Reflections | Concept

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    Like tremors of glass, she cracks as she becomes fractured. One ungentle touch from shattering, splintering shards which cut her deep, leaving her bare, exposed to the world.
What is she really afraid of—or whom?
Her own stare paralyzingly transfixed, rooted in despair as she's numb to the bone. She cannot tell if she is breathing, her eyes deserted of hope—drowned in a well of frightened tears, her skin anemic, her body trembled in the wave of fearing uncertainty.

    In the bathroom mirror, there's someone else looking back—she doesn't recognize the person in the reflector, neither does the reflection. She is cemented in place obsessed at the image before her, her subtle mannerisms mirrored as they should be but the stare she received back held its own life to them.
This glare void, far more sinister. Grounded in something demented, unhinged, wanting to be let loose. The stare of the image lifeless yet seemed full of hateful rage, its skin ghostly pale, and a body itched as if to break from the reflected dimensions, like a painting wanting to jump out of its canvas.

    Her perplexed anguish continued to hold her bound, watching. Then her counterpart image hauntingly carved a smile, its head tilting slowly at an angle as if admiring the source of its image. She could no longer fight back tears which swelled, as her reflection welcomed them with an out of place smile. Crying in terror, the realization of the moment hitting her like a brick. Was it real or just another hallucination of her fragmented mind. Whatever the truth may be—this moment was haunting, she felt submerged to the bathroom tile like quicksand—suffocating, forced to watch her fear.

" Control? "
A voice echoed

Eyes shot open, it spoke, it was as if someone had reached inside her and twisted her spine. A choking gasp caught in her throat as the other spoke, and at that very moment, the two mirroring symmetry had been disconnected. All became silent but the wild drum of her heartbeat pumping intensely, her breathing near hyperventilating as the strong tide of her chest trying to catch her breath. It was as if—

" I am in your head? "
The same voice echoed.
" You're fuckin' insane! "
She sobbed under her breath.

Eyes sealed shut in a desperate attempt—not only to find some way to wake herself whether it be a dream or an illusion but in terror for what might she see or hear next. Her body shook in anxiety, surely hyperventilating, chilled to the bone, she didn't dare open her grays. A sudden shattering of the mirror could be heard which made her jump and hands rushed folding over her mouth to hide her cry. Her tears were warm as they continued to pour down her face. Her breathing, her heartbeat, her sniffles, all failing to hide her fear. She trembled, her face tightened, a cold sweat layered her flesh. Glass could still be heard as if someone was moving shards around. Each moment further intensified, the silence of the room being abandoned as if someone were rummaging. She felt—

" Helpless. "
The voice a chilling calm.

The voice had remained, tormenting, yet it sounded closer. It continued to read her mind, express her thoughts aloud. Eyes sealed tighter, desperate for a hallucination. A knot in the pit of her stomach, she had this urge, the terror peaking like fear she never felt. Her body reacting with instincts, her bladder felt weak and overflowing and at any point, she was gonna pop.

" P-please... "
All she could mutter with a shaken sob.

A fear she had never experienced before as the sounds of glass could be heard moving around, cracked as if someone were stepping upon them walking closer. She braced herself with what little composure she had left for whatever was to happen. She could feel another presence, another breath before her inches from her face. A breath once near-silent had grown to a rusted gasp in front of her face, unable to watch with shut eyes. She desperately reached and tugged at the bottom of her shirt as her bladder swelled, but she fought back from an imploding release.

" Aniya. "
The voice echoed stern.

As if she was commanded or perhaps the curiosity outfought the fear, she abruptly opened her eyes and was met with nothing. Immediately she let out a cry of relief as she fell to the floor sobbing to herself. As she cried still fearful, she was free for now which brought her a sense of morbid joy—she could see the bathroom mirror was broken, a deep crater at the center as a trail of glass led up just before her. A shard before her face, she reached and touched it, rotating it to see her reflection. It was herself sobbing, although she couldn't see anything unnatural she could still She flipped the piece of the mirror over, she curled up into a ball and just continued to recollect her mind amongst her weeping.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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