one night stand 2

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“I can’t tell them Annie. They will hate me.”
“Christian, don’t be obtuse. Your parents love you and will see it the way I did. They will not blame you. Just her. Think about if it were your child in your position.”
“Fair enough. I will talk to them.”
The song ends and he gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for the dance Christian. Maybe we can be friends.”
“I hope so.” I nod and walk back to my husband and kiss him sweetly.
“We should go.”
“Everything okay?”
“Yes. I just want my husband.”
He smiles brightly. “Let’s go then.” He says in a husky tone that makes my panties wetter if that were possible.
He takes my hand and leads me out to our awaiting limo and as soon as we’re in the car, his lips are all over me. “You better stop or someone will see me cum other than you.”
He pulls back and kisses me softly. “fine.” He pouts.
“Don’t pout baby. It doesn’t suit you.”
He smiles at me. “I’m going to devour you baby.”
“is that a threat or a promise?”
“Mmm.. I look forward to it.”
Once we arrive at the Fairmont, my husband surprises me by scooping me up and carrying me bridal style all the way to our suite. Everyone else is bed so he takes me to bed and does just as he promises and devours me all night long and it was exhilarating and spectacular.
When we wake in the morning, we take the girls and nanny and go spend the day with my Dad before we head back home tomorrow.
We have a splendid visit with my father, who expresses an interest in moving to Michigan to be closer to us.
“I would love that Daddy. We can look for a place for you but you need to either keep this house or sell it to me. I want it to stay in our family.”
“I’ll sell to you. I need the money for a new house in Michigan.”
“I will buy it but I will also get you a house. My gift to you for moving close to us.”
“No Dad. I owe you this. Plus I have more money than sense at the moment so it won’t put a dent in my bank account.”
“Right. I forgot about that inheritance. Okay Annie. I accept. Let me know when you find something and we can get the moving process started.”
“Actually, we still own our first home together in Holland and you can move in there.”
“I’ll start packing as soon as you leave.”
I give him a hug and we have casual conversation the rest of the day and we decide to spend the night with my Dad and go straight to the airport from here in the morning.
2 months later – 29 weeks pregnant
Phoebe and Piper are officially 1 year old and I’m 29 weeks pregnant.
My Dad moved to Holland 2 weeks after we discussed him moving. He loves it. Mostly, he loves being close to us.
My relationship with Luke is stronger than ever. He has, yet again, exceeded all expectations as a father and attentive husband.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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