Academy assignment

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Morgan and Sam were chatting on the way to their class for training.

As we were walking into class we were shocked to see a lot of wizards, animals and some humans in class.

We took our seats in the back by these two girls who looked deep into their convostation and didn't pay us any attention as we sat down.

"Welcome students, To Wizards of Odd Academy!" he said happily.

The professor assigned people into groups with seven people in each group.

I was assigned with Morgan, Adam, Lilly, Blue and coil which was exciting to meet new people.

We all headed to the back sitting in our place that was assigned to us with our groups.

Sam and the others just looked at each other awkwardly wondering who should start the conversation first.

"Today you guys will be moving into a house with your partners," the professor said as he looked towards my group.

My group look at each other and shrugged as we all got up and left to go pack up our stuff before heading towards the huge house.

As we looked at the house in shock we were surprised to see how huge it was and built differently from the other houses far away.

"The professor, made the house based off our personality," Morgan told us giving us some information.

"Awesome, well let's head inside!" Blue happily yelled heading inside leaving us alone.

"This is gonna be fun," Lilly said disappointed as she headed inside.

We all headed inside shocked to see how big the house was on the inside than the outside.

We all went to our own room that had our own names on the doors and it

Really was personalized for our liking.

My room looked like a forest of my old town before monsters took over, it was weird how he knew what my old town look like if he never seen us or our backgrounds.

I started unpacking and decorating my room with personal things that was given to me by my mother before my best friend burst through my door.

"Hey sam!" Morgan happily yelled as she barged in.

"Hey.." my voice sounding sad as I look at an old picture of us and our friend.

Morgan looked at me sadly placing her hand on my shoulder, while looking at the photo too.

We both walked away from the picture before heading to the living room to meet our assigned


We gather around the warp pad waiting for him to get here, when suddenly the warp pad started lighting up telling us someone coming.

"Hey kids" He replied as he got off the warp pad.

"Who are you?" asked Adam who was bored out of his mind.

"Im Floyd" he told us as he took his seat on the table right in front of us.

We all sat on the couch gathering around him to listen to the task we are gonna get from him.

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