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You watched in utter horror, tears rolling uncontrollably down your face, as your girlfriend, The Queen Of Arendelle, The love of your life, was being buried. She was dead.
It felt like you were being stabbed multiple times in the chest, that's how bad the pain was. You looked beside you, it was Anna. She sobbed hard while holding one of Elsas cloaks. You held her hand tight, " she's with your momma and papa now". Anna shook her head in denial, " no, this isn't happening".

Kristoff was helping with the burial so you had to be the one to comfort Anna. You wrapped an arm around her, she rested her head on your chest. When Elsa was finally resting. The priest bowed his head, " all hail queen Elsa of arendelle". Anna lost it and screamed in pain, " Y/N, I'm in pain...". She cried loudly . You then felt her fall on you, " Anna"! She passed out.Kristoff ran to her and picked her up, " I'm gonna take her home... she needs to rest".

You turned around, all the villagers were walking back to their homes. You walked to her big gravestone, you softly stroked it, " I love you". You couldn't believe it, she was gone. The cause of her death was kept a secret from the kingdom.

It was a murder.

One of Arendelle's guards found her, in an alley, blood coming from her mouth. Her arms were bruised. But the worst of all, there were markings all over her.


The suspect was found shortly after, it was a middle aged man named Marcus.He's in the dungeons, suffering. You were glad he was going to rot in that cell.

You fell on your knees as tears fell from your reddened cheeks, " don't leave me, please don't leave me! You're were everything to me! Come back"! You felt a hand on your shoulder, " y/n". You turned around. It was Kristoff, he pulled you in for a hug, " hey, it's going to be okay, she's still here, in your our hearts, I know it's a hard time for you". You clenched your fists , " that sick bastard killed my girlfriend! I'm going to beat the living shit out of him once I get my hands on him, he's gonna pay"! You ran as fast as you could to the castle. Kristoff ran after you.
You rushed towards the dungeons. You asked one of the guards to unlock the the cell he was in. They hesitated but you gave them an icy look and the door was open.

You entered, your blood boiling with anger. The man stood up from his bed, " well, well, well, what do we have here, the lesbians little wife.". He laughed. You pushed him to the ground, " shut the fuck up! You killed the only person I loved, the only one I wanted to spend the rest of my life but you had to come and ruin it! You ruined my life! And now you're going to face the consequences"! You punched him in the face repeatedly. He shoved you, " get your gay ass off of me"! He said as he wiped the blood from his mouth, a trail of blood spilling from his nose.

He grabbed you by the throat, " I killed that son of a bitch for a reason"! The grip on your neck tightened, " When I let you go, you better run away like the little turd you are". Marcus let you go, and kicked you violently on your side, " now get the hell out of my sight before things get real ugly"! You limped out the cell, the guards immediately ran to you. You let out a cry.

One is the guards helped you to your bedroom. You shared that bedroom with Elsa...
" Is there anything you need madam". The guard asked, you shook your head weakly, " no, I'm okay, but let me tell you one thing that I am sure of, I want that man dead... make no mistake about that".

He nodded quickly and left.

You looked at the empty bed, " I miss you, love... I miss you... come back to me... please". You whimpered. You threw yourself on the bed and cried loudly.

After what seemed forever of your endless crying, you heard a soft knock, " Y/N... can I come in"? It was anna. You got up, wiped your tears and opened the door, " Anna...". She pulled you into an embrace. You shut the door behind you with your leg. You buried your face onto her neck.

You gently pushed her away, you led her to the bed. Sitting down, you leaned your head on Anna's shoulder. She smiled at you, " we'll get through this...". You intertwined your fingers with hers, " we will...".

" I know this is kinda awkward but can we cuddle"? Anna said softly. You slightly blushed, " yeah, sure". You and Anna laid on the bed, her arms were wrapped around you. Her head resting on your chest.

You kissed her forehead, " rest...". She looked up at you, " no, I'm afraid you'll leave me.". You stroked her hair, " no, you know I'd never leave you, Anna. I'll stay right here, I promise". She snuggled up against you.

Minutes of rubbing with Anna's back, she fell asleep. You pulled the covers on top of her. You noticed that she resembled Elsa in so many ways. It hurt your chest just thinking of her...

You just wish you could've saved her.

Everything is just falling apart.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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