. Please?”
“Okay. Just don’t let him come along. It will be an awkward flight. You know I’m with Luke.”
“I’ll make sure of it. I love you. Thank you. I’ll contact you with details.”
“Are you safe Kate?”
“Of course. I just really need your help.”
“Anytime babe. I love you too.”
“Talk soon.”
I hang up and look at Luke. “How do you feel about a trip to Seattle?”
He furrows his brow. “why?”
“Kate needs me.”
“Sounds suspicious but I’ll go with you.”
“I hope she doesn’t have anything up her sleeve but she genuinely sounded upset.”
“I’ll be with you the whole way.”
“Thank you baby.” I get up and kiss him.
“I love you so fucking much Annie.”
“I love you too Luke. You’re my rock.”
He licks his lips and I know what he is thinking and the next thing I know I’m being laid back on the bed and devoured.
Christian’s jet is available an hour later and we board and low and behold, there’s Christian. He seems pleased to see me like he’s had this whole thing planned. But then he sees Luke and I see him visibly tense up. I take Luke’s hand and walk him back to our seats. “Christian. I was under the impression you wouldn’t be here.”
“I had some business in New York so we stopped in on our way through.”
“Mmhmm. Thank you for use of you’re jet. Do you know what’s going on with Kate?”
“No. I just know she is upset.”
I nod. “I’m taking a nap on this trip if you don’t mind.”
“Of course. Make yourself at home.”
“Thank you.”
I close my eyes and hold Luke’s hand in preparation for take off.
When we’re safely in the air, I excuse myself and retreat to the cabin and lay down.
When I wake up I hear the captain call for time to land and I rush out of the cabin and run right into a wall of muscle. “fuck!”
I look up and Christian is standing there, “time to buckle up.”
“That’s what I was coming out for.”
He nods and leads the way back down the aisle and I reclaim my seat beside Luke. “Have a good nap?”
“It was amazing. That bed is amazing.”
He smiles his panty dropping smile at me. “good. I got a bit of a nap here.” He leans in and he whispers in my ear, “I wish I could’ve joined you back there.”
I bite my lip and whisper back, “me too.” And wink.
When we safely land, we depart the plane and Christian offers us a ride. I politely decline and we go through the airport and rent a car. We head over to Kate and Elliot’s place.
When we arrive, we go to the door together.
Elliot answers and immediately envelops me in a hug. “Ana!”
“Annie, please. Where’s Kate?”
“She’s in our room crying.”
“On it. Can you keep Luke company?” He nods. I give Luke a kiss. “be right back.”
I walk carefully up the stairs with my big belly. I knock on the door and walk in to find her curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed in her bunny pajamas. Something really is wrong.
“Kate?” she looks up at me. “Steele Motherhood suits you. It will never suit me though.” And she starts to sob.
“Kate, are you pregnant?”
“Yes. And I’m petrified. I didn’t haul you here for this. I admit. I lured you here under false pretenses but then I found out I was pregnant and the game has changed.”
I pull her into a hug. “That explains how Christian ended up on the jet. He was pretty upset when he saw Luke with me but oh well.”
“I should’ve known you’d bring him. You two are awful close now huh?”
“We live together so yes. I’d say so. We’ve been together 4 months now.”
“What? Why didn’t you say?”
“I didn’t wanna burst your honeymoon bubble with my stuff. Christian and I hit an impass. Luke came to live in town and I invited him to stay with me. We move into our new house next week.”
“Wow, Steele. Double date for sure before you head back. Now back to my problem. I’m freaking pregnant.”
“Pregnancy isn’t that bad. Sex is a newfound appetite like nonstop. You’d make a wonderful mother. You have Grace to help push you in the right direction.”
“Then you can move back and our babies will be BFFS like their moms"
“Mmmmm maybe… we have time. Let’s all go out to dinner. Freshen up and I’ll meet you downstairs.” I suggest.
She nods and gives me another hug.
I walk back downstairs to find Luke and Elliot chatting with beers. “looks like I’m driving gentlemen. We’re all going out to dinner.”
Elliot sighs. “do we have to?” he whines.
“Yes. We do. Project, ‘cheer up Kate' is a go.”
Elliot pouts a little and nods. Luke is pretty agreeable to just about anything. He’s such a polar opposite to Christian. A kind and gentle soul. He’s a giant teddy bear but tough as nails in his protective duties.
We go to the Mile High Club to a table I reserved. After being seated we share a casual conversation over our meal. Then Christian arrives with that woman. Ugh. ‘I’m done with her’ my ass. As he notices us, his face registers shock but he quickly recovers his CEO personality.
“You’re brother is here with Mrs. Robinson.” I say to Elliot and quickly realize my name choice wasn’t a good idea.
He looks over his shoulder. “Oh yeah. That’s Elena. They’re good friends.” I roll my eyes.
  As he says this I notice them approaching our table.
“Ana, Elliot, Kate…. Sawyer… I didn’t realize you all would be here.”
“Christian” Elliot says, “it was a last minute decision. I see you brought Elena.”
“Yes we had to discuss some business. We should be going.” He says as he looks over at me and I just roll my eyes. I notice Elena with a smirk on her face and I just shake my head. “later.” He says.
Elliot is literally the only one that even acknowledges him. “laters.”
We continue our meal in relative silence.
I’ve got to confront his lies yet again. Or I can just leave it be.
After dinner we head back to Kate and Elliot’s for a little bit before getting a room to stay at. It doesn’t seem appropriate to stay at the Greys house given the circumstances.
Kate pulls me into the other room. “slow down. You forget I’m sea biscuit right now.”
“Oh hush. Your growing people. I approve. I will no longer aid in Christian’s attempts to get at you. You seem genuinely happy and I won’t mess with that. I can’t believe he was with that woman. She gives me the creeps.”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
“Do tell.”
“All I can say is that things happened between them in the past. The rest isn’t mine to tell. Don’t ever repeat that.”
“You're killing me.”
Just then the babies start kicking and I put my hand on my stomach to feel their kicks from the outside.
I take Kate’s hand and put it where they’re kicking. “Oh my God. That’s amazing.”
“Right? This will be you in months.”
“Right.” She says unenthusiastically.
“I was scared at first too. You get used to the idea. It grows on you.. and no that’s not a pun.”
She laughs. “Let’s join the boys before they get into trouble.”
We walk back into the living room to find the guys drinking beer and chatting animatedly. “I think Elliot approves Kate.”
“I agree with that notion. He doesn’t even get along with his brother like that.”
We walk the rest of the way into the room. “I hate to interrupt but we really need to go to the hotel. I’m so tired.” I fake yawn because really I just want to get Luke naked.
They both put on pouty faces. “please. You guys already know you will get laid anyways. May as well take advantage of the situation now. We have to head back tomorrow anyways.”
“Stay here. Use the guest house and be as loud as you want.” I laugh at how candid Kate is.
“It's settled then. I’m going to bed. You can stay and hang out with Elliot. Just wake me up when you come to bed.”
“Okay baby.” He stands up and walks around the couch and envelops me in a hug and gives me a sweet beer flavored kiss.
I go to the guesthouse and strip down to my bra and panties and lay down under the duvet and go to sleep.
I’m awoken to an arm around my waist and a warm body behind me. I roll over and it’s not Luke. I scream and jump out of bed taking the sheet with me. I throw the light on and there lays Christian Grey. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Not at all. I want you back Ana.”
“And climbing into bed with me when I’m asleep like a fucking creep solves your problem how? Fuck you.” I wrap the sheet around me and run into the house.
“Luke!?” He comes running around the corner and finds me standing nearly naked in a sheet. I point towards the guesthouse “Christian.. is out there.” I say breathless.
He takes off running out onto the deck and out to the guesthouse. Elliot comes running in. “Christian was out there. Go!”
He takes off running out the back door as well. Kate comes running into the room. “What the hell is going on Ana?”
“Christian has lost his fucking mind is what.”
“what happened?”
“Did you have anything to do with this Kate? I swear to God!”
“With what Ana?”
“Christian just climbed into bed with me.”
“Okay I admit I told him to take a chance and talk to you. Not that creepy shit.”
“Kate!? They could be out there kicking each other’s asses right now.”
“Fuck. They both went out there? This went really wrong.”
“I’m so fucking mad at you. What did he expect? I’d roll over and fuck him and not notice he wasn’t Luke?”
“That I don’t know. I would say let’s go check it out but we’re carrying 3 children between us and male testosterone is NOT safe at the moment.”
“Get your phone. I’m calling to find out what’s going on out there.”
I dial Luke’s number.
“Babe. It’s okay out here. Everything is settled. I’ll bring you your clothes.”
“Thank you. We should go after this.”
“I agree. I’m coming. I love you.”
I see him walking out the guesthouse carrying my clothes. “I love you too.”
I hang up Kate’s phone and hand it back to her. Luke comes to me and wraps his arms around me. “I’m so sorry. Here’s your clothes.”
I take my clothes and slide into the bathroom and get dressed.
I come back out and approach my husband and see that he’s alone. “we should just go. I’m so angry I don’t want to talk to anyone else tonight.”
“ Let’s go babe.”
I drive us to the Fairmont and we get a hotel room together.
We approach the room in relative silence, just holding hands.
When we enter the room I have to ask. “What the fuck was that?”
“He claims he just wanted to talk and you overreacted.”
“Um… I was sleeping in my bra and panties when someone wrapped their arms around me and I turned around and it was him. That is no way to start a conversation that doesn’t end in a less than pleasant manner. I knew the moment I rolled over it wasn’t you.”
“What the fuck? He said nothing about getting into bed with you.”
“Of course he didn’t. Did anyone hit him because if not I’d love the opportunity to fuck up his face.”
He shows me his hand with reddened knuckles. “I got him for you.”
I waddle over to him. “I love you Luke Sawyer.”
“I love you Annie Lambert.” He kisses me sweetly.
I quickly grab the back of his head and deepen the kiss. “Take me to bed Luke.”
“My pleasure.”
He takes me to bed and worships my body with his own for a great deal of the night until we fall asleep in each other’s arms.
When I wake in the morning I have a permanent smile on my face. I roll over to find my man still fast asleep and I use my fingers to lightly trace the stubble on his jaw. I study every inch of his handsome face and imagine how beautiful our babies will be.
Eventually I see his eyelashes flutter and notice he is waking up. When he opens his eyes he looks right into mine and smiles. “I love waking up to your face Annie.”
“And I love waking up to your handsome face. I’ve been staring for a while.” I blush and bite my lip.
“Mmm.. You’re so beautiful.”
“Even when I’m the size of sea biscuit and I’m not finished growing?”
“You’re even more beautiful growing my baby girls.”
I blush. “Thank you baby.”
“Now, I say a little morning loving is what the doctor ordered.”
“mmm… indeed.”
I straddle him and ride him until we both reach ecstasy.
We’re laying there sated, I remember something. “we have to book our flight home. No way am I getting on HIS jet.”
“I’ll book them baby. You just relax. You deserve it.”
“Mmmm.. thank you. I’m gonna take a bath.”
“Whatever you wish is my command. I’ll run you a bath.”
He is the sweetest man on Earth.

2 Months later – 8 months pregnant

We haven’t heard from Christian since the incident. I haven’t been talking to Kate either. She had just promised not to help him and then she invited him over after she talked me into staying. I’m so angry with her.
I’m HUGE with baby girls. Dr. Marshall says Phoebe and Piper are doing great and developing right on track. She said I shouldn’t be surprised if they make their appearance early because twins are generally born at least a little early.
Luke has been on edge ever since she said that. Every time I call for him, he comes running much faster than usual. It’s cute. Sometimes I call his name just to see him come running and practically jump him. I say practically because I’m pretty huge and incapable of actually jumping him. I initiate the sex. He enjoys when I do that.
We moved into our new house a week after we returned from Seattle. It’s a beautiful 2 story home in an excellent neighborhood in an exceptional school district. We love it.
Today we’re going to see Dr. Marshall to get checked out.
“Luke” I say, trying to wake my handsome man.
His eyes flutter open quickly. He sees me staring at him and panics. “You okay baby?”
“I’m great. Will you take a shower with me?”
“Of course babe.”
He helps me up and guides me to the bathroom. He starts the shower and gets in with me.
He washes me with soft, sensual strokes, paying special attention to my breasts and core. “Oh God. I need you Luke.”
I reach up and grab the hair on the back of his head and pull him down to me and kiss him deeply. “Fuck me Luke.”
“As you wish. Turn around and support yourself against the wall.”
I give him one more soft kiss and turn around put my hands against the shower wall and spread my legs just enough for him. This is one of our easiest positions since I got so big. Sex at this stage of pregnancy is a little harder to manipulate But we are extremely creative.
He slides his fingertips down my spine and grabs my hips and plunges deep into my core. “Fuck!”
He stills. “You okay"
“Yes. Please move baby.”
He thrusts into me hard and fast and I can feel myself building fast. “Let go baby.” I cum hard around him, taking him with me. “oh fuck, Annie.”
He leans into me. Wrapping his arms around me and holding is hands on my belly as we come down from our highs. All the sudden I feel a gush of water from down there and I panic thinking I peed on him. “Oh God.”
He quickly pulls out. “I’m pretty sure Your water just broke.” I gasp in surprise.
He turns me around to face him. “It’s happening baby. Let me know when the contractions start.”
“Trust me. I’m pretty sure you will know.”
“Right. Let’s get out and get ready to go to the hospital.”
I nod and he kisses me on my lips nose and forehead softly.
He helps me get out and get dried off and guides me to our closet and pulls out a comfortable dress for me. “AHHHHH FUCK!!”
He drops the dress on the floor. “breathe baby.. I got you.” He says encouragingly.
I breathe through the contraction as he rubs my back. After the contraction finally stops I look up at him and smile. “Our babies are coming.”
“They are. Let’s get you dressed before the next one hits.” I nod and he helps me into my dress.
Once in the dress the next contraction hits hard. “FUCK LUKE!!”
“SHHHH… breathe baby.”
He continues to rub my back and soothes me as I ride it out breathing as I was taught to do.
As the contraction dissipates, “we should go now. This is happening fast. I’d rather not have a baby at home.”
“Okay baby. Let’s go.” He wraps his arm around my waist and grabs my bag as we exit the room and we make our way down the stairs. Once in the foyer, he grabs the keys and we go and get into the car. He helps me in and then races around to get in himself.
20 minutes and 4 contractions later, we arrive at the hospital and quickly check in.
When we finally get to our room, we’re surrounded by nurses and Luke breathes with me and whispers encouraging words to me the entire time.
A couple hours later our little girls are here. Phoebe Ann Sawyer and Piper Rose Sawyer.
“Oh baby you did great.” He coos at me as he stands aside my bed rocking Phoebe as I feed Piper. “Marry me Annie?”
I look up to him and he is looking at me lovingly. “Yes Luke!! Yes yes yes!!!” he leans down and kisses me sweetly on the lips and nose.
“You have just made me the happiest man on Earth baby. You just gave me 2 beautiful daughters and the honor of being my future bride. You’re an amazing woman Annie.” He kisses Phoebe’s head, “Yes. Mommy is amazing.”
“Daddy is pretty amazing too. I love you so much Luke.”
“And I love you so much Annie.”
When we got home the next day, Luke helps me settle in the girls.
He excuses himself for a minute but tells me to go relax in the family room and he will be right with me.
I’m sitting in the family room flipping through the channels when he comes sauntering in with a smile on his beautiful face. He sits down beside me and cups my face in his hand and kisses me softly.
“I love you Annie.” He puts his forehead against mine and looks into my eyes with sincerity. “We met rather unconventionally but when I saw you from across that room that night, I saw your aura. You were beautiful and carefree and I was immediately drawn to you. I could see myself with you forever in that moment. I went to join you on the dancefloor and we danced together and after that first kiss you laid on me, I felt it. We had an undeniable connection. The point is, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since. I fell in love with everything about you. You gave me the most beautiful gift I could’ve ever imagined. The only thing I can’t imagine is being without you, ever.”
He gets off the couch and reaches into his pocket pulling out a little box and gets down on his knee in front of me. “Annie Lambert, will you do me the extreme honor of being my wife?”
I smile brightly and nod my head with tears in my eyes. “Yes Luke Sawyer, I would love to be your wife.”
He places the ring upon my finger and gets up and sits back down beside me and pulls me into his lap and kisses me deeply with all the love in him. “I can’t wait to celebrate properly.”
“Mmmm… me either baby. I need to call Kate and let her know. I know we haven’t been speaking but she is my best friend and I just really want her to know.”
“Okay baby. Don’t let her upset you. I love you.”
“I won’t. I’m gonna take it out back. Do you got the girls?”
“Yes baby. Of course.”
I get my phone and wander out into our large backyard. I dial Kate’s number.
“Yeah. We need to talk.”
“Yes. I’m so sorry.”
“I want to know what was going through your mind. Why would you be working with him? You used to hate him.”
“He sold his case about being so in love with you. I believed him. I believe that he is in love with you but it is clear that you’re no longer in love with him. The plan for him to talk to you at the guesthouse was already in place before I saw how in love you were with Luke. When you were with Christian you always ended up crying. I know now how happy you are with Luke and I’m so freaking sorry Ana.”
“Are you even really pregnant?”
“Yes. But it doesn’t scare me at all. We did it on purpose.”
“Oh Kate. What am I going to do with you?”
“Forgive me?”
“As long as you can assure me it will never happen again.”
“it won’t. I swear.”
“Good, because I’m getting married.”
“ANAA!!! I’m so happy for you. Will it be a regular wedding or a shotgun wedding before the babies are born?”
“About that. Phoebe and Piper were born yesterday. We just got home from the hospital.”
“Oh Ana. I must meet them soon. Can I come visit?”
“You can come. When would you think you’d be able to make it? I’ll need to make up the guestroom.”
“I’ll head out on the next flight. I miss my best friend.”
“Just you or will Elliot be with you? I won’t mind if he comes but if he was involved, which I’m thinking he was, he needs to apologize first.”
“He will come with me as long as he can get off work. He wasn’t involved.”
“Okay. I love you and I’ll see you soon.”
“Love you too.”
I get up and go back in the house to help Luke with our girls. Both the girls have dark hair. Phoebe has my blue eyes but Piper has her Dad’s green eyes. They are almost but not quite identical.
As soon as I get inside, I have to feed Phoebe. Luke feeds Piper with some breast milk I had pumped earlier.

6 Weeks later

Kate and Elliot came to visit 3 times since the girls were born. We decided to make them the girl’s godparents.
I haven’t heard from Christian since the altercation at Kate’s. Kate says he spends all his time locked in his ivory tower drinking himself into a stupor. Not my problem. I’m still under no illusion  that he is done pulling stunts.
Luke and I have planned a small intricate ceremony for next month. Kate and Elliot will be our witnesses. Other than them, my parents and Luke’s are the only other people invited.
I just left Dr. Marshall’s office after getting the all clear for sex and I got the shot to prevent pregnancy for now.
Tonight I will celebrate my engagement properly with my future husband. He has been a patient man. We have done other things but it will be great to be connected in every way again.
The twins are doing great. They are growing right on schedule and are quite healthy.
I took the rest of the day off work and Luke is still at work so I decided to come home and prepare for our evening. I pumped a lot so Maggie is keeping the kids tonight. Luke doesn’t know this yet.
I take a long bath whilst drinking wine for the first time in 10 months. After my bath, I dress in a sexy bra that pushes my breasts up just enough and some thigh highs and a garter belt. I throw on a wrap dress on top and put on some heels and put on some light makeup. I settle down in front of the tv and await the arrival of my fiance.
I must have fallen asleep because I’m awoken to a soft kiss on the lips. “baby.”
“Luke.” I smile and stretch.
“You’re looking sexy. Going somewhere?”
“Mmm.. to heaven with you. Come.” I stand up and take his hand and guide him to our bedroom. Once inside I wrap my arms around his neck and tangle my fingers in his hair and crash my lips into his. “Love me Luke.” I whisper against his lips.
“Did the doctor clear you? And Where’s the girls?”
“Yes and at Maggie’s.” and his lips crash into mine again and he peels my dress off my body. “God, you look amazing Annie.” He says as he stands back to admire me. His lips crash into mine again and I help him strip out of his clothes. “This is gonna be fast because it’s been so long but after this, I will worship your body just like you deserve.”
“Just fuck me Luke. We have an engagement to celebrate properly.”
He nods as his lips crash into mine again and he lifts me up and lays me down in the middle of the bed. He peels my bra off me and throws it on the floor and sucks and nips on my breasts as he penetrates me slowly. He stills momentarily when he fills me completely. “You okay.”
“I will be when you start moving.” He smiles and begins to thrust slowly. I feel that familiar build.
“Cum for me Annie.” I climax hard dragging him along with me. “Holy fuck Annie!! That was extraordinary.”
“Mmm..” is all I manage to get out before I pass out.
I wake up to Luke holding me. “You passed out.”
“You made me pass out with that orgasm baby.”
He chuckles. “that was a first. I’ve never caused anyone to pass out before.”
“Maybe because we are made for each other.”
“Probably.” He smiles and kisses me. “Now, let me love you more baby.”
“Give me your best baby.” I say smiling brightly.”
He helps me out of my thigh highs and garter belt and makes love to me.
“How long is Maggie keeping the babies?”
“As long as we need. She said she will keep them all night if we want. She has been encouraging me to have sex with you from the start. That first day, she encouraged me to go have sex with you.”
He chuckles. “Let’s make the most of our time then.”
We spend the rest of the night indulging in many sexual shenanigans. The best sex yet. It always gets better.

4 weeks later

Today I’m marrying my best friend, Luke Sawyer.
It’s a simple ceremony and we’re dressed in what one would wear to a dance. Nothing fancy because we’re simple people.
Luke and I aren’t billionaires but between both of our savings and incomes we are actually millionaires but we will never act like it.
My Dad and Kate and Elliot are our only guests. No one else could make it. The most important people are here. We’re only having a quick ceremony and dinner afterwards. Maggie is doing the cooking. She is an even better cook than I am.
Daddy walks me to my groom and gives me away, giving Luke his warning about treating me right.
We share our vows and when it’s time to kiss the bride, he kisses me deeply and dips me low. “I love you wife.”
“I love you too husband.” I smile.
After dinner, Maggie takes the twins to her house and we all drink and have casual conversation about our lives. Kate pulls me to the side.
“Kate, what’s going on?”
“It’s Christian. He lost his mind after he found out you were getting married. You should at least talk to him and give him some kind of closure. He’s in a private mental health facility and hasn’t said a word to anyone in 8 weeks Ana. He only perks up when he hears your name.”
“Why are you telling me this? It’s my wedding day Kate.”
“I just thought you should know. Elliot has refused to let me tell you forever. Just get closure Ana and give him closure.”
“I will think about it. Let’s drop it for now. Let’s pick this up some other time.” She nods.
As soon as the last person goes out the door, I jump my husband. “Take me to bed Mr. Sawyer.”
“As you wish Mrs. Sawyer.” He picks me up by my ass and Carries me to our room. He stands me up and peels my dress off of my body and stands back to admire me in my white lingerie. “So beautiful Annie.”
“Unwrap your gift Luke.”
He peels my lingerie off my body as I help him strip out of his clothes.
Once we both stand there completely naked, our bodies firmly molded together,  he lays me down in the center of the bed and worships every inch of my body, paying special attention to my most sensitive parts. I cum before he even reaches my core.
Once he gets to my core he devours me deliciously. He climbs back up my body and kisses me feverishly as he enters me, filling me completely. He makes slow passionate love to me until we both climax gloriously causing me to pass out again.
When I awake, he is asleep so I roll over on top of him and worship his body like he worshipped mine. “Baby, cum for me.” And he cums gloriously sending me over into ecstasy. I lay my head down on his chest and he wraps his arms around me.
“Annie, I will never let you go. I love you so damn much. You and the girls are my world.”
“Ditto baby.”
We lay there until I fall asleep with him still inside of me.
We repeat this pattern all night. Fuck and sleep, rinse and repeat. We get up in the middle of the night to get food for sustenance.
For our honeymoon, We decide to take the girls and go to Hawaii for a week.

2 weeks later
I talked to my husband about what Kate told me about Christian and we agreed that it would probably be best to go and get closure.
Today we’re going to Seattle to see him.
I arrive at the facility where he is staying. They guide me to his room. He is sitting there staring out the window. “Christian.”
His head snaps around and he looks at me and smiles. “Can we talk?”
He nods and shows me a chair to sit in. “I don’t know what is going on with you but I do still love you and I need you to be okay.”
He just nods. “I need you to speak Christian.” He just looks at me and I roll my eyes.
“Okay, well I just needed to come get closure and I thought you did as well but you staying mute is helping no one so I’m leaving.”
I stand up to leave and he takes my hand. “Please don’t leave again Ana.”
I sit back down. “I will leave here eventually Christian because I have a life to get back to. You need to keep speaking. Tell me why you’ve been silent for 10 weeks.”
“Silence is a coping mechanism I’ve used since I was found with my dead birth mother. I need you back Ana.”
“I’m married Christian. You need to just focus on yourself and getting better.”
He looks down at the ring on my finger and nods his head. “Don’t close yourself off Christian. Your family needs you. Your empire needs you. Just get better and get back into your life. Contract another sub if it makes you feel better.”
“I don’t want another sub Ana. I want what I had with you.”
“Then find someone to give that to you Christian. I can’t. I’m happily married.”
He nods dejected. “Are you still seeing Flynn or are you seeing someone else now?”
“Consider someone new. A new perspective may be just what you need. Flynn hasn’t done a lot for you if you think about it. He’s more of just a keeper of your secrets.”
I put my hand on his and look into his eyes. “it’s time to move on Christian or at least focus on working on yourself. Maybe someday we can be friends?”
“Ana, you’ve just given me more clarity in 20 minutes than I got the last 2 months here. Thank you for coming.”
“You’re welcome Christian. I still love you so of course I care that something is wrong. Since I’m here and you’re finally talking I have 2 questions.”
“Go ahead.”
“Mrs. Robinson. You said you were done with her and within 2 days I see you dining out with her. Are you intentionally telling me lies you think I want to hear?”
“No. I was discussing business with her.”
“Um okay. Second, why the fuck did you climb in bed with me?”
“I just wanted to hold you for a minute. I wasn’t gonna do anything.”
“Still not right Christian. Get a new therapist and work your shit out and hopefully we can talk again.”
“Okay Ana. I will take you in my life however I can get you.”
“Then do the work Grey.” I look at my watch. “I’ve got to go but you take care and get better.”
He stands and I hug him.
“Later Ana.”
“Later Christian.”
I leave and head back to my hotel. I find my husband feeding Piper and our new nanny Kendra feeding Phoebe. “Hey baby.” I announce my presence.
He looks up. “hey honey. Let me finish feeding Piper and we can talk.” I nod and sit down beside him.
My phone rings and it’s a Michigan number so I go to the other room to take it.
“Annie Lambert”
“Miss Lambert, my name is Frank Smith and I’m the estate manager for Clint Maxwell. He passed away last week. You were named in his will and I need to speak to you. Is now a good time?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Mr. Maxwell left you Maxwell Publishing Inc in his will and specified that you should become CEO and you also get the jet he has associated with the company as well as 25 billion dollars and the side note is that you should expand because, and I quote, “You are capable”.
“Are you serious? I barely knew him.”
“He states it clearly in his will. He had no family. Also he left a note explaining everything but you need to pick that up in my office as soon as you can.”
“I will be back in town in the next 2 days. Thank you for your call.”
I hang up and sit down on the bed. What the fuck just happened? I only spoke with Mr. Maxwell a handful of times.
Luke must’ve come in while I was lost in thought because I see him sit next to me but still don’t hear anything. I shake my head and snap out of it.
“Luke, Mr. Maxwell died. He left me the whole company, jet and all, with 25 billion dollars. I think I’m in shock.”
“I didn’t know you were that close to him.”
I laugh. “I’m not. I only met him a handful of times.”
“Wow. So now what?”
“We go home and run a Publishing house? What else is there to do. How do you leave someone you don’t know 25 billion dollars? His death just made me a billionaire and he barely knew me.”
“Like most people, he grew to love and trust you in that short amount of time. So how did it go with Christian?”
“Oh. I got him to talk and convinced him to get a different therapist because clearly Flynn isn’t doing his job right. And I told him if he sorts his shit, maybe we can be friends someday and he said he will take me in any capacity he can get me.”
“Well that’s progress. See you have a magic aura baby. Everyone is drawn to you. You want to go out and celebrate?”
“I’d rather celebrate in but sure. Let’s go to Mile High.”
“I’ll make reservations.”
We get dressed and head to the Mile High Club.
We arrive and take our corner booth.
He slides his hand up my thigh as we’re eating. He surprises me when he slides a digit into me. I bite my lip and try to focus on eating. He starts pumping in and out and I feel myself building. I close my eyes and bury my face in the crook of his neck as my climax rips through me. “fuck Luke, you trying to kill me?” he chuckles as he takes his fingers out and puts them in his mouth, sucks them dry and smiles and winks at me.
After we finish our meal, we pay and make our way to the elevator and I crash my lips into his again. “if there wasn’t a camera on the elevator, I’d fuck you right here.” I bite my lip and smile.
After we walk out we run into Taylor and Gail.
“What brings you to town?”
“I talked to your boss and I guess it helped. He actually talked a little.” I say.
“Yeah, I heard they are discharging him in a few days after he starts seeing a new therapist. I knew Flynn wasn’t helping him.”
“That’s what I said.”
“So you two together now?”
I Show him my finger. “Married with children.”
“Oh. Congratulations!”
“Thank you.”
“You should visit whenever you’re in town.”
I hug them. “sure.”
“We will see you later. I was just taking my little lady out on my night off.”
“See you later.” Luke and I say at the same time.
Luke and I head back to our hotel and make love until morning and then we get up and love on our daughters until it’s time to catch our flight back.
2 months later
I’ve finalized all the paperwork and am officially the multi billionaire owner of Maxwell Publishing. I’ve decided to rename it Rose Publishing. We are trying to purchase other Publishing companies around the USA.. we have purchased several and now we’re considering purchasing SIP since it is pretty much crashing.
So today we’re leaving to Seattle because it also gives me the opportunity to visit with Kate.
We’re taking the jet and the girls and their nanny Kendra along. Kendra is 32 and a veteran of the Marines. She doubles as security. We had to hire other security now that we’re so wealthy so Adams, Hobbs and Gibson, our new security team are joining us as well.
We arrive in Seattle and settle everyone in at the Fairmont and Luke, Gibson, and I head to SIP to meet with Christian and Ros.
Luke and I enter the conference room and Gibson stands guard outside. I really am not a fan of being rich.
Christian and Ros enter the room obviously confused that I’m not Mr. Maxwell. I stand to greet them. I reach out my hand to shake theirs “Annie Sawyer, CEO of Rose Publishing, formerly known as Maxwell. Thank you for meeting us today.” They shake my hand and we have a seat. “This is my husband and a member of my security, Luke Sawyer.” He shakes their hands as well.
Christian looks genuinely shocked. I guess he didn’t know we had a new name or were under new management. “Mrs. Sawyer. I’m Christian Grey and this is my colleague Ros Bailey.”
I nod. “We’ve come to understand that you’re selling and we have come prepared to make an offer.”
I slide a paper across the table. They both look at it. “This isn’t much more than we paid for SIP, Mrs. Sawyer.”
“I’m aware, but tell me honestly, are you making a profit off this company or is it costing you money?”
They look at each other. “costing us money but this is still a lowball offer.”
“How many offers have you had to buy this company that is basically in the shitter?”
Again, they look at each other. “None.”
“Exactly. No one sees this as a profitable investment. I do, however because Publishing is my passion. I’ve been owner of Maxwell Publishing now for 2 months and we are even more profitable than we were under Mr. Maxwell’s leadership now. We’re expanding all over the continental US and making great strides. We would like to extend that here. If you don’t accept, we will just go find another company that already is making profits so you can take this offer or leave it Mr. Grey.”
His facial expression after my little speech is priceless. I don’t think he expected that from me. “We accept then. Can we become a silent partner in Rose Publishing?”
“We will see. I’m still analyzing all our shareholders and partners and we will get back to you when I know.”
“Very well.” I slide the contract across the table and he signs. He slides it back across and I sign as well. I stand and extend my hand. “Pleasure doing business with you Mr. Grey.”
“Likewise Mrs. Sawyer.” Luke shakes their hands again and they leave the room. I smile at my husband and then Christian knocks and reenters the room. “Can we go out to lunch while you’re in town? I’d like to just talk. I will behave.”
“Sure Christian.”
My husband looks up at me and stands and gives me a hug and a kiss. “That was amazing. You’re great at that. Now, Mrs. Sawyer, I’d like to take you to bed.”
“Mmm.. I love that offer. I accept.” I give him a kiss and gather my stuff and we leave.
We go back to the hotel and kiss our kids and go to our room for adult time.
“Annie, you’re so fucking hot in CEO mode. I mean, you’re always hot but seeing you take control like that makes me impossibly hard. “
I giggle and bite my lip. “I aim to please Mr. Sawyer.”
“Let’s go spend time with our girls before I decide to keep you in here all day.”
“Let’s do. But I got to get ahold of Kate and Dad while we’re here.”
“We can spend tomorrow with Kate or you can. Then you can have lunch with Grey the next day and we will go spend some time with your Dad.”
“Sounds like a plan. Dad wants to spend time with the girls so maybe we could stay out there a couple days.” He nods.
We spend the rest of the day spending time with the girls.
The next day I wake up with my husband wrapped around me. I roll over and stare at his handsome face and decide to get up and go call Kate. I give him a soft kiss on the lips and roll out of bed and go to the bathroom with my phone.
“Kate. How do you feel about a spa day today?”
“Ana! You’re in town?”
“Yes. I just came to purchase SIP. I want to spend time with you. Spa day is on me.”
“I’m in. How soon?”
“I just want take a bath and wake my husband and then I’ll be ready.”
“Just message me when you’re ready. I just need to shower and I’ll be ready.”
“Awesome. See you soon.”
I hang up and go to wake up my husband. I climb back onto the bed and straddle him. I start roaming his body with my hands and mouth when he finally stirs and flips me over and fucks me hard.
“Good morning handsome.”
“Mmm. I’m glad I get to wake up to your beautiful face every day.” He kisses me softly.
“Oh yeah. After a bath and breakfast I’m having a spa day with Kate if that’s okay with you.”
“Of course that’s okay with me. I’ll spend the day with the kids.”
“Mmm.. you’re such a perfect husband and father.”
“And you’re a perfect wife and mother so we’re even.”
“You’re so sweet.”
“I have a question.” I nod. “Do you want to have more kids?”
“Sure I do baby.”
“You want to go off birth control and when it happens it happens?”
“Can I think about this? I want to have a truckload of your babies but I’m not sure I want to do it so soon after the girls.”
“That’s fine baby. I just wanted to ask. Whenever you’re ready.”
“Actually, now that I think about it, I should’ve had a period last week. Would you mind getting a pregnancy test while I’m out?”
“Of course.” He smiles widely.
I shake my head and smile back at him and pull his head down to me and kiss him deeply. “You’re so cute when you’re excited.”
“I love you Mrs. Sawyer.”
“And I love you Mr. Sawyer. I need a bath now so I can get to spa day.”
“Ah, yes. I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
“Mmm… I look forward to it.”
I give him a soft kiss and  roll out of bed and go take a bath and go eat breakfast and kiss my family goodbye and head out the door with Gibson to meet with Kate.
We spend the day at the spa and talk about everything. Kate is pretty far along in her pregnancy now so she is really loving this.
“Do you have a nursery set up yet? I want to get you something for baby Grey.”
“We haven’t started filling it yet so just get gender neutral stuff. Whatever you get. You don’t have to though.”
I whisper in her ear. “Kate, I recently unwillingly got a multibillion dollar inheritance. I can afford to. It is fine.”
Her eyes go wide. “That explains the security. Damn Ana. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Not something you run around bragging about. That’s when I also inherited his company. I’m CEO now also.”
“Fuck Ana. Congrats.”
“Luke wants more kids like immediately. I wasn’t sure but I remembered that I missed my period last week.”
“Anastasia, you’re filled with surprises.”
I look up and smile at her. “Always baby.”
We finish up spa day and I go back to the hotel to spend time with my husband and kids. As soon as I walk in the door I give my kids kisses and my husband approaches smiling and I hug him and kiss him sweetly. “Test time.”
“Anxious much? Let’s go.”
We walk into the bathroom together and he gives me the test and I take it and set it on the counter.
I set the timer on my phone and Luke holds me. I don’t know if I am ready for this yet but he is so excited. I don’t want him to be disappointed but I kinda hope this is negative.
The timer goes off and we look together. NOT PREGNANT.  I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. I look up at my husband and he looks disappointed. “Hey, it’s okay. It must’ve been all the stress of inheriting Maxwell that caused me to miss my period. Maybe we should just wait a little bit?”
“I’m sorry baby.” He hugs me. “I was just so excited, I didn’t think how you would feel about it yet.”
“Hey, maybe now just isn’t the best time until the dust of building up this company dies down. I don’t want to wait too long but I just don’t want to rush it. Besides, for now we have those 2 beautiful girls out there.”
“You’re right. I love you Annie.”
“And I love you Luke.”
We spend the rest of the evening with our kids. Luke still seems kinda sad so I have to find a way to cheer him up.
After the babies are down, I take him to my room and kiss him while fumbling with his belt. I pull his pants down and drop to my knees and take him into my mouth. I suck and lick and twirl my tongue up and down his shaft until it hits the back of my throat. “Fuck Ana.” I continue my delicious assault on his cock. “I’m gonna…” is all he gets out before I feel the spurts in the back of my throat. I suck him dry and lick him clean and sit back on my heels and lick my lips. He smiles and I bite my lip. He bends over and picks me up and throws me down on the bed and we worship each other’s bodies for hours.
“We may not get pregnant yet but we sure can have a lot of fun practicing and then trying.”
“Mrs. Sawyer, you vixen.”
“Only for you Mr. Sawyer.”
“You still going to meet with Grey tomorrow?”
“No. I’ve decided against it. I see no valid reason at this point and to be honest, I still don’t trust him.”
“I understand that. Neither do I.”
“We should get some sleep and then we can go to Daddy’s in the morning.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
I snuggle tightly into my husband’s side and he holds me as I drift off to sleep.
I dream of us sitting in a meadow with 4 dark haired kids running around. All fairly close in age and everyone is so happy. It feels so perfect. So right.
I wake up in the morning with a smile of contentment on my face after my lovely dream. I roll over and admire my beautiful husband and contemplate my dream and the possibility of more children. The dream was so beautiful and happy and I am happy with my life now but it was more and I want that. I want more babies.
I decide in that moment that I’m not getting my shot next week. I think I’m going to surprise my husband with it. I kiss him softly and roll over and sit astride him and lay on his chest and fall back asleep.
I wake up again to kisses on my head. I look up to my beautiful husband staring at me. I smile and then kiss him softly and he quickly deepens it and rolls me over and makes love to me.
We spend the next 2 days in Montesano with my father. He was so happy that we surprised him.
When we finally leave Daddy’s tears were shed but promises were also made to visit more often.
We head back to Michigan and the next 2 months are uneventful but RP is doing great as is our relationship and beautiful girls. They are now 7 months old.
I didn’t get my shot the week after we returned and Luke still doesn’t know. I saw the disappointment in his eyes when we weren’t pregnant last time so I decided to take tests myself and once I get a positive result to surprise him. I have been nauseous for a couple of days now so I decided to go to the doctor.
I am going to the doctor because I want to be 100% positive before I share my news with my husband. I don’t want to see the disappointment on his face again.
I’m sitting in the doctor’s office reading a magazine impatiently waiting for the results. My husband thinks I’m just going shopping today. I hate shopping. I don’t know why he would believe that. He is at work.
The doctor finally comes in with a smile on her face. “You are definitely pregnant Mrs. Sawyer. Would you like an ultrasound to find out how far along you are?”
“Yes, please.”
She does the ultrasound and informs me that I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins. TWINS again. I’m excited. Luke is going to be ecstatic. I decide to go shopping to find an elaborate way to let my husband know.
After an exhausting day of shopping, I go home and change the girls into their new outfits and await the arrival of Luke.
I tell the nanny to make sure that Luke sees their outfits when he comes in. Then I go upstairs to wait in bed. The girls new onesies say ‘big sister’. I can’t wait to see my husband’s reaction.
I lay down and I must’ve fallen asleep because I am awoken to my husband kissing me. “We’re pregnant?”
“Yes baby. 8 weeks with twins.” He smiles brightly and gives me another kiss and strips off our clothes and makes love to me.
“I should surprise you with babies more often.” I joke.
“Maybe you should. Birth control doesn’t seem to work for us.”
“Actually, I didn’t get my last shot because I had a dream of us in a meadow with 4 kids. I wanted to surprise you and I didn’t want to tell you until I was positive. I didn’t want you to be disappointed.”
“Oh baby. Best surprise ever. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. I love you Mr. Sawyer.”
“I love you Mrs. Sawyer.”
After making love again we go and spend more time with our girls.
“We should buy a bigger house with a meadow baby.” I suggest.
“Let’s start looking now.” We spend the next hour searching on the internet and we find the most beautiful home. It’s a 7 bedroom, 8 bath Victorian mansion, although I want to just call it a house. I don’t even like the word mansion.
Over the next couple of days we manage to purchase the home and we make arrangements to have it furnished and start the moving process the next week.
We’re Eating lunch at work when my phone rings. I answer without looking who it is.
“Annie, it’s Christian. I was hoping that I would’ve had the opportunity to talk to you while you were in town but it seems you left already. Can we talk in person please? I need a friend.”
“Well I’m at work now. I don’t know when I will make it to Seattle again.”
“I can come up there. I have some business to tend to in New York anyway so I can stop in on my way through.”
“Okay. Let me know when and we can arrange something.”
“I’m headed to New York now so sometime in the next couple of days.”
“Okay. Give me a warning when you leave New York.”
“Will do. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
I hang up and turn to my husband and roll my eyes.
“Appears Christian Grey needs a friend and he’s chosen me. This should be interesting.”
“As long as you’re dressed and he keeps his hands to himself, I trust you Annie.”
“Thank you. I can handle myself if he tries to touch me.”
“Oh, I know baby.” He winks and I smack his arm.
“You know that’s not what I meant.
“I know. Self defense. Like I said, I trust you. I was just kidding.”
“Good.” I kiss him and finish eating.
3 days later
Christian is on his way from New York and I’m getting ready to go and talk to him at a local restaurant. I reserved a private booth because God knows what he wants to talk about.
I arrive at the restaurant with Gibson and have a seat in our booth and have a glass of sparkling cider. I see him approach and the waiter shows him to our booth and I stand and he gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
I have a seat and he sits across from me.
“So, you wanted to talk?”
“Yes. I need advice on trying to be normal. Also, I need real friends, Taylor and Elliot appear to be my only friends. I never considered Taylor a friend before. Just an employee. But then I realized he is a better friend than Elena ever was. She just manipulated me so she could keep control of my life.”
“How.. how can I give you advice on being normal Christian? You mean how to maintain a normal friendship and/or relationship?”
He nods. “okay. I’m not sure how to TELL you. I can try to show you. Luke and I will take you out tonight if you’re still around and help you make new friends. Invite Taylor AS a friend. He can be your security if needed. Plus, I have security that follows us as well so you will be safe. Maybe after a few friends you can find someone to have a relationship with. I need your advice as well.”
“I’m more interested in friends right now. I still have a lot of work to do moving on from you but doctor Childers is helping me with that.”
“How is it going with your new doctor?”
“Great. He has already helped me significantly since I started seeing him.”
“Good. I’m glad to hear that. So how do you feel about a friend’s night out tonight? You have to dress casually though or you will get nowhere. Dress like a normal guy going out with friends.”
“Sounds great. I hope it helps. I don’t know what good it will do if all my new friends are in Michigan though.”
“Christian, we are helping you learn to make friends instead of being a hardass. It will probably be better to start somewhere that people don’t know you as a billionaire so you know they aren’t trying to get to you for your money.”
“True. Now what did you need advice on?”
I lean in so I don’t have to talk to loud. “How the fuck do you function daily being a billionaire? I know you don’t exactly have a great way of functioning but people have recently found out about me and I can’t even go to Get my favorite chicken from Long John’s anymore.”
“Wait, when did you become a billionaire?”
“Oh, I guess I never mentioned that. When Mr. Maxwell died, he left me an inheritance. Oddly, I barely knew him but apparently he had no family. That could be you in 50 years if you don’t sort your shit out Grey.”
He looks stunned. “anyways, I obviously am not the best person to ask for that advice because I will just send you into my warped world. Just have security upgraded the best you can and go to unknown locations to indulge in your guilty pleasure aka Long Johns.”
I giggle. “Valid point. You can still indulge in your guilty pleasure and build friendships you know?”
“I know. I just want a chance at something normal.”
“Well, friendship building and BDSM on the side seems reasonably normal. You’re not the only man in the world who has done it and lived a relatively normal life. I mean, generally people live such a normal life, even with BDSM you’d never guess they are involved, right? I mean, even though you want to wait for something normal, you still need some kind of release right? And if that’s what you know…”
“Fair point Mrs. Sawyer. I never thought I would have this conversation with you. So can we be friends?”
“You can be friends with me and Luke. We will go from there. I don’t feel comfortable spending too much time alone with you. Let’s eat shall we?”
We eat in relative silence but every now and then we speak general questions about crap like the weather. This is awkward.
When we finish eating we hug and he kisses my cheek and we go our separate ways with plans to meet up tonight with Taylor and Luke.
I get home and go in search of Luke, who is playing with Phoebe and Piper. “Honey, I’m home.”
“Hey baby. How did it go?”
“Weirdly, but he behaved as promised. WE are going out with him and Taylor tonight. He needs to learn how to make friends and we managed to compromise.” I smile.
“Well… okay then. Kendra can watch the girls. This should be interesting.”
“Indeed. I love you Luke.”
“I love you too Annie.”
A couple hours later we are ready and head to the club we’re going to meet Christian and Jason at. We bring Gibson and Hobbs with us.
“That table back there should do.”
“Of course baby. I will get us drinks.”
“Thanks love.” I give him a soft kiss and proceed to the table.
I sit down and Luke arrives with my water and his whiskey.
“Hitting the hard stuff tonight, baby?”
“I need to if I got to deal with Grey.”
I giggle and bite my lip. “ohhhh, I love you Luke Sawyer.”
“And I love you Annie Sawyer.”
We see our guests arrive and Luke signals them over. They come sit down and order their drinks. Christian looks incredibly uncomfortable.
I put my hand on his. “Relax.  It won’t help if you look like an uptight asshole.”
He chuckles at this. I look around as the guys engage in an awkward but friendly conversation. “Excuse me babe. I need up.”
He gets up and lets me out and gives me a soft kiss.
“I’ll be right back.” I approach a dark haired woman sitting at the bar. “Hey, are you alone?”
She smiles at me. Wait is she playing for the other team? Fuck it. “Yes I’m just drinking away my problems for the night.”
“Why don’t you join us? We don’t like seeing anyone sitting all alone. My husband and 2 friends are right over there. The one with copper hair is single if you’re interested?” As I look to the table, I see the men looking at me confused. I just smile.
“Ooh.. he is hot. Let’s go.”
“What’s your name? Mine is Annie.”
“Analiese.” Ha. Perfect. I nod and take her hand and walk her over to our table.
“Scooch over Grey. My new friend needs a seat.” He looks at me with a look that says he will kill me. I just smirk and my husband let’s me back into my seat.
“This is my new friend Analiese. Analiese, this is my husband Luke, my friends, Jason, and Christian.”
“Nice to meet you all.”
“Nice to meet you too Analiese. What are you drinking?” Luke asks.
She blushes. “Please call me Ana. Tequila.” I smirk at the irony.
I call over the waitress and order us another round and Ana her tequila.
“Why aren’t you drinking Annie?” Christian asks.
“Because I’m pregnant. Talk to Ana Christian. You want to make friends. Here’s your chance.” I see his facial expression morph into several different looks but sadness is the endnote.
We all continue to chat and Christian really fails at talking to Ana. He keeps looking to me.
“So Ana. What do you do?”
“I work at a bookstore. Reading is my passion.”
“Mine too! What’s your favorite book?”
“Tess of the d’urbervilles. I love Thomas Hardy.”
Again, I smirk. This woman is a version of the old me. “How old are you Ana? And what brings you out to drown your problems? You don’t have to say but I can tell you while we are here.”
“Long story short, my boyfriend and I didn’t work out. Fundamental differences. I’m 21.”
Holy fuck. I swear I’m talking to 21 year old me. Everything but the bookstore is like me. “I’m 23 and Luke and Christian are 30 and Jason. I don’t know about.” I nod and smile at him. “but we’re here tonight because Christian is wanting to meet new people.”
Christian snaps his head around and looks directly at me and shoots me the stink eye. I just smile and bite my lip to stifle a giggle.
The rest of the evening we talk. Luke and I talk to Ana and Christian talks to Taylor mostly and Luke also talks to Taylor. I’ll never get used to just calling him Jason.
“Let’s go dance Ana.” My husband let’s me up and I take her hand and walk to the dancefloor and dance. I notice a lot of eyes on us but the one I feel most is Christian. Ana starts getting a little handsy. Maybe it’s all the alcohol but I think she is getting the wrong impression of me.
“Annie, I really like you.” I know what she is saying but I’m about to deflect.
“I like you too Ana, BUT, you should really try to hook up with Christian. He hasn’t had any in quite some time.”
“He’s not my type and he is pretty stuck up.”
I laugh out loud. “I’ve heard that before. What is your type? I can help you out.”
“You.” Fuck me. Not where it was supposed to go.
“I’m sorry. I don’t date women but if I did, I’d definitely consider you. Perhaps we should go back to the table.”
She grabs me by the arm and walks me back to the bathroom and kisses me. “Still don’t like girls, Annie?”
“Um, not like that.” About that time, Gibson shows up. Thank God.
“I will take you back to your table Mrs. Sawyer.” I nod.
“I’ll see you later Ana.”
I follow Gibson back to our table and I know I’m blushing. What the actual fuck? Apparently I’m no good at judging character. That or she knew who I was and baited me. Her story was eerily similar to mine. That can’t be a coincidence, right?
I arrive at the table alone and shake my head and bite my lip to stifle a giggle. Luke helps me back into my seat.
“What happened to your friend Annie?” I shake my head.
“That’s a story for later. I don’t want to be rude when she is around here somewhere. Perhaps we should go out and eat and sober you fools up?”
They all agree and we pay and leave a hefty tip and we leave together. I sit in the very back of the SUV with Luke and Taylor and Christian are in the middle and my security is sitting in the front.
“Gibson did you get that girl’s last name. She had too much in common with me. It didn’t creep me out until she kissed me.”
“Yes. Her name is Rebecca Analiese Watkins. She actually works for Holland Sentinel.”
“Fucking shit!”
Luke hugs me. “she was a reporter?” he asks.
“Yeah and she’s gonna print some puff piece about me trying to pimp out my friend.”
I put my head on his chest. “it will be okay.”
“Yeah, I’ll shut that shit down. I’m sure she has pictures so I’m sorry everyone . It’s just a Holland paper though so it shouldn’t affect you too much.”
“It’s fine Annie. We will do some damage control.” Christian says.
“Yeah. Let’s do that. Sorry that I took you out to meet friends and introduced you to a damn crazy. Wait… she called herself Ana. That’s not a coincidence. She knows about my past too.”
I see Christian and Taylor share a look.
“We really have to do some damage control. We don’t know what she knows about your past which also includes me. I will call.” Christian says and picks up his phone and calls someone.
We arrive at the restaurant and I can hear Christian cussing someone on the phone and all of us but him goes inside to get a table. Hobbs stays outside with him.
We all get some juice and water and wait for Christian to come in and order.
He comes in about 15 minutes later looking placated. He sits down. “it’s taken care of and Rebecca no longer has a job.”
“Damn Grey you work fast. How’d you manage that?”
“Money talks. Bullshit walks.”
“Thank you Christian. I’ll pay you back.”
“Stop it Ana. I mean Annie. This is my congratulations gift to you. Plus it includes me as well.”
I nod, accepting this.
We order and eat in relative silence aside from some small talk.
A little bit later Christian gets a notification on his phone. “Fuck. She sold the story to Seattle Nooz.”
“Fuck me. Do I want to read it?”
“probably not.” I give my phone to Luke.
“Look it up and read it Luke. Give me bullet points.” I put my head in my hands.
“It talks about Anastasia Steele’s relationship with Christian Grey and heartbreak that led to you relocating and changing your name. About your inheritance and how you married Christian’s security and you’re currently pimping out your ex while kissing unsuspecting women. Um.. and there’s pictures. The last one of your apparently steamy kiss.”
I shake my head. “fuck me. Christian can you squash that and I WILL pay you back this time?”
“On it.” He puts his phone up to his ear and walks out of the restaurant.
Luke wraps his arm around me and whispers in my ear, “it will be okay. These trashy tabloids will forget about all this in a few days when the next story comes along.”
“Luke, I’m now labeled as a rich lesbian pimp. Enough people saw that as it is.” I look at Taylor, “should I probably up my security team Taylor?”
“Yes Ana, I mean Annie. It would be advised.”
“Luke, make a note to talk to Gibson in the morning. Fucking paps.”
“I got you baby.”
I give him a soft kiss. “What would I do without you?”
He smiles. “Go crazy?”
“Haha. Smart ass.”
Christian returns and I look up at him and he is not looking hopeful.
“Other tabloids also got the story Ana. I’m sorry but we can’t buy them all out.”
I nod dejected. “it wasn’t too bad right? A little lesbian runaway pimp story.”
“I will squash everything I can but we should go before paps find us here.”
I nod and we all get up and I pay and We take Taylor and Christian back to their SUV since they’re now sober.
My phone rings. Kate.
“Yes Kate.”
“I saw the article. Can I help you out?”
I think about it. “you still work at Seattle times. Can you interview me and we can straighten this out?”
“Yes! Ana, I would love to.”
“Okay. I’ll make arrangements and come to you and we can get that done ASAP. Also maybe I can be there when baby Grey gets there.”
“I would love that since you’re her godmother.”
“I am?”
“Yay! I would be honored. Thank you for making the lesbian pimp a godmother.”
She busts out laughing. “I’m sorry. At least you have a sense of humor about it. I’ll see you soon.”
“Okay. Love you.”
I hang up. “let’s go home Luke. I need to wash this damn day off.”
“We’re already on our way.”
I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep.
I wake up being carried into our house. “My own prince charming.”
“Mmm.. only for my Cinderella.”
“Take me to bed and love me Luke.”
“It would be my pleasure.” He kisses me softly and carries me to bed and makes love to me.
I wake up in the morning and roll over to find my handsome husband still fast asleep. I sit astride him and give him his favorite wakeup call.
“Damn baby. What a wakeup call.”
“Mmm.. just exhibiting my love for my fabulous husband.”
“I love you so damn much Mrs. Sawyer.”
“And I love you so damn much too Mr. Sawyer. Let’s go get breakfast and spend the day with our girls. Maybe we should go to Seattle to have Kate interview us so that we can do away with the nasty rumors.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“I will make plans with the jet and hotel reservations. You go ahead and start breakfast.” I give him a soft kiss and roll off of him and grab my phone. There’s a LOT of messages. “Shit.”
“What is it baby?”
“A lot of messages from Christian, my Mom, Dad, and some friends from college I haven’t heard of in forever. Of course. They find out I’m a billionaire and want to talk to me again.”
“Just let me know if you need me. I’m going to shower.”
I nod and check Mom, Dad and Christian’s messages.
Mom needs money, go figure. Dad is just concerned about me. Christian’s message:
The paps are all around the hotel. Just warning you they’re probably on your house and work as well. -C
Thanks for letting me know. You heading home today? We’re going so Kate can interview us to clear the air. -A
Yes. We just arrived at the airport. Do you need help getting there so you’re not harassed too badly? -C
Yes! Here’s our address meet us here. -A
On the way. -C

“Yeah" he says coming out of the bathroom with just a towel around his sexy waist.
“We are most likely going to have paps outside and at work so Christian and Taylor are coming over to escort us to the airport. Call and prepare the jet please and have Kendra prepare the twins. We need to get out of town, although I’m sure Seattle won’t be much better.”
“On it. As soon as I get dressed.” I stalk over to him and kiss him and smack his butt.
“Move it hot stuff.”
“Don’t toy with me woman or I will just take you again.”
“Have to catch me first.”
Needless to say, he caught me and after shower sex we got ready and they arrive.
As suspected, our home is surrounded by paps who probably flew in overnight because we don’t have much for news in Holland.
We somehow eventually succeed at getting to the airport. Christian takes his jet and we take ours and we go to Seattle.
After we arrive I make an appointment for an interview With Kate which we were able to get almost immediately. Mostly because she’s my friend.
We make it through the interview but are harassed by paps all the way back to our hotel so we decide just to lay low there until this all dies down.
Our article is posted online and in papers the next day. By the end of the day, the paps back off.
“Let’s go home and finish buying our house.” I suggest.
“Definitely baby. I can’t wait to christen every surface of our new home.”
“That’s one of the most fun parts of moving baby.”
“Yes it is. I will have you on the flight home also.”
“Ooh.. it is so hot when you say it like that. Makes me want to jump you now.”
“As much as I would love that, let’s get out of town.”
We get to Sea Tac and board our jet and have mind blowing sex for a great deal of the flight.
“You’re a spectacular woman of many talents Mrs. Sawyer.”
“The same can be said about you, Mr. Sawyer.”
“Let’s go tend to our daughters.”
“Mmm. Can I take a nap and I will spend more time with them later. My husband wore me out.”
“Okay baby. You nap. I’ll wake you up when it is time to buckle up.”
“Thanks baby.”
3 Months later – 21 weeks pregnant.
Kate had her daughter Ava Grace right after we came home from Seattle so we went back to visit. Apparently she got a promotion after her interview with us and Christian gave her an interview as well. He doesn’t do interviews normally but I convinced him it is a ‘normal' thing to do.
I haven’t talked to Christian in the last 3 months aside from that. He has requested another meeting once but I’ve been so busy, I haven’t had time.
Luke and I moved into our new home within a couple weeks of our return. It is perfect. The meadow feels like it came right out of my dream.
Our twin boys are due to be born in 4 and a half months. We found out last week we’re having boys.
Phoebe and Piper are 10 months old and perfect.
Today, we are going back to Seattle to attend the Coping Together Gala. I was invited because since the charity is for children in situations like Christian was in before he was adopted, I became a top contributor.
After arriving at our hotel late in the evening, we put the girls to bed and partake in all types of kinky fuckery.
I wake up in the morning and give my husband his favorite wake up call.
“Damn baby. You never cease to amaze me.”
“Mmm.. I do what I can. I love you Luke Sawyer.”
“I love you Annie Sawyer.”
“I have to get up and take a bath and have spa day with Kate before tonight. Join me in the bath?”
“For sure.”
After a sexy bath, I go to pick up Kate and we partake in a spectacular spa day.
“Why is it every time we have a spa day, one of us is pretty pregnant?” Kate asks.
“We are horny people Kate. It happens.”
We both laugh hard.
After our spa day and getting my hair and makeup done, I head back to the Fairmont to meet up with my husband and Kate goes home.
I walk in the door and find my husband playing with the girls dressed in a tux that fits perfectly in all the right places. “remind me to give our personal shopper a raise baby. I didn’t know it was possible to make you any hotter but she somehow managed it. You look delicious!”
I stalk over to him and give him a soft kiss. “Go get dressed before I have my way with you.”
“Normally I would be all over that, but considering all the work I had done today, I should probably get dressed and have you later.”
“Okay love.” He smacks my butt playfully. “Now go get dressed woman.”
I giggle and walk into the bedroom purposely swaying my hips on the way. I throw on my gown, heels and jewelry and come back out of the room.
He gasps. “You look absolutely stunning Annie!”
“I guess we’re even then because you’re fucking delicious looking.”
I give him another soft kiss and he puts his arm out for me. “Shall we?”
“We shall.”
We get to the Grey’s manor and Luke helps me out of the car and we walk around the house on the red carpet laid out. Gibson and Hobbs are following behind us. We are stopped before the tent for pictures. Once inside we meet with Grace Grey.
“Ana! I’m so happy you could make it. You’re actually being honored tonight for being our top new contributor.”
“Wait, what does that entail?”
“You will be introduced and give a small speech. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant.”
I can do this. “It would be an honor Grace.” I give her a small hug. “Can you introduce me to some people? I’m new to this scene, as you know. Also, I need to be introduced as Annie Sawyer.”
“Okay. I can do that. Also, we changed up our first dance auction tonight. It used to be just for single women but now it extends to all women. I’d love if you could participate.”
I think about this a moment. A dance I can do. “I’d love to.”
“Fabulous. Let me introduce you to some people.”
I nod and take my husband’s hand and follow her and she introduces me to a lot of people.
We come up to Christian who looks shocked to see me. “Mr. Grey, it’s nice to see you.”
“You too Mrs. Sawyer “ he kisses my cheek. “I didn’t know you would be here this year.”
“Well I contributed to a lot of charities but this one holds a special place in my heart.”
He smiles. I wonder if he has figured out that it is because of him. “Same with me. I’ll see you later Annie.”
“Later Christian.”
We find ourselves seated at the Grey’s table. Probably because of the top contributor thing. Just then I realize I’m seated beside Elena Lincoln who is seated next to Christian. What. The. Fuck?
I take my seat and my husband sits beside me. I whisper in his ear. “I’ll need you to soothe me throughout this. I’m sitting next to a woman I dislike with a passion.”
“I have you baby.” He gives me a sweet kiss.
“Have I told you lately how wonderful you are?”
“I’m sure you have but I don’t mind hearing it.”
“You. Are. Fucking. Wonderful Luke Sawyer. Now scoot that way a little before this bitch sits down.”
He smiles and scoots his chair down a little and helps me scoot mine.
About that time, everyone comes and takes their seats. Elena between me and Christian. She looks at me with a smirk on her face I’d like to slap off of her.
When it is time for speeches, Grace moves to the stage to announce the speakers.
“First, I’d like to welcome our newest top contributor. Annie Sawyer.” I clear my throat. That came quick. My husband and Every other man at the table stands and my husband helps me up. I give him a kiss on the cheek and make my way to the stage.
Grace gives me a small plaque and I give her a kiss on the cheek. I take my place at the podium and take Grace’s hand to try to calm my nerves. “I’m honored to receive this tonight. I’m not good at public speaking so bare with me here. I didn’t come prepared for this. I began making contributions to worthy causes over the last several months. Coping together is for children of parents addicted to drugs. I know someone who survived a situation like this but whose life would’ve been changed even more for the better had this charity existed for them. This is why this charity is especially close to my heart. I want to thank Grace, Carrick and everyone else involved with Coping Together for making this available to those who need it. Thank you.”
I step back and give Grace another hug and kiss on her cheek and the tears on her cheek don’t go unnoticed. “Thank you sweet girl.”
“You’re welcome Grace.” I go to exit the stage and see my husband waiting for me at the steps and smile. He must be afraid I will fall on my face. I take his hand and he helps me off the stage and walks me back to my table where Elena and Christian are now missing. Hmm.
After a couple more speeches, Christian comes back alone and has a seat and half smiles at me.
When it is time for the first dance auction, my husband helps me up and I make my way to the stage.
A gentleman is there and offers his hand to help me up and I take it.
When my turn is up, several men bid on me, including my husband and Christian. My bidding gets up to 6 million made by Christian. My husband looks at me as if to ask if he should bid again and I just shake my head. I can tolerate a dance with Christian. He wins the bid and comes to offer his hand and I take it.
“I won.”
“Because my husband let you. Don’t let your ego get too big Mr. Grey.”
He smiles.
When It’s finally time for the dance, he takes my hand and leads me to the dancefloor.
He holds me as close as he can with my belly touching his. “You contributed in my honor?”
“Yes. I told you I love you Christian. I always will. You have a place in my heart. Always will.”
“Thank you Ana. It means a lot and I love you too and I’d do anything for you as well.”
“Thank you but it isn’t necessary.”
“To me it is.”
“Why was I sitting by Elena?”
“My parents invite her to our table every year. I made her leave after she made inappropriate comments about you when you were giving your speech.”
“Thank you but haven’t you told your parents what she did to you? As long as they don’t know and keep feeding her information about you, she is still controlling you on some level.”
“I can’t tell them Annie. They will hate me.”

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